Fast and Programmable Locomotion of Hydrogel-Metal Hybrids under Light and Magnetic Fields
Li, C.; Lau, G. C.; Yuan, H.; Aggarwal, A.; Dominguez, V. L.; Liu, S.; Sai, H.; Palmer, L. C.; Sather, N. A.; Pearson, T. J.; Freedman, D. E.; Amiri, P. K.; Olvera de la Cruz, M.; Stupp, S. I. Sci. Robot. 2020, 5, eabb9822.
Computationally Directed Discovery of MoBi2
Altman, A. B.; Tamerius, A. D.; Koocher, N. Z.; Meng, Y.; Pickard, C.; Walsh, J. P. S.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Freedman, D. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 214–222. Click here to read a Materials Discovery Highlight from Science on this work!

Optically Addressable Molecular Spins for Quantum Information Processing
Bayliss, S. L.*; Laorenza, D. W.*; Mintun, P. J.; Kovos, B. D.; Freedman, D. E.; Awschalom, D. D. Science 2020, 370, 1309-1312.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Check it out! This work was highlighted by Phys.org, Physics World, and the University of Chicago.

Trigonal Bipyramidal V3+ Complex as an Optically Addressable Molecular Qubit Candidate
Fataftah, M. S.; Bayliss, S. L.; Laorenza, D. W.; Wang, X.; Wilson, B.; Mintun, P. J.; Kovos, B. D.; Phelan, B.; Wasielewski, M. R.; Han, S.; Sherwin, M.; Awschalom, D. D.; Freedman, D. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 20400-20408.

Orbital Energy Mismatch Engenders High-Spin Ground States in Heterobimetallic Complexes
Coste, S. C.; Pearson, T. J.; Altman, A. B.; Klein, R. A.; Finney, B. A.; Hu, M. Y.; Alp, E. E.; Vlaisavljevich, B.; Freedman, D. E. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 9971-9977. Click here to read a Research Highlight from Nature Reviews Chemistry on this work!

Exploiting Chemistry and Chemical Systems for Quantum Information Science
Wasielewski, M. R.; Forbes, M. D. E.; Frank, N. L.; Kowalski, K.; Scholes, G. D.; Yuen-Zhou, J.; Baldo, M. A.; Freedman, D. E.; Goldsmith, R. H.; Goodson, III, T.; Kirk, M. L.; McCusker, J. K.; Ogilvie, J. P; Schultz, D. A.; Stoll, S.; Whaley, K. B. Nat. Rev. Chem. 2020, 4, 490-504.
Pressure Induced Collapse of Magnetic Order in Jarosite
Klein, R. A.; Walsh, J. P. S.; Clarke, S. M.; Liu, Z.; Alp, E. E.; Bi, W.; Meng, Y.; Altman, A. B.; Chow, P.; Xiao, Y.; Norman, M. R.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Puggioni, D.; Freedman, D. E. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020, 125, 077202.

Introduction of Spin Centers in Single Crystals of Ba2CaWO6-δ
Sinha, M; Pearson, T. J.; Scheie, A. O.; Reeder, T. R.; Vivanco, H. K.; Freedman, D. E.; Phelan, W. A.; McQueen, T. M. Phys. Rev. Mat. 2019, 3, 125002.

High-Pressure Synthesis of the BiVO3 Perovskite
Klein, R. A.; Altman, A. B.; Saballos, R. J.; Walsh, J. P. S.; Tamerius, A. D.; Meng, Y.; Puggioni, D.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Freedman, D. E. Phys. Rev. Mater. 2019, 3, 64411.

MnBi2: A Metastable High-Pressure Phase in the Mn–Bi System
Walsh, J. P. S.; Clarke, S. M.; Puggioni, D.; Tamerius, A. D.; Meng, Y.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Freedman, D. E. Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 3083–3088.

Discovery of Cu3Pb
Tamerius, A. D.; Clarke, S. M.; Gu, M.; Walsh, J. P. S.; Esters, M.; Meng, Y.; Hendon, C. H.; Rondinelli, J. M.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Freedman, D. E. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 12809–12813. This work was highlighted in an article from ChemistryViews!

