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Works in Progress
59. C. Li, A.L. Handwerger & D.E. Horton (submitted) Mixed hydrometeorological processes explain regional landslide potential.
58. L.T. Zhou, D. Gokyer, K. Madkins, M. Beestrum, D.E. Horton, F.E. Duncan & E. Babayev (under revision) The effects of heat stress on the ovary, follicles, and oocytes: a systemic review, Biology of Reproduction.
57. B. Yanites, M.K. Clark, J.J. Roering, A.J. West, D. Zekkos, J.W. Baldwin, C. Cerovoski-Darriau, S.F. Gallen, D.E. Horton, E. Kirby, B.A. Leshchinsky, H.B. Mason, S. Moon, K. Barnhardt, A. Booth, J.A. Czuba, S. McCoy, L. McGuire, A. Pfeiffer & J. Pierce (under revision) Cascading land surface hazards as a nexus in the Earth system, Science.
Published Materials
56. V.A. Lang, S.F. Camilleri, N. Deylami, M.H. Harris, L. Koehler, B. Urbaszewski, A. Montgomery & D.E. Horton (accepted) Assessing the air quality, public health, and equity implications of an Advanced Clean Trucks policy for Illinois, Frontiers of Earth Science,
55. V.A. Lang, S.F. Camilleri, S. van der Lee, G. Rowangould, B. Antonczak, T.M. Thompson, M.H. Harris, C. Harkins, D. Tong, M. Janssen, Z.E. Adelman & D.E. Horton (2025) Intercomparison of modeled urban-scale NOx and PM2.5 vehicle emissions – implications for equity assessments, Environmental Science and Technology,
54. R.D. Harp, T.N. Taguela, A.A. Akintomide & D.E. Horton (2024) Evaluation of historical precipitation interannual variability in CMIP6 over the United States, Environmental Research: Climate,
53. T. Olsen, A.M. Pfeiffer, N.J. Finnegan, C. Li & D.E. Horton (2024) Impacts of post-fire debris flows on fluvial morphology and sediment transport in a California Central Coast Stream, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface,
52. P.M. Graffy, A. Sunderraj, M.A. Visa, C. Miller, B.W. Barrett, S. Rao, S.F. Camilleri, R.D. Harp, C. Li, A. Brenneman, J. Chan, A. Kho, N. Allen & D.E. Horton (2024) Methodological approaches for measuring the association between heat exposure and health outcomes: a comprehensive global scoping review, GeoHealth,
51. P. Neri, R. Scheu, S. Morse, W. Hayes, S. Haratian, S. Farhoodi, A. Mitchell, B. Stephens, M. Heidarinejad, K. Woods, R. Mansour & D.E. Horton, (2024) Summer indoor thermal conditions in Chicago residences without central air conditioning, Elevate, pdf
50. S. Huang, S. Wang, Y. Gan, C. Wang, D.E. Horton, C. Li, X. Zhang, D. Niyogi, J. Xia & N. Chen (2024) Widespread global exacerbation of extreme drought induced by urbanization, Nature Cities,
★ Press: The Conversation
49. S. Huang, Y. Gan, N. Chen, C. Wang, X. Zhang, C.Li & D.E. Horton (2024) Urbanization enhances channel and surface runoff: A quantitative analysis using both physical and empirical models over the Yangtze River Basin, Journal of Hydrology,
48. B.B. Sageman, M.M. Jones, M.A. Arthur, I. Niezgodzki & D.E. Horton (2024) Late Cenomanian Plenus event in the Western Interior Seaway, Cretaceous Research,
47. S.F. Camilleri, G.H. Kerr, S.C. Anenberg & D.E. Horton (2023) All-cause NO2-attributable mortality burden and associated racial and ethnic disparities in the U.S., Environmental Science & Technology Letters,
★ Press: CBS Chicago
46. Y. Gao, Y. Wu, X. Guo, W. Kou, S. Zhang, L. Ruby Leung, X. Chen, J. Lu, N.S. Diffenbaugh, D.E. Horton, H. Wang, X. Yao, H. Gao & L. Wu (2023) More frequent and persistent heat waves due to increased temperature skewness projected by a high-resolution Earth System Model, Geophysical Research Letters,
45. A. Montgomery, M.I.G. Daepp, M.I. Abdin, P. Choudhury, S. Malvar, S. Counts & D.E. Horton (2023) Intraurban NO2 hotspot detection across multiple air quality products, Environmental Research Letters,
★ Press: CBS Chicago, Dwell
44. M.A. Visa, S.F. Camilleri, A. Montgomery, J.L. Schnell, M. Janssen, Z. Adelman, S.C. Anenberg, E. Grubert & D.E. Horton (2023) Neighborhood-scale air quality, public health, and equity implications of multi-modal vehicle electrification, Environmental Research: Infrastructure & Sustainability,
★ Press: Inside Climate News, CBC, CNN
