Authors: P – T

– P –

Alessandro Pavan
“Price Customization and Targeting in Many-to-Many Matching Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0141 (with Renato Gomes)

“On the Optimality of Privacy in Sequential Contracting”
CSIO Working Paper #0053 (with Giacomo Calzolari)

“Managerial Turnover in a Changing World”
CSIO Working Paper #0105 (with Daniel Garrett)

“Platform Pricing under Dispersed Information”
CSIO Working Paper #0119 (with Bruno Jullien)

Harry Pei

Reputation Building with Endogenous Speed of Learning

Craig Peters

“Evaluating the Performance of Merger Simulation: Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0033

Mitchell A. Petersen
“Does the Source of Capital Affect Capital Structure?”
CSIO Working Paper #0054 (with Michael Faulkender)

“Estimating Standard Errors in Finance Panel Data Sets: Comparing Approaches”
CSIO Working Paper #0055

“Loans on sale: Credit market seasonality, borrower need, and lender rents”
CSIO Working Paper #0133 (with Justin Murfin)

Joris Pinkse
“Empirical Implications of Equilibrium Bidding in First-Price, Symmetric, Common Value Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0008  (with Kenneth Hendricks and Robert H. Porter)

Robert H. Porter
“Patterns of Trade in the Market for Used Durables: Theory and Evidence”
CSIO Working Paper #0002  (with Peter Sattler)

“Empirical Implications of Equilibrium Bidding in First-Price, Symmetric, Common Value Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0008  (with Kenneth Hendricks and Joris Pinkse)

“Bidding Rings and the Winner’s Curse: The Case of Federal Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auction”
CSIO Working Paper #0036 (with Kenneth Hendricks and Guofu Tan)

“Detecting Collusion”
CSIO Working Paper #0051

“An Empirical Perspective on Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0078 (with Kenneth Hendricks)

“Recent U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Bidding: A Progress Report”
CSIO Working Paper #0101 (with Philip Haile and Kenneth Hendricks)

“Auctioning Resource Rights”
CSIO Working Paper #0123 (with Kenneth Hendricks)

– Q –
– R –

Mar Reguant
“Sequential Markets, Market Power and Arbitrage”
CSIO Working Paper #0135 (with Koichiro Ito)

Patrick Rey
“Does Retailer Power Lead to Exclusion?”
CSIO Working Paper #0111 (with Michael D. Whinston)

Christian Riis
“Efficient Exclusion”
CSIO Working Paper #0069 (with Espen R Moen)

William P. Rogerson
“On the Relationship Between Historic Cost, Forward-Looking Cost and Long Run Marginal Cost”
CSIO Working Paper #0071

“Inter-Temporal Cost Allocation and Investment Decisions”
CSIO Working Paper #0077 and #0084

“Vertical Mergers in the Video Programming and Distribution Industry: The Case of Comcast-NBCU”
CSIO Working Paper #0116

Nikita Roketskiy
“Nonlinear Pricing of Storable Goods”
CSIO Working Paper #0118 (with Igal Hendel and Alessandro Lizzeri)

Adam M. Rosen
“Identification with Imperfect Instruments”
CSIO Working Paper #0097 (with Aviv Nevo)

Federico Rossi
“An Approach for Extending Dynamic Structural Models to Multi-Product Firms”
CSIO Working Paper #0090 (with Aviv Nevo)

Daniel L. Rubinfeld
“The Pricing of Academic Journals”
CSIO Working Paper #0085 (with Mark McCabe and Aviv Nevo)

Marc Rysman
“Coordination Costs and Standard Setting: Lessons from 56K Modems”
CSIO Working Paper #0056 (with Shane Greenstein)

“Coordination vs. Differentiation in a Standards War: 56K Modems”
CSIO Working Paper #0062 (with Angelique Augereau and Shane Greenstein)

– S –

Mikhail Safronov
“Explicit Renegotiation in Repeated Games”
CSIO Working Paper #0128 (with Bruno Strulovici)

Alberto Salvo
“Testing for Heterogeneous Business Practices across Firms in Developing Countries: The Case of the Brazilian Soft Drink Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0080

“Trade Flows in a Spatial Oligopoly: Gravity Fits Well, But What Does It Explain?”
CSIO Working Paper #0083

“Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology”
CSIO Working Paper #0093 (with Cristian Huse, Sergio Goldbaum, and Fernanda Lima)

Peter Sattler
“Patterns of Trade in the Market for Used Durables: Theory and Evidence”
CSIO Working Paper #0002  (joint with Robert H. Porter)

Ilya R. Segal
“Exclusive Contracts and Protection of Investments”
CSIO Working Paper #0005  (joint with Michael D. Whinston)

“Antitrust in Innovative Industries”
CSIO Working Paper #0063  (joint with Michael D. Whinston)

Marciano Siniscalchi
“Efficient Sorting in a Dynamic Adverse-Selection Model”
CSIO Working Paper #0059 (with Igal Hendel and Alessandro Lizzeri)

Tomas Sjöström
“Contracting with Third Parties”
CSIO Working Paper #0075 (with Sandeep Baliga)

Yossi Spiegel
“Partial cross ownership and tacit collusion”
CSIO Working Paper #0038 (with David Gilo)

“Licensing interim R&D knowledge”
CSIO Working Paper #0088

“Pre-Grant Patent Publication and Cumulative Innovation”
CSIO Working Paper #0089 (with Reiko Aoki)

“A double moral hazard model of organization design”
CSIO Working Paper #0094 (with Elazar Berkovitch and Ronen Israel)

“The incentive to participate in open source projects: a signaling approach”
CSIO Working Paper #0095

“Small steps for workers, a giant leap for productivity”
CSIO Working Paper #0117 (with Igal Hendel)

“Consumers’ Activism: the Facebook boycott of Cottage Cheese”
CSIO Working Paper #0138 (with Igal Hendel and Saul Lach)

Kathryn E. Spier
“Revenue Sharing, Demand Uncertainty, and Vertical Control of Competing Firms”
CSIO Working Paper #0006  (with James D. Dana, Jr.)

“Manufacturer Liability for Harms Caused by Consumers to Others”
CSIO Working Paper #0042 (with Bruce Hay)

“Information and Externalities in Sequential Litigation”
CSIO Working Paper #0044 (with Xinyu Hua)

“Strategic Judgment Proofing”
CSIO Working Paper #0081  (with Yeon-Koo Che)

Bruno Strulovici
“Can Society Function Without Ethical Agents: An Informational Perspective”
CSIO Working Paper #0147

“Renegotiation-Proof Contracts with Moral Hazard and Persistent Private Information”
CSIO Working Paper #0108

“Social Learning and Innovation Cycles”
CSIO Working Paper #0114 (with Umberto Garfagnini)

“Explicit Renegotiation in Repeated Games”
CSIO Working Paper #0128 (with Mikhail Safronov)

“Collective Commitment”
CSIO Working Paper #0129 (with Christian Roessler and Sandro Shelegia)

“Social Experimentation with Interdependent and Expanding Technologies”
CSIO Working Paper #0130 (with Umberto Garfagnini)

“Contract Negotiation and the Coase Conjecture: A Strategic Foundation for Renegotiation-Proof Contracts”
CSIO Working Paper #0131

“On the Design of Criminal Trials: the Benefi t of Three-Verdict Systems”
CSIO Working Paper #0132 (with Ron Siegel)

“Beyond Correlation: Measuring Interdependence through Complementarities”
CSIO Working Paper #0134 (with Margaret Meyer)

“Mediated truth”
CSIO Working Paper #0140

Andrew Sweeting
“Market Power in the England and Wales Wholesale Electricity
Market 1995-2000”
CSIO Working Paper #0048

“Music Variety, Station Listenership and Station Ownership in
the Radio Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0049

“Coordination, Differentiation and the Timing of Radio Commercials”
CSIO Working Paper #0050

“Coordination Games, Multiple Equilibria and the Timing of Radio Commercials”
CSIO Working Paper #0068
– T –

Guofu Tan
“Bidding Rings and the Winner’s Curse: The Case of Federal Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auction”
CSIO Working Paper #0036 (joint with Ken Hendricks and Robert Porter)

Robert Town
“Mergers When Prices Are Negotiated: Evidence from the Hospital Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0122 (with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Aviv Nevo)

John L. Turner
“Usage-Based Pricing and Demand for Residential Broadband”
CSIO Working Paper #0121 (with Aviv Nevo and Jonathan W. Williams)

Posted In: Authors, Working Papers