Impact of Pressure on Magnetic Order in Jarosite
Klein, R. A.; Walsh, J. P. S; Clarke, S. M.; Guo, Y.; Bi, W.; Fabbris, G.; Meng, Y.; Haskel, D.; Alp, E. E.; Van Duyne, R. P.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Freedman, D. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 12001–12009. This work was highlighted in a JACS Spotlight, in a Science Highlight by the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, in a HPCAT Science Highlight, and was selected for a JACS front cover!

Octacyanometallate Qubit Candidates
Pearson, T. J.; Laorenza, D.; Krzyaniak, M.; Wasielewski M. R.; Freedman, D. E. Dalton Trans. 2018, 47, 11744–11748. In honor of Kim Dunbar’s 60th birthday.

High-Pressure Discovery of β-NiBi
Powderly, K. M.; Clarke, S. M.; Amsler, M.; Wolverton C.; Malliakas, C. D.; Meng, Y.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Freedman, D. E. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 11241–11244.

Creating Binary Cu–Bi Compounds via High-Pressure Synthesis: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
Clarke, S. M.; Amsler, M.; Walsh, J. P. S.; Yu, T.; Wang, Y.; Meng, Y.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Wolverton, C.; Freedman, D. E. Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 5276–5285. This work was highlighted as part of the Emerging Investigators in Solid-State Inorganic Chemistry virtual issue!

Discovery of FeBi2
Walsh, J. P. S.; Clarke, S. M.; Meng, Y.; Jacobsen, S. D.; Freedman, D. E. ACS Cent. Sci. 2016, 2, 867–871. This work was highlighted by Science Magazine, ACS Central Science, Chemistry World, C&E News, Chemistry Views, Phys.org, Futurism, HPCAT, and CDAC, and was also featured on the ACS Central Science homepage!

Long Coherence Times in Nuclear Spin-Free Vanadyl Qubits
Yu, C.-J.; Graham, M. J.; Zadrozny, J. M.; Niklas, J.; Krzyaniak, M.; Wasielewski, M. R.; Poluektov, O. G.; Freedman, D. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 14678–14685.

Discovery of a Superconducting Cu–Bi Intermetallic Compound by High-pressure Synthesis
Clarke, S. M.; Walsh, J. P. S.; Amsler, M.; Malliakas, C. D.; Yu, T.; Goedecker, S.; Wang, Y.; Wolverton, C.; Freedman, D. E. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13446–13449.

Publications from previous research
Magnetic Transitions in the Topological Magnon Insulator Cu(1,3-bdc)
Chisnell, R.; Helton, J. S.; Freedman, D. E.; Singh, D. K.; Demmel, F.; Stock, C.; Nocera, D. G.; Lee, Y. S. Phys. Rev. B 2016, 93, 214403.
Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a Family of Trigonal Pyramidal Iron(II) Pyrrolide Complexes
Harman, W. H.; Harris, T. D.; Freedman, D. E.; Fong, H.; Chang, A.; Rinehart, J. D.; Ozarowski, A.; Sougrati, M. T.; Grandjean, F.; Long, G.; Long, J. R.; Chang, C. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 18115–18126.
Site Specific X-ray Anomalous Dispersion of the Geometrically Frustrated Kagomé Magnet, Herbertsmithite, ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2
Freedman, D. E.; Han, T. H.; Prodi, A.; Muller, P.; Huang, Q.-Z. Chen, Y.-S.; Webb, S. M.; Lee, Y. S.; McQueen, T. M.; Nocera, D. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132 (45), 16185–16190.
Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Charge Transfer in Cyano-Bridged Coordination Clusters Incorporating [Re(CN)7]4−/3−
Zadrozny, J. M.; Freedman, D. E.; Jenkins, D. M; Harris, T. D.; Iavarone, A. T.; Harte, E; Mathonière, C.; Clérac, R.; Long, J. R. Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 8886–8896.