43. S.F. Camilleri, A. Montgomery, M.A. Visa, J.L. Schnell, Z. Adelman, M. Janssen, E. Grubert, S.C. Anenberg & D.E. Horton (2023) Air quality, health and equity implications of electrifying heavy-duty vehicles, Nature Sustainability,
★ Press: Inside Climate News, Crain’s, Popular Science, Forbes
42. C. Li, G. Yu, J. Yang & D.E. Horton (2023) Toward improved regional hydrological model performance using state-of-the-science data-informed soil parameters, Water Resources Research,
41. R.D. Harp & D.E. Horton (2023) Observed changes in interannual precipitation variability in the United States, Geophysical Research Letters,
40. A. Montgomery, J.L. Schnell, Z. Adelman, M. Janssen & D.E. Horton (2023) Simulation of neighborhood-scale air quality with two-way coupled WRF-CMAQ over southern Lake Michigan-Chicago region, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
★ Press: WTTW, WBEZ, Block Club
39. R.D. Harp & D.E. Horton (2022) Observed changes in daily precipitation intensity in the United States, Geophysical Research Letters,
★ Press: The Washington Post, Michigan Radio, Popular Science, The Boston Globe, NPR’s Here and Now, Gizmodo, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
38. L. Yang, N. Zerega, A. Montgomery & D.E. Horton (2022) Potential of breadfruit cultivation to contribute to climate-resilient low latitude food systems, PLOS Climate,
★ Press: New Scientist, de Volkskrant, Smithsonian Magazine, The Takeout, Modern Farmer, Freethink, Forbes
37. C. Li, A.L. Handwerger, J. Wang, W. Yu, X. Li, N.J. Finnegan, Y. Xie, G. Buscarnera & D.E. Horton (2022) Augmentation of WRF-Hydro to simulate overland flow- and streamflow-generated debris flow susceptibility in burn scars, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,
★ Press: EGU, KCRA, FOX Weather
36. K.R. Marion Suiseeya et al (2022) Waking from paralysis: revitalizing conceptions of climate knowledge and justice for more effective climate action, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
35. J.M. Garrido-Perez, C. Ordóñez, D. Barriopedro, R. García-Herrera, J.L. Schnell & D.E. Horton (2022) A storyline view of the projected role of remote drivers on summer air stagnation in Europe and the United States, Environmental Research Letters,
34. D.E. Horton (2021) Assessing co-benefits incentivizes climate mitigation action, One Earth, doi:/10.1016/j/oneear.2021.08.003
33. H. Chen, Z. Zhan, A. Youngblood, E.T. Wolf, A.D. Feinstein & D.E. Horton (2021) Persistence of flare-driven atmospheric chemistry on rocky habitable zone worlds, Nature Astronomy, doi:/10.1038/s41550-020-01264-1
★ Press: Behind the Paper
32. M.S. Bryan, J. Sun, J. Jagai, D.E. Horton, A. Montgomery, R. Sargis & M. Argos (2021) COVID-19 mortality and neighborhood characteristics in Chicago, Annals of Epidemiology, doi:/10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.10.011
★ Press: Block Club Chicago
31. J.L. Schnell, D.R. Peters, D.C. Wong, X. Liu, H. Gao, H. Zhang, P.L. Kinney & D.E Horton (2020) Potential for electric vehicle adoption to mitigate extreme air quality events in China, Earth’s Future, doi:/10.1029/2020EF001788
30. J.J. Hess, N. Ranadive, C. Boyer, L. Aleksandrowicz, S.C. Anenberg, K. Aunan, K. Belesova, M.L. Bell, S. Bickersteth, K. Bowen, M. Burden, D. Campbell-Lendrum, E. Carlton, G. Cissé, F. Cohen, H. Dai, A.D. Dangour, H. Frumkin, P. Gong, R.J. Gould, A. Haines, S. Hales, I. Hamilton, M. Hashizume, Y. Honda, D.E. Horton, A. Karambelas, H. Kim, S.E. Kim, P.L. Kinney, I. Kone, K. Knowlton, J. Lelieveld, V.S. Limaye, Q. Liu, L. Madaniyazi, M.E. Martinez, D.L. Mauzerall, J. Milner, T. Neville, M. Nieuwenhuijsen, S. Pachauri, F. Perera, H. Pineo, J.V. Remais, R.K. Saari, J. Sampedro, P. Scheelbeek, J. Schwartz, D. Shindell, P. Shyamsundar, T.J. Taylor, C. Tonne, D. Van Vuuren, C. Wang, N. Watts, J.J. West, P. Wilkinson, S.A. Wood, J. Woodcock, A. Woodward, Y. Xie, Y. Zhang & K.L. Ebi (2020) Guidelines for modeling and reporting health effects of climate change mitigation actions, Environmental Health Perspectives, doi:/10.1289/EHP6745
29. D.R. Peters, J.L. Schnell, P.L. Kinney, V. Naik & D.E. Horton (2020) Public health and climate benefits and tradeoffs of U.S. vehicle electrification, GeoHealth, doi:/10.1029/2020GH000275
