Authors: F – J

– F –

Michael Faulkender
“Does the Source of Capital Affect Capital Structure?”
CSIO Working Paper #0054 (with Mitchell A. Petersen)

Michael J. Fishman
“Contracting and Enforcement with a Self-Regulatory Organization”
CSIO Working Paper #0023  (with Peter M. DeMarzo and Kathleen M. Hagerty)

Chris Forman
“Digital Dispersion: An Industrial and Geographic Census of Commercial Internet Use”
CSIO Working Paper #0031 (with Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein)

“How did Location Affect Adoption of the Commercial Internet? Global Village, Urban Density and Industry Composition”
CSIO Working Paper #0034 (with Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein)

“Technology Adoption In and Out of Major Urban Areas: When Do Internal Firm Resources Matter Most?”
CSIO Working Paper #0070 (with Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein)

“Understanding Inputs into Innovation: Do Cities Substitute for Internal Firm Resources?”
CSIO Working Paper #0079 (with Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein)
– G –

Umberto Garfagnini
“Social Learning and Innovation Cycles”
CSIO Working Paper #0114 (with Bruno Strulovici)

Daniel Garrett
“Managerial Turnover in a Changing World”
CSIO Working Paper #0105 (with Alessandro Pavan)

David Gilo
“Partial cross ownership and tacit collusion”
CSIO Working Paper #0038 (with Yossi Spiegel)

Sergio Goldbaum
“Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology”
CSIO Working Paper #0093 (with Alberto Salvo, Cristian Huse, and Fernanda Lima)

Avi Goldfarb
“Digital Dispersion: An Industrial and Geographic Census of Commercial Internet Use”
CSIO Working Paper #0031 (with Chris Forman and Shane Greenstein)

“How did Location Affect Adoption of the Commercial Internet? Global Village, Urban Density and Industry Composition”
CSIO Working Paper #0034 (with Chris Forman and Shane Greenstein)

“Technology Adoption In and Out of Major Urban Areas: When Do Internal Firm Resources Matter Most?”
CSIO Working Paper #0070 (with Chris Forman and Shane Greenstein)

“Understanding Inputs into Innovation: Do Cities Substitute for Internal Firm Resources?”
CSIO Working Paper #0079 (with Chris Forman and Shane Greenstein)

Gautam Gowrisankaran
“Mergers When Prices Are Negotiated: Evidence from the Hospital Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0122 (with Aviv Nevo and Robert Town)

Shane Greenstein
“Commercialization of the Internet: The Interaction of Public Policy and Private Choices, or Why Introducing the Market Worked So Well”
CSIO Working Paper #0010

“Building and Delivering the Virtual World: Commercializing Services for Internet Access”
CSIO Working Paper #0011

“The Silent Majority Fallacy of the Elzinga-Hogarty Criteria: A Critique and New Approach to Analyzing Hospital Mergers”
CSIO Working Paper #0017 (with Cory S. Capps, David Dranove and Mark Satterthwaite)

“Universal Access and Local Internet Markets in the United States”
CSIO Working Paper #0018 (with Tom Downes)

“Antitrust Policy and Hospital Mergers: Recommendation for a New Approach”
CSIO Working Paper #0029 (with Cory S. Capps, David Dranove and Mark Satterthwaite)

“Digital Dispersion: An Industrial and Geographic Census of Commercial Internet Use”
CSIO Working Paper #0031 (with Chris Forman and Avi Goldfarb)

“Differentiation Strategy and Market Deregulation: Local Telecommunication Entry in the Late 1990s ”
CSIO Working Paper #0032 (with Niko Matouschek)

“How did Location Affect Adoption of the Commercial Internet? Global Village, Urban Density and Industry Composition”
CSIO Working Paper #0034 (with Chris Forman and Avi Goldfarb)

“The Economic Geography of Internet Infrastructure in the United States”
CSIO Working Paper #0046

“Coordination Costs and Standard Setting: Lessons from 56K Modems”
CSIO Working Paper #0056 (with Marc Rysman)

“Coordination vs. Differentiation in a Standards War: 56K Modems”
CSIO Working Paper #0062 (with Angelique Augereau and Marc Rysman)

“Technology Adoption In and Out of Major Urban Areas: When Do Internal Firm Resources Matter Most?”
CSIO Working Paper #0070 (with Chris Forman and Avi Goldfarb)

“Understanding Inputs into Innovation: Do Cities Substitute for Internal Firm Resources?”
CSIO Working Paper #0079 (with Chris Forman and Avi Goldfarb)

“Understanding Why Universal Service Obligations May Be Unnecessary: The Private Development of Local Internet Access Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0082 (with Tom Downes)

“Evidence of a Modest Price Decline in US Broadband Services”
CSIO Working Paper #0102 (with Ryan McDevitt)

Rachel Griffith
“Timing and Quantity of Consumer Purchases and the Consumer Price Index”
CSIO Working Paper #0096 (with Ephraim Leibtag, Andrew Leicester and Aviv Nevo)

