Winter Quarter 2018

Assignments beyond the essay

Participants will explore potential assignment structures and work to develop assignments integrating digital tools or techniques.

Tuesday, January 23: The online classroom

  • Event: Read and discuss keywords and strategies from the MLA “Digital Pedagogy” site. Each participant picks 2 keywords or strategies they like and writes a 500-1000 word blog post about them.
  • Due:
    • Readings: MLA Commons
    • Writings: Considering MLA Digital Pedagogies, digital archives, tools like, and increasingly-common strategies like class blogs and Canvas discussions, what does it mean to bring classroom discussions online? How could one of those tools or techniques be truly integrated into the undergraduate classroom?
    • Explorings: Explore the MLA Digital Pedagogy site, as well as online collaborative annotation or discussion tools such as TurnItIn’s peer review system,

Tuesday, February 13: Faculty Panel

  • Event: Faculty panel with professors who have developed and taught courses through the faculty summer workshop.
  • Due:
    • Readings: TBD
    • Writings: 500 word blog post on potential evaluation methods and criteria for undergrad DH assignments.
    • Explorings: Look over the projects developed through NU’s Digital Humanities Summer Workshop (, or projects from other universities.

Tuesday, March 6: Developing an assignment