Northwestern, Graduate Certificate in Teaching
Searle Center For Advanced Learning and Teaching
Teaching Certificate Program Scholar | 2020-2021
A year long sequence of seminars, special-topics workshops, and guidance provided by peer and faculty mentors focused on improving student learning and inclusion in their disciplines.
Designed/developed an Intro to Data Science Lab Course complete with a course outline, sample lesson plan, sample assessments, grading scheme, evaluation plan, and interpretation of teaching effectiveness.

Northwestern, Quantitative Biology Undergraduate Summer Research Program
NSF-Simons Center for Quantitive Biology
Graduate Mentor | Summer 2020
- Mentored Undergraduate Student in the Design, Analysis, and Communication of High-level Scientific Research at the Intersection of Circadian Biology and Applied Math

Northwestern, What Do Your Data Say? (Virtual BootCamp)
NSF-Simons Center for Quantitive Biology
Teaching Assistant | Spring 2020
- Held weekly office hours assisting students with homework problems or concepts they found difficult to understand
- Held weekly code review helping students troubleshoot code

Northwestern, IGP 486: Advanced Bioinformatics/Genomics
Department of Preventative Medicine
Teaching Assistant | Winter 2020
- Held weekly office hours assisting students with homework problems or concepts they found difficult to understand
- Held weekly code review helping students troubleshoot code and submit scripts to Northwestern’s High Performance Computer Cluster (Quest)
- Assisted in writing, editing, and grading problem sets and exam

MIT, 7.012: Introductory Biology
Department of Biology
Teaching Assistant | Spring 2017
- Held bi-weekly recitation section for ~25 students to review course material
- Held weekly office hours assisting students with homework problems or concepts they found difficult to understand
- Assisted in writing and editing problem sets and exam

MIT, 18.05: Introduction To Probability and Statistics
Department of Mathematics
Teaching Assistant | Spring 2016
- Held weekly office hours assisting students with homework problems or concepts they found difficult to understand.
- Helped facilitate a weekly coding exercise in the R programming language.

MIT, Department of Biology Undergraduate Tutoring Program
Biology Tutor | Spring 2016 – Spring 2017
- Introductory Biology, Introductory Experimental Biology and Communication, Genetics, Biochemistry