Working Papers 2015

Bruno Strulovici

“Collective Commitment”

CSIO Working Paper #0129 Abstract Paper

“Social Experimentation with Interdependent and Expanding Technologies”

CSIO Working Paper #0130 Abstract Paper

“Contract Negotiation and the Coase Conjecture: A Strategic Foundation for Renegotiation-Proof Contracts”

CSIO Working Paper #0131 Abstract Paper

“On the Design of Criminal Trials: the Benefi t of Three-Verdict Systems”

CSIO Working Paper #0132 Abstract Paper

Mitchell Petersen
“Loans on sale: Credit market seasonality, borrower need, and lender rents”

CSIO Working Paper #0133 Abstract Paper

Bruno Strulovici
“Beyond Correlation: Measuring Interdependence through Complementarities”

CSIO Working Paper #0134 Abstract Paper

Mar Reguant
“Sequential Markets, Market Power and Arbitrage”

CSIO Working Paper #0135 Abstract Paper

Igal Hendel
“Narrow Networks on the Health Insurance Exchanges: What Do They Look Like and How Do They Affect Pricing? A Case Study of Texas”

CSIO Working Paper #0136 Paper

“Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. ReclassiÂ…fication Risk”

CSIO Working Paper #0137 Abstract Paper

“ConsumersÂ’ Activism: the Facebook boycott of Cottage Cheese”

CSIO Working Paper #0138 Abstract Paper

Niko Matouschek
“Power Dynamics in Organizations”

CSIO Working Paper #0139 Abstract Paper

Posted In: 2015, Working Papers