Will Chairs Organic Chemistry User Project Panel at LBL
Will chairs Organic Chemistry User Project Panel at LBL!
Will chairs Organic Chemistry User Project Panel at LBL!
Jackie Carozza and Katherine Walker graduate summa cum laude!
Congratulations to undergraduates Jackie and Katherine for their academic achievements at Cornell and within the group! We wish them the best as they embark on graduate studies at Cambridge and Stanford, respectively.…
Jenny awarded Simon Baurer Award!
Jenny Novotney awarded Baurer award at Cornell University.
This award provides finances for her to give a seminar at her undergraduate university, Western Washington University…
NDSEG Fellowship for Anton Chavez.
Congratulations to Anton Chavez, who was awarded the highly competitive National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Defense.…
Dichtel Group Hosts Material Science workshop for Expanding Your Horizons!
The Dichtel group hosted a workshop titled “Materials in the House” for the Expanding Your Horizons Conference at Cornell University. This workshop explores the chemistry behind everyday items, including nylon and styrofoam.…
William R. Dichtel and Deepti Gopalakrishnan.…
Dichtel group highlighted in Ezra Magazine!
Will’s Fresenius Award in C&E News!…
Will accepts Fresenius Award in Dallas!
A symposium was held in honor of Will’s National Fresenius Award at the ACS Meeting in Dallas. Congratulations Will!