“Do Prices and Attributes Explain International Differences in Food Purchases?”
CSIO Working Paper #0120 (with Pierre Dubois and Aviv Nevo)

– H –

Kathleen M. Hagerty
“Contracting and Enforcement with a Self-Regulatory Organization”
CSIO Working Paper #0023  (with Peter M. DeMarzo and Michael J. Fishman)

Philip Haile
“Recent U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Bidding: A Progress Report”
CSIO Working Paper #0101 (with Kenneth Hendricks and Robert Porter)

Ben Handel
“Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. Reclassi…fication Risk”
CSIO Working Paper #0137 (with Igal Hendel and Michael D. Whinston)

Konstantinos Hatzitaskos
“Why Does the Average Price Paid Fall During High Demand Periods?”
CSIO Working Paper #0086 (with Aviv Nevo)

Bruce Hay
“Manufacturer Liability for Harms Caused by Consumers to Others”
CSIO Working Paper #0042 (with Kathryn E. Spier)

Igal Hendel
“The Post-Promotion Dip Puzzle:What Do the Data Have to Say?”
CSIO Working Paper #0057 (with Aviv Nevo)

“Inter-temporal Substitution and Storable Products”
CSIO Working Paper #0058 (with Aviv Nevo)

“Efficient Sorting in a Dynamic Adverse-Selection Model”
CSIO Working Paper #0059 (with Alessandro Lizzeri and Marciano Siniscalchi)

“Storable good monopoly: the role of commitment”
CSIO Working Paper #0060 (with Paolo Dudine and Alessandro Lizzeri)

“Sales and Consumer Inventory”
CSIO Working Paper #0061 (with Aviv Nevo)

“The Relative Performance of Real Estate Marketing Platforms: MLS versus”
CSIO Working Paper #0091 (with Aviv Nevo and François Ortalo-Magné)

“Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Storable Goods Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0113 (with Aviv Nevo)

“Small steps for workers, a giant leap for productivity”
CSIO Working Paper #0117 (with Yossi Spiegel)

“Nonlinear Pricing of Storable Goods”
CSIO Working Paper #0118 (with Alessandro Lizzeri and Nikita Roketskiy)

“Narrow Networks on the Health Insurance Exchanges: What Do They Look Like and How Do They Affect Pricing? A Case Study of Texas”
CSIO Working Paper #0136 (with Leemore Dafny and Nathan Wilson)

“Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. Reclassi…fication Risk”
CSIO Working Paper #0137 (with Ben Handel and Michael D. Whinston)

“Consumers’ Activism: the Facebook boycott of Cottage Cheese”
CSIO Working Paper #0138 (with Saul Lach and Yossi Spiegel)

Kenneth Hendricks
“Empirical Implications of Equilibrium Bidding in First-Price, Symmetric, Common Value Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0008 (with Joris Pinkse and Robert H. Porter)

“Bidding Rings and the Winner’s Curse: The Case of Federal Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auction”
CSIO Working Paper #0036 (with Robert Porter and Guofu Tan)

“An Empirical Perspective on Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0078 (with Robert Porter)

“Recent U.S. Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Bidding: A Progress Report”
CSIO Working Paper #0101 (with Philip Haile and Robert Porter)

“Auctioning Resource Rights”
CSIO Working Paper #0123 (with Robert Porter)

Richard S. Higgins
“Why Wonder Bread Lost No Dough: Materiality, Settlements and the FTC’s Ad Substantiation Program”
CSIO Working Paper #0074 (with Fred S. McChesney)

Xinyu Hua
“Information and Externalities in Sequential Litigation”
CSIO Working Paper #0044 (with Kathryn E. Spier)

Cristian Huse
“Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology”
CSIO Working Paper #0093 (with Alberto Salvo, Sergio Goldbaum, and Fernanda Lima)

– I –

Mark Israel
“Tenure Dependence in Demand in Limited Information Subscription Markets: The Case of Automobile Insurance”
CSIO Working Paper #0019

“Consumer Learning over Long Term Relationships With Firms: The Case of Automobile Insurance”
CSIO Working Paper #0020

“Do We Drive More Safely When Accidents are More Expensive?  Identifying Moral Hazard from Experience Rating Schemes”
CSIO Working Paper #0043

Ronen Israel
“A double moral hazard model of organization design”
CSIO Working Paper #0094 (with Elazar Berkovitch and Yossi Spiegel)

Ayelet Israeli
“Repairing the Damage: The Effect of Price Expectations on Auto-Repair Price Quotes”
CSIO Working Paper #0126 (with Meghan Busse and Florian Zettelmeyer)

Koichiro Ito
“Sequential Markets, Market Power and Arbitrage”
CSIO Working Paper #0135 (with Mar Reguant)

– J –

Bruno Jullien
“Platform Pricing under Dispersed Information”
CSIO Working Paper #0119 (with Alessandro Pavan)

Posted In: Authors, Working Papers