While exploring, consider the following:
What are the benefits and limitations of these materials?
Which individuals, communities, and/or systems of power do they centralize?
- A People’s Guide to Finding Algorithmic Bias
- Additional Reading List for Ethics in AI- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- AI Ethics & Policy News
- Algorithmic Ecology – Stop LAPD Spying Coalition and Free Radicals
- All Tech Is Human
- Alternative Assessment Ideas
- CIDER Framework
- Computing Narratives
- Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard Toolkit
- Data Feminism
- DISCO Network
- More Resources – Harvard Embedded EthiCS
- Mozilla Teaching Responsible Computing Playbook
- NU’s Responsible AI Student Organization
- NU’s Computing, Ethics, and Society course (Spring 2023)
- NU’s Computing, Ethics and Society course (Fall 2021)
- Online Ethics Center