Working Papers 2005

Dennis W. Carlton and James D. Dana, Jr.
“Product Variety and Demand Uncertainty”

CSIO Working Paper #0066 Abstract Paper

James Dana
“Buyer Groups as Strategic Commitments”

CSIO Working Paper #0067 Abstract Paper

Andrew Sweeting
“Coordination Games, Multiple Equilibria and the Timing of Radio Commercials”

CSIO Working Paper #0068 Abstract Paper

Espen R Moen and Christian Riis
“Efficient Exclusion”

CSIO Working Paper #0069 Abstract Paper

Chris Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein
“Technology Adoption In and Out of Major Urban Areas: When Do Internal Firm Resources Matter Most?”

CSIO Working Paper #0070 Abstract Paper

William P. Rogerson
“On the Relationship Between Historic Cost, Forward-Looking Cost and Long Run Marginal Cost”

CSIO Working Paper #0071 Abstract Paper

Eric T. Anderson and James Dana
“When is Price Discrimination Profitable?”

CSIO Working Paper #0072 Abstract Paper

Arijit Mukherjee
“Career Concerns and Optimal Disclosure Policy”

CSIO Working Paper #0073 Abstract Paper

Richard S. Higgins and Fred S. McChesney
“Why Wonder Bread Lost No Dough: Materiality, Settlements and the FTC’s Ad Substantiation Program”

CSIO Working Paper #0074 Abstract Paper

Sandeep Baliga and Tomas Sjöström
“Contracting with Third Parties”

CSIO Working Paper #0075 Abstract Paper

Nabil Al-Najjar, Sandeep Baliga and David Besanko
“The Sunk Cost Bias and Managerial Pricing Practices”

CSIO Working Paper #0076 Abstract Paper