Jennifer Tingey
After dedicating her time and energy to raising four children, Jennifer Tingey decided to pursue her passion for helping others beyond her own family and community. She is currently in her second year of a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Northwestern University. Jennifer is dedicated to expanding her knowledge and understanding of diverse worldviews, and gathering evidence-based practices to use with future clients. She was beyond excited to gain access to the accumulated scientific knowledge at Northwestern’s library. One of her personal research interests is on the effects of religion on mental health, specifically the negative consequences of disaffiliating from high-demand religions. Jennifer believes that it is important to understand the worldview of those in high-demand religions in order to better serve faithful members of these religions, to help those who struggle in their belief, and those who have chosen to leave their religion. Through her studies, she hopes to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between religion and mental health, and to offer guidance and support for individuals facing mental health challenges related to their religious beliefs.
Email: jennifertingey2024@u.northwestern.edu