Sweet, Juicy, and Rebellious

Linye Jiang 江麟冶

September 26 – October 21, 2024

Opening Reception Thursday, September 26, 6 – 8 pm

“Fruit” was historically a derogatory term in Western culture, targeting gay men by associating them with femininity. In “Sweet, Juicy, and Rebellious,” I reclaim this symbolism through Fruit Portraits—a series that challenges societal norms and celebrates queer identity and femininity. By transforming fruit, I project my personal experiences, desires, and frustrations onto it, redefining a traditionally innocent subject. 

The installation also features two video pieces: Tenderness and Warmth. In Tenderness, a hand gently caresses a soft object in water, transitioning from black and white to color. Warmth captures the gradual transformation of a frozen object as it responds to warmth, inviting viewers to reflect on the subtle, yet profound, effects of touch and their surroundings.


Alimentary Affects

A performance by Marvin Veloso, inspired by Linye’s work.

October 10, 7 – 8 pm

In engaging with Linye Jiang’s photo-series “Sweet, Juicy, and Rebellious”,  Marvin Veloso foregrounds the feelings and personal reflections that emerge from an intimate exchange between the viewer, the artwork, and the space they share. Marvin’s performance titled Alimentary Affects, captures these sensational and embodied experiences that can animate the potential of community building through artistic practices. Here, he evokes practice as a participatory way of knowing that unsettles the normative conventions of academic settings. Alimentary Affects explores through a performance lecture on affect theory, critical and poetic forms that will invite audience members with writing prompts that flirt with themes of pleasure, reflexivity, and queerness. Using various works from “Sweet, Juicy, and Rebellious” as a turning point, this interactive mode asks us to consider alternative ways of interpretation, so that we might lean into creative expression, as critical to nourishing our relationships to the production and dissemination of knowledge.