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Erin Gustafson
Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University
2016 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208
2011-2016. PhD candidate, Linguistics, Specialization in Cognitive Science
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Thesis title: “The role of linguistic experience in the production and perception of probabilistic reduction”
Chair: Matthew Goldrick
2013. MA, Linguistics
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Thesis title: “Task differences enhance cross-language phonetic interactions in bilingual speech.”
Advisor: Matthew Goldrick
2006 – 2009. BA with high honors, Linguistics
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Awards, Grants and Honors
2014. The Graduate School Conference Travel Grant, Northwestern University.
2013. Linguistics Department Graduate Research Grant, Northwestern University.
2011. Graduate Fellowship, including stipend, Northwestern University.
2009. Phi Beta Kappa.
2009. Distinguished College Scholar, University of Texas at Austin.
2007. Dean’s List, University of Texas at Austin.
Gustafson, E. & Bradlow, A. R. (2016). French speech segmentation in liaison contexts by L1 and L2 listeners. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 7(1), 1-34.
Goldrick, M., Keshet, J., Gustafson, E., Heller, J., & Needle, J. (2016). Automatic analysis of slips of the tongue: Insights into the cognitive architecture of speech production. Cognition, 149, 31-39.
Gustafson, E., Engstler, C., & Goldrick, M. (2013). Phonetic processing of non-native speech in semantic vs. non-semantic tasks. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134, EL506-EL512.
Adi, Y., Keshet, J., Cibelli, E., Gustafson, E., Clopper, C., & Goldrick, M. (accepted). Automatic measurement of vowel duration via structured prediction. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Gustafson, E., & Goldrick, M. (under review) The role of linguistic experience in the processing of probabilistic information in production.
“Variation in Prediction in Perception and Production.” Panel presentation given by Goldrick, M. with Toscano, J., McMurray, B., & Myers, E. at Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM), Boston, MA, November 17, 2016.
McClain, R., Cibelli, E., Gustafson, E., Moers, C., & Goldrick, M. “Zooming in on interaction between planning and articulation through the lens of disruption.” Poster presented at Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
McClain, R., Cibelli, E., Gustafson, E., Moers, C., & Goldrick, M. “Examining evidence for cascade between planning and articulation: Does stability of processing modulate interaction?” Poster presented at the 9th International Workshop on Language Production, San Diego, CA.
Gustafson, E. (2014). “Listener contributions to predictability effects: Influence of knowledge deficits.” Presented at Phonatics Discussion Group, Evanston, IL.
Gustafson, E. & Bradlow, A. R. (2014). “French speech segmentation in liaison contexts by native and non-native listeners.” Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California. poster pdf
Goldrick, M., Engstler, C., Gustafson, E., Runnqvist, E., & Costa, A. (2013). “Losing control of one’s accent.” Paper presented at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Gustafson, E., Engstler, C., & Goldrick, M. (2013). “Task differences enhance cross-language phonetic interactions in bilingual speech.” Presented at Phonatics Discussion Group, Evanston, IL.
Gustafson, E., Engstler, C., & Goldrick, M (2013). “Task differences enhance cross-language phonetic interactions in bilingual speech.” Presented at the Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Research Experience
Summer 2016. Research Intern, Project: Developed toolkit for researchers to use NLP in the biomedical/clinical domain. PI: Will Thompson, Center for Health Information Partnerships, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University.
AY 2014-2015. Research Assistant, Project: “Phonetic Echoes of Cognitive Disruptions in Speech Production.” PI: Matthew Goldrick, Northwestern University, NIH NICHD 1R21HD077140.
Summer 2012. Summer Internship Program, Project: “Task differences enhance cross-language phonetic interactions in bilingual speech.” Advisor: Matthew Goldrick, Northwestern University.
Fall 2008 – Spring 2009. Research Assistant, Project: “Acquisition of questions and negative statements in African American English.” Principal Investigator: Jessica White-Sustaita, University of Texas at Austin.
Teaching Experience
Spring 2014, 2016. Teaching assistant, Language and Prejudice, Northwestern University.
Fall 2013, Winter 2016. Teaching assistant, Formal Analysis of Words and Sentences, Northwestern University.
Winter 2013, 2014. Teaching assistant, Introduction to Sound Patterns of Human Language, Northwestern University.
April 2013. Guest lecturer, Language Evolution, Topic: Speech production and perception, Northwestern University.
Spring 2013. Teaching assistant, Language Evolution, Northwestern University.
Fall 2012. English Language Learners Program tutor, Northwestern University.
Professional Memberships
Fall 2012 – present. Linguistic Society of America.
Winter 2012 – present. SoundLab Research Group.
Fall 2011 – present. Speech Communication Research Group.
Fall 2011 – present. Phonatics Discussion Group.
Professional Service
AY 2014-2015, 2015-2016. Video coordinator.
AY 2014-2015. Admissions committee.
AY 2013-2014. Colloquium committee.
AY 2013-2014. First year student liaison.
AY 2012-2013. Noon colloquium coordinator.
AY 2011-2012. Department reception committee.
Ad-hoc Reviewing (with supervision)
Journal of Phonetics
English – native
French – intermediate proficiency
Spanish – elementary proficiency
Technical Skills/Programming Languages
R, Python, Java, Praat, JavaScript, MaxMSP, Superlab