★ Press: Ars Technica, CNET, New Atlas, Driven, CleanTechnica, Climate News Network
28. N.S. Diffenbaugh, C.B. Field, E.A. Appel, I.L. Azevedo, D.D. Baldocchi, M. Burke, J.A. Burney, P. Ciais, S.J. Davis, A.M. Fiore, S.M. Fletcher, T.W. Hertel, D.E. Horton, S.M. Hsiang, R.B. Jackson, X. Jin, M. Levi, D.B. Lobell, G.A. McKinley, F.C. Moore, A. Montgomery, K.C. Nadeau, D.E. Pataki, J.T. Sanderson, M. Reichstein, J.L. Schnell, S.I. Seneviratne, D. Singh, A.L. Steiner & G. Wong-Parodi (2020) The COVID-19 lockdowns: a window into the Earth System, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, doi:/10.1038/s43017-020-0079-1
27. C. Deser, F. Lehner, K.B. Rogers, T. Ault, T.L. Delworth, P.N. DiNezio, A. Fiore, C. Frankignoul, J.C. Fyfe, D.E. Horton, J.E. Kay, R. Knutti, N.S. Lovenduski, J. Marotzke, K.A. McKinnon, S. Minobe, J. Randerson, J.A. Screen, I.R. Simpson, & M. Ting (2020) Insights from Earth system model initial-condition large ensembles and future prospects, Nature Climate Change, doi:/10.1038/s41558-020-0731-2
26. K.N. Braun, E.J. Theuerkauf, M.T. Hurtgen, A.L. Masterson & D.E. Horton (2020) Loss-on-ignition estimates for soil organic carbon in Great Lakes freshwater coastal wetlands, Wetlands, doi:10.1007/s13157-020-01270-z
25. Z. Liu, D.E. Horton, C. Tabor, B.B. Sageman, L.M.E. Percival, B.C. Gill & D. Selby (2019) Assessing the contribution of comet impact and volcanism toward the climate perturbations of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:1029/2019GL084818
24. H. Chen, E.T. Wolf, Z. Zhan & D.E. Horton (2019) Habitability and spectroscopic observability of warm M-dwarf exoplanets evaluated with 3D chemistry-climate models, The Astrophysical Journal, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab4f7e
★ Press: CNN, The Independent, GeekWire, Newsweek, New Atlas, Numerama (en français), Publimetro (en español), Die Welt (auf deutsch)
23. D. Touma, S. Stevenson, S.J. Camargo, D.E. Horton & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2019) Variations in the intensity and spatial extent of tropical cyclone precipitation, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2019GL083452
22. C.W. Callahan, J.L. Schnell & D.E. Horton (2019) Multi-index attribution of extreme winter air quality in Beijing, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2018JD029738
21. X. Tan, T.Y. Gan S. Chen, D.E. Horton, X. Chen, B. Liu & K. Lin (2019) Trends in persistent seasonal-scale atmospheric circulation patterns responsible for seasonal precipitation totals and occurrences of precipitation extremes over Canada, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0401.1
20. J.L. Schnell, V. Naik, L.W. Horowitz, F. Paulot, P. Ginoux, M. Zhao & D.E. Horton (2019) Air quality impacts from the electrification of light-duty passenger vehicles in the United States, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.04.003
★ Press: Green Car Blog, Anthropocene, EarthTechling
19. K.N. Braun, E.J. Theuerkauf, A.L. Masterson, B.B. Curry & D.E. Horton (2019) Modeling organic carbon loss from a rapidly eroding freshwater coastal wetland, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-40855-5
18. H. Chen, E.T. Wolf, S. Domagal-Goldman, R. Kopparapu & D.E. Horton (2018) Biosignature anisotropy modeled on temperate tidally locked M-dwarf planets, Astrophysical Journal Letters, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aaedb2
17. A. Sharma, A.F. Hamlet, H.J.S. Fernando, C.E. Catlett, D.E. Horton, V.R. Kotamarthi, D.A.R. Kristovich, A.I. Packman, J.L. Tank & D.J. Wuebbles (2018) The need for an integrated land-lake-atmosphere modeling exemplified by North America’s Great Lakes region, Earth’s Future, doi:10.1029/2018EF00870
16. X. Tan, T.Y. Gan & D.E. Horton (2018) Projected timing of perceivable changes in climate extremes for terrestrial and marine ecosystems, Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.14329
15. D.L. Swain, D. Singh, D.E. Horton, J.S. Mankin, T.C. Ballard & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2017) Remote linkages to anomalous winter atmospheric ridging over the northeastern Pacific, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1002/2017JD026575
