Porter Conference

The Conference in Honor of Professor Robert Porter
sponsored by the Center for the Study of Industrial Organization
April 28-29, 2017

The conference will be held at Northwestern University in the Kellogg Global Hub, 2211 Campus Drive, starting at noon on Friday, April 28th and ending early afternoon on Saturday, April 29th.

Accommodations: We have reserved a block of rooms for conference invitees at the Hyatt House in Evanston, which is within walking distance of the conference location on campus.  Please contact Sarah at csio@northwestern.edu for further details.


Attendee List


Friday, April 28

11:45am – 12:55pm
Arrival and Lunch, KGH 3322

1:00 – 1:50 pm
Ambarish Chandra (University of Toronto): How Does Advertising Depend on Competition?  Evidence from U.S. Brewing

1:50 – 2:20pm

2:20 – 3:10pm
JP Dube (University of Chicago): “Scalable Price Targeting”

3:10 – 3:50pm

3:50 – 4:40pm
Vrinda Kadiyali (Cornell University): The Effect of Calorie Posting Regulation on Consumer Opinion: A Flexible Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model with Informative Priors

4:40 – 5:10pm

5:10 – 6:00pm
Allan Collard-Wexler (Duke University): “Market Power and Production (Mis)Allocation A Study of the World Oil Market”

6:00 – 6:15pm  Group photo

6:15 – 8:30pm
Dinner, White Auditorium, Kellogg Global Hub

9:00 – 11:00 pm
Reception, Temperance Brewery, 2000 Dempster Street, Evanston

Saturday, April 29

8:00 – 8:30am
Continental Breakfast, KGH 1410

8:30 – 9:20am
Martin Pesendorfer (London School of Economics): Reference dependence, limited attention, and intertemporal substitution in consumer choice

9:20 – 9:30am

9:30 – 10:20am
Guillermo Marshall (University of Illinois): Dynamic Tournament Design: An Application to Prediction Contests

10:20 – 10:40am

10:40 – 11:30am
Hiroshi Ohashi (University of Tokyo): “Bargaining power, regulation, and
innovation incentives: Evidence from Cardiac Pacemakers”

11:30 – 11:40am

11:40 – 12:30pm
Elie Tamer (Harvard University): “Inference on auctions with general
information structure”

Closing Remarks

12:45 – 2:00pm
Lunch, Allen Center, 2169 Campus Drive
