

Understanding the needs of foster parents of youth with special health care needs: Perceptions, barriers, and recommendations
St. Jean, S, Murphy, AN, Wright, K, Law, C, Risser, HJ.
Children and Youth Services Review. 2024.


A critical examination of Illinois’ child welfare information systems and its utility for identifying and monitoring children and youth with special health care needs for front- and back-end users.
Murphy, AN, Scotellaro, M, Carroll, M, Risser, HJ.
Disability and Health Journal. 2023.


Parent-Therapist Partnership Survey: Parent Feedback and Psychometric Properties.
Murphy AN, Pinkerton LM, Morford AE, and Risser HJ.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2022.

Treatment engagement among children exposed to violence: A systems perspective.
Pinkerton LM, Kisiel C, and Risser HJ.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2022.

Therapy service delivery for children with disabilities during COVID-19: Parent perceptions and implementation recommendations.
Pinkerton LM, Murphy AN, Bruckner E, and Risser HJ.
Journal of Community Psychology. 2022.

Parent satisfaction with the parent-provider partnership and therapy service delivery for children with disabilities during COVID-19: Associations with sociodemographic variables
Murphy AN, Bruckner E, Pinkerton LM, and Risser HJ.
Families, Systems, & Health. 2022.

Perceived parent needs in engaging with therapeutic supports for children with disabilities in school settings: An exploratory study
Murphy AN and Risser HJ
Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2022.


Mediating role of perceived social support between parent temperament and distress tolerance
Morford AE, Jordan N, and Risser HJ
Family Relations. 2021.

The integration of clinical decision support systems into pediatric subspecialty care
Urban TH, Counts N, Lois BH, and Risser HJ
Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2021.

The Impact of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 on Therapy Service Delivery for Children with Disabilities
Murphy AN, Pinkerton LM, Bruckner E, and Risser HJ
The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021.


Child Physical Abuse: A Pathway to Comprehensive Prevention 
Risser HJ and David E
Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan. 2020.

Utilization of evidence-based treatment models at community-based mental health settings for young children exposed to violence
Urban TH, Nguyen TT, Morford AE, Spinelli T, Martinovich Z, Schewe PA, and Risser HJ
Children and Youth Services Review. 2020.


Achieving Comprehensive Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Risser HJ, Svevo-Cianci K, Karim EJ, and Morford AE
International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. 2019.

Implementation Findings From an Effectiveness- Implementation Trial of Tablet-Based Parent Training in Pediatric Primary Care
Breitenstein SM, Laurent S, Pabalan L, Risser HJ, Roper P, Saba MT, and Schoeny M
Families, Systems and Health. 2019.


Integration of mental health services into an innovative health care delivery model for children with chronic conditions
Glassgow AE, Gerges M, Martin MA, Estrada I, Issa Z, Lapin K, Morell L, Solis N, Van Voorhees B, and Risser HJ
Children and Youth Services Review. 2018.


An innovative health-care delivery model for children with medical complexity
Glassgow AE, Martin MA, Caskey R, Bansa M, Gerges M, Johnson M, Marko M, Perry-Bell K, Risser HJ, Smith PJ, and Van Voorhees
Journal of Child Health Care. 2017.


A study protocol testing the implementation, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of the ezParent program in pediatric primary care
Breitenstein SM, Schoeny M, Risser HJ, and Johnson T
Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2016.


Do Maternal and Paternal Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Predict Treatment Outcomes for Children Exposed to Violence?
Risser HJ, Messinger AM, Fry DA, Davidson LL, and Schewe PA
Child Care in Practice. 2013.

Safe from the start: Evaluating interventions for children exposed to violence
Schewe PA, Risser HJ, and Messinger AM
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 2013.

Predictors of treatment engagement for young children exposed to violence
Risser HJ and Schewe PA
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 2013.


University of Illinois at Chicago’s interdisciplinary center for research on violence: changing systems to prevent violence in Chicago and beyond
Schewe P, Bell CC, Bennett L, Goldstein PJ, Gordon R, Mattaini M, O’Brien P, Riger S, Risser HJ, Rosenbaum DP, Schuck AM, Simmons B, and Ullman SE
Violence Against Women. 2011.

Implicit attitudes toward children may be unrelated to child abuse risk
Risser HJ, Skowronski JJ, and Crouch JL
Child Abuse & Neglect. 2011.

Event-related potentials: search for positive and negative child-related schemata in individuals at low and high risk for child physical abuse
Milner JS, Rabenhorst MM, McCanne TR, Crouch JL, Skowronski JJ, Fleming MT, Hiraoka R, and Risser HJ
Child Abuse & Neglect. 2011.

Relations between parental affect and parenting behaviors: A meta-analytic review
Rueger SY, Katz RL, Risser HJ, and Lovejoy MC
Parenting. 2011.


Does accessibility of positive and negative schema vary by child physical abuse risk?
Crouch JL, Risser HJ, Skowronski JJ, Milner JS, Farc MM, and Irwin LM
Child Abuse & Neglect. 2010.


A meta-analysis of father involvement in parent training
Lundahl BW, Tollefson D, Risser HJ, and Lovejoy MC
Research on Social Work Practice. 2008.


PTSD as a mediator of sexual revictimization: the role of reexperiencing, avoidance, and arousal symptoms
Risser HJ, Hetzel-Riggin MD, Thomsen CJ, and McCanne TR
Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2006.

A meta-analysis of parent training: moderators and follow-up effect
Lundahl B, Risser HJ, and Lovejoy MC
Clinical Psychology Review. 2006.