Katherine Walker Honored
Katherine Walker Honored.
Katherine Walker ’14 was awarded honorable mention in the highly competitive Barry Goldwater Scholarship competition. Congratulations Katherine!…
Katherine Walker Honored.
Katherine Walker ’14 was awarded honorable mention in the highly competitive Barry Goldwater Scholarship competition. Congratulations Katherine!…
Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for Future Fellowship
Deepti’s research fellowship renewed for 2013-2014 academic year…
Colson’s Ticket Punched for Lindau.
John Colson will represent the United States at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany this summer. The meeting brings together Nobel Prize winners and talented young graduate students from around the world. John’s trip is sponsored by the NSF.…
Profile in C&E News.
Will’s Cope Scholar Award was announced in Chemical & Engineering News.…
Interfacing Lectin Proteins to Graphene.
Our manuscript on preserving the function of lectin proteins on graphene was published today in Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations to Jason Mann and our collaborators Thomas Alava and Harold Craighead.…
3D COF Functionalization.
David Bunck’s paper on 3D covalent organic framework functionalization was published online in Chemical Communications.…
D. N. Bunck & W. R. Dichtel, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 2457-2459. Full Text.
This communication was the most downloaded article from Chem. Commun. during the week it was published.…
Antibodies on Graphene in Angewandte Chemie.
Our manuscript on graphene biofunctionalization was published by Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations to Jason Mann and our coauthors Thomas Alava and Harold Craighead!…
T. Alava, J. A. Mann, C. Théodore, J. J Benitez, W. R. Dichtel, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead, Anal. Chem. 2013, 85, 2754–2759. Full Text.…