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Author/sYearPublication TitleJournalLink
Sun W*, Winnubst J*, Natrajan M, Lai C, Kajikawa K, Michaelos M, Gattoni R, Stringer C, Flickinger D, Fitzgerald JE, Spruston N2025Learning produces an orthogonalized state machine in the hippocampus.Nature
Natrajan M, Fitzgerald JE2024Stability through plasticity: Finding robust memories through representational driftbioRxiv
Mehta Y, Tyulmankov D, Rajagopalan AE, Turner GC, Fitzgerald JE#, Funke J#2024Model-based inference of synaptic plasticity rules.NeurIPS
Biswas T*, Stanoev A*, Romani S#, Fitzgerald JE#2024From the fly connectome to exact ring attractor dynamicsbioRxiv
Clark DA#, Fitzgerald JE#2024Optimization in visual motion estimation.Annu Rev Vis Sci
Dominé CCJ*, Braun L*, Fitzgerald JE, Saxe AM2023Exact learning dynamics of deep linear networks with prior knowledge.J Stat Mech
Rajagopalan AE, Darshan R, Hibbard KL, Fitzgerald JE, Turner GC2023Reward expectations direct learning and drive operant matching in Drosophila.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
Biswas T, Li TL, Fitzgerald JE2023Tensor formalism for predicting synaptic connections with ensemble modeling or optimization.arXiv
Sun W, Advani M, Spruston N, Saxe A#, Fitzgerald JE#2023Organizing memories for generalization in complementary learning systems.Nat Neurosci
Yang E, Zwart MF, James B, Rubinov M, Wei Z, Narayan S, Vladimirov N, Mensh BD, Fitzgerald JE, Ahrens2022A brainstem integrator for self-location memory and positional homeostasis in zebrafish.Cell
Biswas T, Fitzgerald JE2022Geometric framework to predict structure from function in neural networks.Phys Rev Res
Biswas T, Bishop WE, Fitzgerald JE2020Theoretical principles for illuminating sensorimotor processing with brain-wide neuronal recordings.Curr Opin Neurobiol
Yildizoglu T, Riegler C, Fitzgerald JE#, Portugues R#2020A neural representation of naturalistic motion-guided behavior in the zebrafish brain.Curr Biol
Dunn TW, Fitzgerald JE2020Correcting for physical distortions in visual stimuli improves reproducibility in zebrafish neuroscience.eLife
Chen J, Mandel HB, Fitzgerald JE#, Clark DA#2019Asymmetric ON-OFF processing of visual motion cancels variability induced by the structure of natural scenes.eLife
McKellar CE, Lillvis JL, Bath DE, Fitzgerald JE, Cannon JG, Simpson JH, Dickson BJ2019Threshold-based ordering of sequential actions during Drosophila courtship.Curr Biol
Salazar-Gatzimas E, Agrochao M, Fitzgerald JE, Clark DA2018The neuronal basis of an illusory motion percept is explained by decorrelation of parallel motion pathways.Curr Biol
Attardo A, Lu J, Kawashima T, Okuno H, Fitzgerald JE, Bito H, Schnitzer MJ2018Long-term consolidation of ensemble neural plasticity patterns in hippocampal area CA1.Cell Rep
Naumann EA, Fitzgerald JE, Dunn TW, Rihel J, Sompolinsky H, Engert F2016From whole-brain data to functional circuit models: the zebrafish optomotor response.Cell
Fitzgerald JE, Clark DA2015Nonlinear circuits for naturalistic visual motion estimation.eLife
Randlett O, Wee CL, Naumann EA, Nnaemeka O, Schoppik D, Fitzgerald JE, Portugues R, Lacoste AMB, Riegler C, Engert F#, Schier AF#2015Whole-brain activity mapping onto a zebrafish brain atlas.Nat Methods
Attardo A*, Fitzgerald JE*, Schnitzer MJ2015Impermanence of dendritic spines in live adult CA1 hippocampus.Nature
Clark DA*, Fitzgerald JE*, Ales JM*, Gohl DM, Silies MA, Norcia AM, Clandinin TR2014Flies and humans share a motion estimation strategy that exploits natural scene statistics.Nat Neurosci
Fitzgerald JE2013Structure, Dynamics and Computation: Diverse Applications of Theory in NeuroscienceStanford University
Wilt BA, Fitzgerald JE, Schnitzer MJ2013Photon shot noise limits on optical detection of neuronal spikes and estimation of spike timing.Biophys J
Fitzgerald JE*, Lu J*, Schnitzer MJ2012Estimation theoretic measure of resolution for stochastic localization microscopy.Phys Rev Lett
Fitzgerald JE, Katsov AY, Clandinin TR, Schnitzer MJ2011Symmetries in stimulus statistics shape the form of visual motion estimators.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
DeBartolo J, Colubri A, Jha AK, Fitzgerald JE, Freed KF, Sosnick TR2009Mimicking the folding pathway to improve homology-free protein structure prediction.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
Kent AT, Jha AK, Fitzgerald JE, Freed KF2008Benchmarking implicit solvent folding simulations of the amyloid beta(10-35) fragment.J Phys Chem B
Fitzgerald JE, Jha AK, Colubri A, Sosnick TR, Freed KF2007Reduced Cbeta statistical potentials can outperform all-atom potentials in decoy identification.Protein Sci
Fitzgerald JE, Jha AK, Sosnick TR, Freed KF2007Polypeptide motions are dominated by peptide group oscillations resulting from dihedral angle correlations between nearest neighbors.Biochemistry