PhD Candidate, Northwestern University
Advisor: Fred Rasio
Cited in 88 media stories for a reach of 7.2 million
StarSmasher (Smoothed particle hydrodynamics) — Arepo (Moving-mesh magnetohydrodynamics) — MESA
(Stellar evolution) — CMC (Monte Carlo N -body cluster) — Rebound (N -body integrator)
1. Spin-Orbit Alignment in Merging Binary Black Holes Following Collisions with Massive Stars
F. Kıroglu, J. C. Lombardi Jr., K. Kremer, H. D. Vanderzyden, F. A. Rasio
[arXiv: 2501.09068] (Accepted to ApJL)
2. Black Hole Accretion and Spin-up through Stellar Collisions in Dense Star Clusters
F. Kıroglu, K. Kremer, S. Biscoveanu, E. Gonz´alez, F. A. Rasio
3. Formation of Stripped Stars From Stellar Collisions in Galactic Nuclei
C. Gibson, F. Kıroğlu, J. C. Lombardi Jr., S. C. Rose, H. D. Vanderzyden, B. Mockler, M. Gallegos-Garcia, K. Kremer, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, F. A. Rasio
4. Stellar Escape from Globular Clusters II: Escape Trajectories and Extratidal Populations
Weatherford, F. A. Rasio, S. Chatterjee, G. Fragione, F. Kıroğlu, K. Kremer
5. Partial Tidal Disruption of Main-Sequence Stars by Intermediate-Mass Black Holes
F. Kıroğlu, J.C. Lombardi Jr., K. Kremer, G. Fragione, S. Fogarty, F. A. Rasio
6. Stellar Escape from Globular Clusters I: Escape Mechanisms and Properties at Ejection
N. C. Weatherford, F. Kıroğlu, G. Fragione, S. Chatterjee, K. Kremer, F. A. Rasio
7. Formation of Low-Mass Black Holes and Single Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters
K. Kremer, C. S. Ye, F. Kıroğlu, J. C. Lombardi Jr., S. M. Ransom, F. A. Rasio
8. Gravitational Microlensing Rates in Milky Way Globular Clusters
F. Kıroğlu, N. C. Weatherford, K. Kremer, C. S. Ye, G. Fragione, F. A. Rasio
9. Modeling Dense Star Clusters in the Milky Way and Beyond with the Cluster Monte Carlo Code
C. L. Rodriguez, N. C. Weatherford, S. C. Coughlin, P. A. Seoane, K. Breivik, S. Chatterjee, G.
Fragione, F. Kıroğu, K. Kremer, N. Z. Rui, C. S. Ye, M. Zevin, F. A. Rasio