Dr. Goelz is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She teaches courses in Motor Control and Learning and Movement Neuroscience. Her research focuses on treatment interventions for Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Specifically, she investigates the effects of anti-parkinsonian medication and deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on oculomotor, limb, and cognitive control. Further, she is a consultant for the nation’s largest phase III clinical trial investigating the effects of moderate and high intensity aerobic exercise interventions on a variety of clinical and quality of life outcomes in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Dr. Goelz serves in a leadership role on a minority recruitment committee for this trial (the SPARX3 Study), in which she directs efforts towards community engagement and cultural competency among the study’s 29 investigative sites.
Selected Publications:
Education: PhD, Kinesiology/Motor Control and Learning, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013