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Including Spirituality as a Component of Wellness in Counseling

Brittany Weaver
Anita Neuer Colburn

Including Spirituality as a Component of Wellness in Counseling

Session Overview:

Spirituality is a documented component of wellness, and most people endorse spiritual beliefs. Yet, most counselors report they are either not trained or not comfortable addressing spirituality in the counseling room. In this session, we will use the MSJCC as guide to facilitate a discussion addressing ethical integration of spirituality and also provide some practical strategies for counselors.

Learning Objectives:

1. Attendees will consider the ethical implications of including or not including spirituality in the counseling process
2. Attendees will reflect on their own spiritual/religious identities and their level of comfort with integrating spirituality in counseling
3. Attendees will learn skills for ethically integrating spirituality into the counseling process