
CTIP Director

Matthew Feinstein, MD MSc

Feinstein NU Faculty Profile
Dr. Feinstein is a clinical cardiologist and clinical/translational researcher and the director of CTIP. Dr. Feinstein’s research focuses on identifying and intervening on immunologic and inflammatory triggers of CVD at the tissue and cellular level. He accomplishes this through multidisciplinary collaborations across the translational spectrum involving human databases and biospecimens as well as animal models. Dr. Feinstein is the Principal Investigator (PI) on several National Institutes of Health / National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) R01 Awards focused on diagnostic and therapeutic advances in immunocardiology. He received a Fellow-to-Faculty Award (2016-2021) from the American Heart Association (AHA) to support his career development and has received or been named a finalist for young investigator awards from the AHA, American College of Cardiology (ACC), and American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI). He is the Chair-elect of the AHA Prevention Science Committee and the only cardiologist to serve as an investigator on the AIDS Clinical Trial Group’s Comorbidities Transformative Science Group.
A list of Dr. Feinstein’s publications may be found at: Feinstein PubMed Bibliography.


Director of Basic Research, CTIP

Edward Thorp, PhD

Thorp NU Faculty Profile
Dr. Thorp is an immunology-trained basic scientist with an interest in how immune cells causally regulate cardiovascular biology and pathophysiology. In close collaboration with Dr. Feinstein, Dr. Thorp serves as director of basic research within CTIP and shares laboratory space with Dr. Feinstein for this effort. Dr. Thorp’s research investigates leukocyte mobilization and function during various injurious and inflammatory stressors, with the goal of uncovering broadly relevant and therapeutically targetable cell subsets and molecular programming pathways to promote inflammation resolution, immune tolerance, and tissue repair. He is an active collaborator on several R01s with Dr. Feinstein as well as PI on numerous other active and recently completed R01s.
A list of Dr. Thorp’s publications may be found at: Thorp PubMed Bibliography.

Program Manager, CTIP
Liza Rivnay
. Rivnay contact

Mentoring Statement: Our program is committed to fostering an open, inclusive, and non-discriminatory atmosphere in which people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, lifestyles, and abilities work together to advance science that improves human life. We are invested in training a diverse workforce and the next generation of scientists, physicians, and scientific staff. As program director and PI, I (Matt Feinstein) am personally accountable to my mentees, collaborators, Northwestern University, and funding sources as well as patients I see clinically.

Current Mentees (Feinstein Lab)
Arjun Sinha, MD MSc: Postdoctoral Fellow, CVD (AHA and HFSA Young Investigator Award Winner)
Adovich Rivera: Predoctoral Fellow, HSIP (AHA Predoctoral Fellow Awardee)
Shalini Singh, PhD: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Immunocardiology/Cell Imaging
Kris Glinton, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow
Prarthana Dalal, MD PhD: Physician-Scientist Training Program
Ashwin Sunderraj: Predoctoral Fellow
Danish Saleh, MD PhD: Physician-Scientist Training Program

Recent & Graduated Mentees (Feinstein Lab)
Edwin Mandieka, MD: Cardiology Fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Alexandra Steverson, MD: Cardiology Fellow, Stanford University
Jake Groenendyk, MD: Cardiology Fellow, Cornell University
Daniel Underberg, MD: Internal Medicine Resident
Lambert Appiah, MBChB: Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University (Emerging Global Leader Award)

For information regarding Dr. Thorp’s lab and trainees, visit: