Authors: U – Z

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Randal Watson
“Product Variety and Competition in the Retail Market for Eyeglasses”
CSIO Working Paper #0047

Michael D. Whinston
“On the Transaction Costs Determinants of Vertical Integration”
CSIO Working Paper #0001

“Exclusive Contracts and Protection of Investments”
CSIO Working Paper #0005  (with Ilya R. Segal)

“Lectures on Antitrust Economics: Chapter 1-3”
CSIO Working Paper #0039-#0041

“Antitrust in Innovative Industries”
CSIO Working Paper #0063 (with Ilya R. Segal)

“Dynamic Merger Review”
CSIO Working Paper #0099 (with Volker Nocke)

“Taking the Dogma Out of Econometrics: Structural Modeling and Credible Inference”
CSIO Working Paper #0104 (with Aviv Nevo)

“Does Retailer Power Lead to Exclusion?”
CSIO Working Paper #0111 (with Patrick Rey)

“Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. Reclassi…fication Risk”
CSIO Working Paper #0137 (with Ben Handel and Igal Hendel)

Lucy White
“Competition for Scarce Resources ”
CSIO Working Paper #0092 (with Peter Eso and Volker Nocke)

Jonathan W. Williams
“Usage-Based Pricing and Demand for Residential Broadband”
CSIO Working Paper #0121 (with Aviv Nevo and John L. Turner)

Nathan Wilson
“Narrow Networks on the Health Insurance Exchanges: What Do They Look Like and How Do They Affect Pricing? A Case Study of Texas”
CSIO Working Paper #0136 (with Leemore Dafny and Igal Hendel)

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Yaron Yehezkel
“Price and non-price restraints when retailers are vertically differentiated”
CSIO Working Paper #0024  (joint with Yossi Spiegel)

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Florian Zettelmeyer
“Pain at the Pump: The Effect of Gasoline Prices on New and Used Automobile Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0110 (with Meghan Busse and Christopher Knittel)

“Who is Exposed to Gas Prices? How Gasoline Prices Affect Automobile Manufacturers and Dealerships”
CSIO Working Paper #0115 (with Meghan Busse and Christopher Knittel)

“Repairing the Damage: The Effect of Price Expectations on Auto-Repair Price Quotes”
CSIO Working Paper #0126 (with Meghan Busse and Ayelet Israeli)

Charles Zhoucheng Zheng
“The Over-Concentrating Nature of Simultaneous Ascending Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0064

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