Welcome to CTIP: the Clinical and Translational Inflammation/Immunocardiology Program at Northwestern University.
Housed within the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute at Northwestern University, CTIP focuses on the intersection of immune response and inflammation in cardiovascular disease (CVD) onset and progression. Our work spans the translational spectrum and aims to identify immunologic contributors to CVDs. Our practical goal is to translate these insights into novel diagnostic and immunotherapeutic approaches to prevent and treat heart disease in patients.
We are singularly focused on content: immunologic and inflammatory contributors to CVD. This enables us to utilize a diversity of methods and models (ranging from mice to nonhuman primates and humans) to identify targets, perform interventions, and determine efficacy of these interventions.
This rapid cycle of reverse translation (human insights -> animal models) and traditional translation (bench -> bedside) is made possible by multidisciplinary, multi-institutional collaboration. Email us anytime at ctip@northwestern.edu to start working together!