Energy Fest 2016

First Annual
Energy Fest 
Friday May 6, 2016
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

The Energy Fest, presented in 2016 by the Northwestern Department of Economics and the Center for the Study of Industrial Organization (CSIO) at Northwestern University, is a series of annual jointly-sponsored conferences focusing primarily on energy economics.  The conference is intended to serve as a forum for presentation and discussion of current research on energy economics, with a special emphasis on work by younger scholars.

The conference was held this year at Northwestern University, at Harris Hall, 1881 Sheridan Road, starting the morning of Friday, May 6th 2016 and ending early evening on Friday, May 6th 2016.

Organizers: Erica Myers, Mar Reguant

Friday May 6, 2016 – Harris Hall, Room 108

8:30-9:00 AM — Breakfast

9:00-9:40 AM
Koichiro Ito, University of Chicago, “Information Frictions, Switching Costs, and Selection on Elasticity: A Field Experiment on Electricity Tariff Choice”

9:40-10:20 AM
Erica Myers (joint with Tatyana Deryugina and Chris Bruegge), University of Illinois, “The Welfare Effects of California Building Codes”

10:20-10:50 AM – Coffee break

10:50-11:30 AM
Robyn Meeks (joint with Hope Thompson), University of Michigan “Comparing the benefits of electrification via the formal grid versus micro-grids”

11:30-12:10 PM
Catie Hausman (joint with Lucija Muehlenbachs), University of Michigan, “Price Regulation and Environmental Externalities: Evidence from Methane Leaks”

12:10-1:30 PM – Lunch

1:30-2:10 PM
Thom Covert (joint with Steve Cicala and Joseph Cullen), University of Chicago, “Carbon Price Uncertainty and Investment Dynamics in Electricity Markets”

2:10-2:50 PM
Akshaya Jha (joint with Nick Muller), Carnegie Mellon University, “The Environmental Consequences of Economic Regulation: Coal Procurement at U.S. Power Plants”

Friday May 6, 2016 – Harris Hall, Room 107

2:50-3:20 PM – Coffee break

3:20-4:00 PM
Ryan Kellogg, University of Michigan, “Fuel Economy Standards, Attribute-Basing, and Fuel Price Uncertainty”

4:00-4:40 PM
Joseph Cullen (joint with Emma Dong, Mar Reguant and Lola Segura), Washington University, “Costs of Intermittency”


Akshaya Jha
Alex MacKay
Aviv Nevo
Catherine Hausman
Don Fullerton
Dylan Brewer
Eric Zhou
Erica Myers
Harim Kim
Igal Hendel
James Myatt
John Lazarev
Joseph Cullen
Koichiro Ito
Lola Segura
Lynne Kiesling
Mar Reguant
Nicky Vreugdenhil
Paul Brehm
Peter Christensen
Rob Porter
Robyn Meeks
Ryan Kellogg
Sarah Jonhston
Steve Cicala
Thom Covert
Yuta Toyama