
Elizabeth Good. (Forthcoming). “Power Over Presence: Women’s Representation in Comprehensive Peace Negotiations and Gender Provision Outcomes.” American Political Science Review.

  • Betty Nesvold Women and Politics Award: Top paper presented at the 2023 WPSA annual meeting on women and politics.

Billon, Philippe Le, and Elizabeth Good. 2016. “Responding to the Commodity Bust: Downturns, Policies and Poverty in Extractive Sector Dependent Countries.” The Extractive Industries and Society 3 (1): 204–16.


Current Research

“Advocacy Gaps and Anticipating Backlash: Group Gender Dynamics and Women’s Willingness to Advocate for Women.” [Under Review].

“Catalyst for Change: Wartime Sexual Violence and Women’s Representation Post Conflict.”

“Conflict and Feminist Protest: Global Trends from 1975 to 2015.” (With Summer Forester)

“From Essentialism to Victimhood: The Evolving Language of the Women, Peace and Security Sector.” (With Zoe Marks)

“Women Representing Women? The Influence of Gender Experts in Peace Negotiations.” (With Alexandra McAuliff.)

Dissertation Project: Willing and Able: Power Dynamics and Women’s Representation in Peace Processes


Original Datasets

“Peace Agreement Delegate Dataset (PADD)”

  • Captures the name, gender, and position held by 2299 Track 1 delegates involved in 116 comprehensive peace agreements finalized between 1990 and 2021.


Public Writing

“The World Health Organization and the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: How the WHO failed and why it doesn’t matter” Global Governance in the Age of COVID research project at the Weinberg College Centre for International and Area Studies (2021). Link