Ethan Bledsoe – Bio

My name is Ethan Bledsoe, and I am an undergraduate student at Northwestern University studying Environmental Science and Economics. I am from West Lafayette, Indiana.

I have a strong background in climate policy and activism, and my passion for the climate crisis thrived during high school. As an Executive Director of a statewide nonprofit organization in Indiana, I mobilized fellow high school students and communities for climate justice, drafting bills and resolutions to advance environmental policy.

In the Summer of 2023, I conducted environmental policy research in the Posner Summer Research Program. Investigating Evanston’s plastic bag policies across 38 jurisdictions, I refined my research and communication skills through weekly presentations with the Economics Department and a culminating symposium.

Currently, I work in the Climate Change Research Group (CCRG), advised by Professor Daniel Horton and Researcher Associate Sara Camilleri. My research examines the uncertainties that arise when using different spatial resolutions for health datasets. Moreover, I aim to assess the underlying health statuses of communities neighboring warehouses and quantify the disproportionate impact of these warehouses on communities within the Chicagoland area.

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