Authors: K – O

– K –

Ryan Kellogg
“Career Concerns, Inaction, and Market Inefficiency: Evidence from Utility Regulation”
CSIO Working Paper #0109 (with Severin Borenstein and Meghan Busse)

Peter Klibanoff
“Monopoly Pricing under a Medicaid-Style Most-Favored-Customer Clause and Its Welfare Implication”
CSIO Working Paper #0100 (with Tapas Kundu)

Christopher Knittel
“Pain at the Pump: The Effect of Gasoline Prices on New and Used Automobile Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0110 (with Meghan Busse and Florian Zettelmeyer)

“Who is Exposed to Gas Prices? How Gasoline Prices Affect Automobile Manufacturers and Dealerships”
CSIO Working Paper #0115 (with Meghan Busse and Florian Zettelmeyer)

Tapas Kundu
“Monopoly Pricing under a Medicaid-Style Most-Favored-Customer Clause and Its Welfare Implication”
CSIO Working Paper #0100 (with Peter Klibanoff)

– L –

Saul Lach
“Consumers’ Activism: the Facebook boycott of Cottage Cheese”
CSIO Working Paper #0138 (with Igal Hendel and Yossi Spiegel)

Ephraim Leibtag
“Timing and Quantity of Consumer Purchases and the Consumer Price Index”
CSIO Working Paper #0096 (with Rachel Griffith, Andrew Leicester, and Aviv Nevo)

“Not-so-classical measurement errors: a validation study of Homescan”
CSIO Working Paper #0098 (with Liran Einav and Aviv Nevo)

Andrew Leicester
“Timing and Quantity of Consumer Purchases and the Consumer Price Index”
CSIO Working Paper #0096 (with Rachel Griffith, Ephraim Leibtag, and Aviv Nevo)

Nadav Levy
“The Boundary of the Firm in a Model of Trade Within a Hierarchy”
CSIO Working Paper #0035

Fernanda Lima
“Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology”
CSIO Working Paper #0093 (with Alberto Salvo, Cristian Huse, and Sergio Goldbaum)

Alessandro Lizzeri
“Efficient Sorting in a Dynamic Adverse-Selection Model”
CSIO Working Paper #0059 (with Igal Hendel and Marciano Siniscalchi)

“Storable good monopoly: the role of commitment”
CSIO Working Paper #0060 (with Paolo Dudine and Igal Hendel)

“Nonlinear Pricing of Storable Goods”
CSIO Working Paper #0118 (with Igal Hendel and Nikita Roketskiy)

– M –

Niko Matouschek
“Information and the Optimal Ownership Structure of Firms”
CSIO Working Paper #0028

“Relational Delegation”
CSIO Working Paper #0065 (with Ricardo Alonso)

“Power Dynamics in Organizations”
CSIO Working Paper #0139 (with Jin Li and Michael Powell)

David Matsa
“Competition and Product Quality in the Supermarket Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0103

Kiminori Matsuyama
“The Rise of Mass Consumption Societies”
CSIO Working Paper #0012

Michael Mazzeo
“Product Choice and Oligopoly Market Structure”
CSIO Working Paper #0003

“Demand, Competition, and the Returns to Chain Affiliation”
CSIO Working Paper #0004

“Competitive Outcomes in Product-Differentiated Oligopoly”
CSIO Working Paper #0007

“Differentiation Strategy and Market Deregulation: Local Telecommunication Entry in the Late 1990s ”
CSIO Working Paper #0032

Mark McCabe
“The Pricing of Academic Journals”
CSIO Working Paper #0085 (with Aviv Nevo and Daniel L. Rubinfeld)

Fred S. McChesney
“Why Wonder Bread Lost No Dough: Materiality, Settlements and the FTC’s Ad Substantiation Program”
CSIO Working Paper #0074 (joint with Richard S. Higgins)

Ryan McDevitt
“Evidence of a Modest Price Decline in US Broadband Services”
CSIO Working Paper #0102 (with Shane Greenstein)

Nathan H. Miller
“Does Function Follow Organizational Form? Evidence From the Lending Practices
of Large and Small Banks”
CSIO Working Paper #0030 (joint with Allen N. Berger, Mitchell A. Petersen, Raghuram G. Rajan, Jeremy C. Stein)

Dylan Minor
“Shadow Risks and Disasters”
CSIO Working Paper #0127

Julie Holland Mortimer
“Price Discrimination and Copyright Law: Evidence from the Introduction of DVDs”
CSIO Working Paper #0052

Arijit Mukherjee
“Career Concerns and Optimal Disclosure Policy”
CSIO Working Paper #0073

Justin Murfin
“Loans on sale: Credit market seasonality, borrower need, and lender rents”
CSIO Working Paper #0133 (with Mitchell Petersen)

– N –

Aviv Nevo
“The Post-Promotion Dip Puzzle:What Do the Data Have to Say?”
CSIO Working Paper #0057 (with Igal Hendel)

“Inter-temporal Substitution and Storable Products”
CSIO Working Paper #0058 (with Igal Hendel)

“Sales and Consumer Inventory”
CSIO Working Paper #0061 (with Igal Hendel)

“The Pricing of Academic Journals”
CSIO Working Paper #0085 (with Mark McCabe and Daniel L. Rubinfeld)

“Why Does the Average Price Paid Fall During High Demand Periods?”
CSIO Working Paper #0086 (with Konstantinos Hatzitaskos)

“Empirical Models of Imperfect Competition: A Discussion”
CSIO Working Paper #0087 (with Liran Einav)

“An Approach for Extending Dynamic Structural Models to Multi-Product Firms”
CSIO Working Paper #0090 (with Federico Rossi)

“The Relative Performance of Real Estate Marketing Platforms: MLS versus”
CSIO Working Paper #0091 (with Igal Hendel and François Ortalo-Magné)

“Timing and Quantity of Consumer Purchases and the Consumer Price Index”
CSIO Working Paper #0096 (with Rachel Griffith, Ephraim Leibtag and Andrew Leicester)

“Identification with Imperfect Instruments”
CSIO Working Paper #0097 (with Adam M. Rosen)

“Not-so-classical measurement errors: a validation study of Homescan”
CSIO Working Paper #0098 (with Liran Einav and Ephraim Leibtag)

“Taking the Dogma Out of Econometrics: Structural Modeling and Credible Inference”
CSIO Working Paper #0104 (with Michael Whinston)

“Empirical Models of Consumer Behavior”
CSIO Working Paper #0106

“Recent Developments in Empirical IO: Dynamic Demand and Dynamic Games”
CSIO Working Paper #0107 (with Victor Aguirregabiria)

“Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Storable Goods Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0113 (with Igal Hendel)

“Do Prices and Attributes Explain International Differences in Food Purchases?”
CSIO Working Paper #0120 (with Pierre Dubois and Rachel Griffith)

“Usage-Based Pricing and Demand for Residential Broadband”
CSIO Working Paper #0121 (with John L. Turner and Jonathan W. Williams)

“Mergers When Prices Are Negotiated: Evidence from the Hospital Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0122 (with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Robert Town)

Volker Nocke
“Competition for Scarce Resources ”
CSIO Working Paper #0092 (with Peter Eso and Lucy White)

“Dynamic Merger Review”
CSIO Working Paper #0099 (with Michael D. Whinston)

“Merger Policy with Merger Choice”
CSIO Working Paper #0112 (with Michael D. Whinston)

– O –

François Ortalo-Magné
“The Relative Performance of Real Estate Marketing Platforms: MLS versus”
CSIO Working Paper #0091 (with Igal Hendel and Aviv Nevo)

Posted In: Authors, Working Papers