★ Press: California Weather Blog
14. N.S. Diffenbaugh, D. Singh, J.S. Mankin, D.E. Horton, D.L. Swain, D. Touma, A. Charland, Y. Liu, M. Haugen, M. Tsiang & B. Rajaratnam (2017) Quantifying the influence of global warming on unprecedented extreme climate events, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.1618082114
★ Press: Washington Post, NY Times, Mashable, U.S. News & World Report, Anthropocene, USA Today, Grist, Stanford News
13. S.H. Paull, D.E. Horton, M. Ashfaq, M. Rastogi, D. Kramer, N.S. Diffenbaugh & A.M. Kilpatrick (2017) Drought and immunity determine the intensity of West Nile virus epidemics and climate change impacts, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.2078
★ Press: Popular Science, Reuters
12. D. Singh, D.L. Swain, J.S. Mankin, D.E. Horton, L.N. Thomas, B. Rajaratnam & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2016) Recent amplification of the North American winter temperature dipole, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1002/2016JD025116
★ Press: Grist, Nature World News, Futurity
11. D.S. Swain, D.E. Horton, D. Singh & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2016) Trends in atmospheric patterns conducive to precipitation and temperature extremes in California, Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501344
★ Press: National Science Foundation, KQED, Live Science, Climate Central, Washington Post
10. D.E. Horton, N.C. Johnson, D. Singh, D.L. Swain, B. Rajaratnam & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2015) Contribution of changes in atmospheric circulation patterns to extreme temperature trends, Nature, doi:10.1038/nature14550
★ Press: Nature News & Views, Nature News, Associated Press, Nature Podcast (@7mins), Climate Central, Climate Wire, Environmental Research Web, Jeff Masters’ Wunderground Blog, The Guardian
9. C. Li, E. Sinha, D.E. Horton, N.S. Diffenbaugh & A.M. Michalak (2014) Joint bias correction of temperature and precipitation in climate model simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, doi:10.1002/2014JD022514
8. D. Singh, D.E. Horton, M. Tsiang, M. Haugen, M. Ashfaq, R. Mei, D. Rastogi, N.C. Johnson, A. Charland, B. Rajaratnam & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2014) Severe precipitation in Northern India in June 2013: Causes, historical context, and changes in probability, in “Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective”, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, [pdf] [S.I.]
★ Press: Climate Central, Yale Environment 360
7. D.E. Horton, C.B. Skinner, D. Singh & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2014) Occurrence and persistence of atmospheric stagnation events, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2272
★ Press: Nature News, Nature Highlights, Nature Climate Change News & Views, Scientific American Podcast, City Lab, New Scientist, NBC News, Stanford Report, Climate Wire, USA Today, Pacific Standard, & Motherboard
6. D.P. Lowry, C.J. Poulsen, D.E. Horton, T.H. Torsvik & D. Pollard (2014) Thresholds for Paleozoic ice sheet initiation, Geology, doi:10.1130/G35615.1
5. D.E. Horton, Harshvardhan & N.S. Diffenbaugh (2012) Response of air stagnation frequency to anthropogenically enhanced radiative forcing, Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/4/044034
★ Press: Nature Climate Change, Climate Central, & Environmental Research Web
4. D.E. Horton, C.J. Poulsen, I.P. Montañez & W.A. DiMichelle (2012) Eccentricity-paced late Palaeozoic climate change, Palaeo-3, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.03.014
3. D.E. Horton, C.J. Poulsen & D. Pollard (2010) Influence of high-latitude vegetation feedbacks on late Palaeozoic glacial cycles, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/NGEO922
2. D.E. Horton & C.J. Poulsen (2009) The paradox of late Paleozoic glacioeustasy, Geology, doi:10.1130/G30016A.1
1. D.E. Horton, C.J. Poulsen & D. Pollard (2007) Orbital and CO2 forcing of late Paleozoic continental ice sheets, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2007GL031188