Will’s IUPAC Award Highlighted in ACIE!
Will’s IUPAC Award Highlighted in ACIE!…
Will’s IUPAC Award Highlighted in ACIE!…
Hasan accepts postdoc with Fraser Stoddart group!…
John accepts postdoc with Tirrell/Nealey group!!
John accepts postdoc with Tirrell/Nealey group! We will miss him!…
David Publishes Op Ed on Cornell Endowment Divestment
David Bunck published his opinion on the heated divestment of oil and coal holdings from the Cornell endowment in the student newspaper. You can read it here.…
IUPAC Polymer Award.
Congratulations to Will for winning the Fourth Polymer IUPAC award!…
William Dichtel joins the Editorial Advisory Board of Macromolecules / ACS Macro Letters…
William Dichtel joins the Editorial Advisory Board of Chemistry of Materials…
William Dichtel is now an Associate Professor!…
Deepti presents to Smiths Detection
Deepti presented her work on RDX detection to Smiths Detection in Danbury, Connecticut…
David Bunck Accepts a Post Doctoral Position with James Heath.
Congratulations to David Bunck for accepting a post doctoral position with James Heath at Cal Tech!…