Data Sets
“Classical” (useful for teaching; available upon request)
- Railway data used by Porter (1983) in ASCII or Stata format;
- Tire data used by Bresnahan and Reiss in ASCII format;
Scanner Data
- The Marketing Group at University of Chicago GSB has made available online the ERIM database, which is data collected by the now-defunct ERIM division of A.C. Nielsen on panels of households in two mid-sized Midwestern cities. Information is available on the purchases of households in a number of product categories along with household demographic information. The data and details can be found here.
The so called Stanford Basket, which contains household and aggregate data for 24 categories over 104 weeks, can be obtained from David Bell at Wharton;
Ron Cotterill at the Food Marketing Policy Center has scanner data at the quarter-brand-MSA level for several categories. Details are available here. - Prices, sales and inventories for many goods sold by a Spanish Supermarket chain are available from Victor Aguirregabiria’s web page;
- USFS Timber Sale Data (from Phil Haile’s web page);
- FCC Spectrum Auction Data (from the CAPCP web page)
Telecom Data
- Eugenio Miravete’s website has data from the South Central Bell’s Kentucky Telephone Tariff Experiment;
Electricity Market Data
- The University of California Energy Institute has California Electricity Market Data, as well as links to other electricity data sources;
Patent Data
- Brownyn Hall’s web page has several links to patent data resources;
Computer Code
- Matlab code for estimating mixed Logit models using aggregate data;
- Gauss code for estimating mixed Logit using individual data;
- Gauss code for estimation of single agent dynamic models using the Nested Fixed Point Maximum Likelihood Algorithm;
- Gauss code for estimation of single agent dynamic models using the Nested Pseudo Likelihood Algorithm;
- Gauss code for estimation of Empirical Discrete Games;
- Gauss code for computing dynamic equilibrium using the Pakes-McGuire Algorithm;
- GAMBIT software for finding equilibria of games;