To find out if you're eligible for
About FoodSteps
Treatments exist that help people reduce binge eating OR manage their weight. But no treatments do both. That’s where FoodSteps comes in.
Our Goal
We want to learn how to provide an intervention that helps people address both binge eating and obesity by learning healthy eating behaviors, setting goals, and practicing skills.
And, we deliver this through a web app, so more people can access support whenever and wherever they need it most—without visiting a doctor’s office.
Study eligibility
Experience binge eating
Have obesity
Interested in reducing binge eating and losing weight
Willing to use a mobile app with coaching
Have a smartphone, email address, and access to a scale
English-speaking, non-pregnant adult (18+) living in the U.S.
- Eating an unusually large amount of food in one sitting
- Feeling a “loss of control” or like you can’t stop eating
These binges...
- Lead you to feel upset or distressed
- Repeat often (at least once a week)
How can I join a study?
What happens if I join a study?
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens after the 16-week study period?
You may keep your scale and continue accessing the app after the 16 weeks of coaching ends. If you choose to continue using the app, we will not collect app data beyond 3 months after the 16-week period. You will be asked to complete study assessments right after the coaching ends, and then again in 3 months.
What if I change my mind about participating?
Research is always voluntary and you can always change your mind about participating in a study. You can agree to take part now, and then later change your mind. This decision will never be held against you!
What if a question makes me uncomfortable?
You do not have to answer any question you do not want to answer! However, not answering questions on our screener may get in the way of you being able to be considered for the study.
How does payment work?
You will be paid up to $200 for completing research assessments (interviews and surveys), but not for using the app. All payments will be sent as electronic gift cards.
Does it matter if I have an iPhone or Android?
No. FoodSteps is a web-based application, so you may use it through any type of Smartphone with Internet access. You can also use it on a computer, tablet, or any other kind of device with Internet connection. You will also need to have space on your phone for calls and text messaging to talk with your coach.
What are the risks of participating?
How could I benefit from this study?
The main benefit is knowing you’re giving helpful feedback that improves FoodSteps. You also may see changes in your binge eating and weight.
Who sponsors this research?
Our research team is based out of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (CBITs). This research is supported by a grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R01 DK133300).
Who should I contact if I have questions?
You can reach us by emailing or calling (312) 503-1849.