
David O’Neill, D.Phil. (he/him)

David read Engineering Science at the University of Oxford (UK) as a member of University College.  He took his M.Eng. in 2008 and D.Phil. in 2012.  After his doctorate, he undertook post-doctoral work in the Robbins Group in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, also at Oxford.  During this time he was a college tutor for University College, St. Edmund Hall, and Harris Manchester Colleges, and held College Lecturerships/Senior Lecturership at New, and Keble Colleges. In 2018, he joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University in 2018 as Director of Experiential Learning on the Professor of Instruction track.

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Johan Tabora (he/him)

Emily Schafer (she/her)

Emily is from Grand Rapids, Michigan and earned her B.E. in Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience from Vanderbilt University in 2018. She worked for 3 years at the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education (VIIBRE) doing research on microfluidics and organ-on-chip devices. Emily joined the Rivnay Lab as a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering in fall of 2018. Her work there combines the fields of bioelectronics and synthetic biology to develop biochemical sensors to measure ions and neurotransmitters. Emily joined the ECCE lab during her Searle Teaching As Research project, Emily leads a project focusing at improving Office Hours with a focus on increasing participation and engagement through student-centered, inclusive practices. In her free time she likes reading, playing and coaching field hockey, backpacking, and hanging out with her cats, Olly and Kickflip.

Aurora Greane (she/her)

As an undergraduate double-degree majoring in BME and Music, Aurora worked on the ECCE lab BME Handbook project and was awarded a BME Summer Undergraduate Research Award as well as funding through Northwestern’s Undergraduate Research Assistant Program.  More recently, Aurora collaborates on the NSF-funded project exploring engineering identity.  Aurora started a Ph.D. at the University of Melbourne (Aus) in 2024.



Casey Ankeny (BME)

Rick McGee (Feinberg School of Medicine)

Ken Gentry (McCormick Office of Undergraduate Engineering)


Dune Zawadzki (2023–24)

Dune Zawadzki

Funded by the Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, Dune worked on our cheat-sheets project, developing a prototype rubric for assessing the quality of authorized cheat-sheets.