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Preprints and publications

My research is supported in part by NSF grant DMS-2246780. 


37. Logarithmic delocalization of low temperature 3D Ising and
Potts interfaces above a hard floor
w/ J. Chen and E. LubetzkyAvailable at arXiv.2409.06079
36.Mean-field Potts and random-cluster dynamics
from high-entropy initializations
w/ A. Blanca and X. ZhangAvailable at arXiv:2404.13014
Extended abstract in SODA 2025
35. Finding planted cliques using Markov chain Monte Carlo
w/ A. Jagannath and
Y. Xu
Available at arXiv:2311.07540
34.High-dimensional SGD aligns with emerging outlier eigenspacesw/ G. Ben Arous, J. Huang,
and A. Jagannath
Available at arXiv:2310.03010
Extended abstract in ICLR 2024
(Spotlight, top 5% equivalent)


33.Metastability in Glauber dynamics for heavy-tailed
spin glasses
w/ C. GrantCommun. in Mathematical Physics,
to appear.
32.Fast relaxation of the random field Ising dynamics
w/ A. El Alaoui,
R. Eldan,
and A. Piana
Annals of Probability, to appear. 2025+
31.Metastability cascades and prewetting in the SOS modelw/ E. LubetzkyProbability Theory and Related Fields2024
30.Critical wetting in the (2+1)D solid-on-solid modelw/ J. Chen and E. LubetzkyElectronic Communications in Probability2024
29.On the tractability of sampling from the Potts
model at low temperatures via
Swendsen--Wang dynamics
w/ A. BlancaProbability Theory and Related Fields
Extended abstract in FOCS 2023
28.Spatial mixing and the random-cluster dynamics on latticesw/ A. SinclairRandom Structures and Algorithms
Extended abstract in SODA 2023.
27.High-dimensional limit theorems for SGD:
Effective dynamics and critical scaling
w/ G. Ben Arous,
A. Jagannath
Commun. Pure and Applied Math.
Extended abstract in NeurIPS 2022 (Outstanding Paper Award)
26. Entropic repulsion of 3D Ising interfaces
conditioned to stay above a floor
w/ E. LubetzkyElectronic Journal of Probability2023
25.Approximate domain Markov property for rigid Ising interfacesw/ E. LubetzkyJournal of Statistical Physics2023
24.Cutoff for the Glauber dynamics of the lattice free fieldw/ S. GangulyProbability and Mathematical Physics
23.Sampling from Potts on random graphs of unbounded degree via random-cluster dynamicsw/ A. BlancaAnnals of Applied Probability
Extended abstract in RANDOM 2022
22.Low-temperature Ising dynamics with random initializationsw/ A. SinclairAnnals of Applied Probability
Extended abstract in STOC 2022
21. Random-cluster dynamics on random regular graphs in tree uniquenessw/ A. BlancaCommun. in Mathematical Physics2021
20. Diffusions interacting through a random matrix:
universality via stochastic Taylor expansion
w/ A. DemboProbability Theory and Related Fields2021
19. Local and global geometry of the 2D Ising interface in critical pre-wettingw/ S. GangulyAnnals of Probability2021
18. Online stochastic gradient descent on non-convex
losses from high-dimensional inference
w/ G. Ben Arous,
A. Jagannath
Journal of Machine Learning Research2021
17. Tightness and tails of the maximum in 3D Ising interfacesw/ E. LubetzkyAnnals of Probability2020
16. Maximum and shape of interfaces in 3D Ising crystalsw/ E. LubetzkyCommun. Pure and Applied Math.2020
15. Algorithmic thresholds for tensor PCAw/ G. Ben Arous,
A. Jagannath
Annals of Probability2020
14. Bounding flows for spherical spin glass dynamicsw/ G. Ben Arous,
A. Jagannath
Commun. in Mathematical Physics2020
13.Random-cluster dynamics in $\mathbb{Z}^2$:
rapid mixing with general boundary conditions
w/ A. Blanca,
E. Vigoda
Annals of Applied Probability2020
12.Quasi-polynomial mixing of critical 2D random cluster modelsw/ E. LubetzkyRandom Structures and Algorithms2020
11. Exponentially slow mixing in the mean-field
Swendsen--Wang dynamics
w/ E. Lubetzky,
Y. Peres
Annales de l'IHP (B)
Extended abstract in SODA 2018
10. Local minima in disordered mean-field ferromagnetsw/ E. Y. Song,
C. Newman
and D. Stein
Journal of Statistical Physics2020
9. Ising model: local spin correlations and conformal invariancew/ C. Hongler,
S. C. Park
Commun. in Mathematical Physics2019
8.Nature vs. nurture: dynamical evolution in disordered Ising ferromagnetsw/ L. Wang,
C. Newman
and D. Stein
Stat. Mech. of Classical
and Disordered systems
7. On the spectral gap of spherical spin glass dynamicsw/ A. JagannathAnnales de l'IHP (B)2019
6. Zero-temperature dynamics in the dilute Curie--Weiss modelw/ C. Newman,
D. Stein
Journal of Statistical Physics2018
5. Concentration inequalities for polynomials of contracting Ising modelsw/ E. Lubetzky,
Y. Peres
Electronic Commun. in Probability2018
4. The effect of boundary conditions on mixing of 2D Potts
models at discontinuous phase transitions
w/ E. LubetzkyElectronic Journal of Probability2018
3.Mixing times of critical two-dimensional Potts modelsw/ E. LubetzkyCommun. Pure and Applied Math.2018
2.Long-time predictability in disordered spin systems
following a deep quench
w/ J. Machta,
C. Newman,
D. Stein, J. Ye
Physical Review E2017
1. Asymptotics of height change on toroidal Temperleyan dimer modelsw/ J. DubedatJournal of Statistical Physics2015