Authors: A – E

– A –

Victor Aguirregabiria
“Recent Developments in Empirical IO: Dynamic Demand and Dynamic Games”
CSIO Working Paper #0107 (with Aviv Nevo)

Nabil Al-Najjar
“The Sunk Cost Bias and Managerial Pricing Practices”
CSIO Working Paper #0076 (with Sandeep Baliga and David Besanko)

Ricardo Alonso
“Relational Delegation”
CSIO Working Paper #0065 (with Niko Matouschek)

Eric T. Anderson
“When is Price Discrimination Profitable?”
CSIO Working Paper #0072 (with James Dana)

Reiko Aoki
“Pre-Grant Patent Publication and Cumulative Innovation”
CSIO Working Paper #0089 (with Yossi Spiegel)

Angelique Augereau
“Coordination vs. Differentiation in a Standards War: 56K Modems”
CSIO Working Paper #0062 (with Shane Greenstein and Marc Rysman)

– B –

Sandeep Baliga
“Contracting with Third Parties”
CSIO Working Paper #0075 (joint with Tomas Sjöström)

“The Sunk Cost Bias and Managerial Pricing Practices”
CSIO Working Paper #0076 (with Nabil Al-Najjar and David Besanko)

David Bensanko
“The Sunk Cost Bias and Managerial Pricing Practices”
CSIO Working Paper #0076 (with Nabil Al-Najjar and Sandeep Baliga)

Allen N. Berger
“Does Function Follow Organizational Form? Evidence From the Lending Practices
of Large and Small Banks”
CSIO Working Paper #0030 (joint with Nathan H. Miller, Mitchell A. Petersen, Raghuram G. Rajan, Jeremy C. Stein)

Elazar Berkovitch
“A double moral hazard model of organization design”
CSIO Working Paper #0094 (with Ronen Israel and Yossi Spiegel)

Severin Borenstein
“Career Concerns, Inaction, and Market Inefficiency: Evidence from Utility Regulation”
CSIO Working Paper #0109 (with Meghan Busse and Ryan Kellogg)

Richard Brooks
“Trigger Happy or Gun Shy? Dissolving Common-Value Partnership with Texas Shootouts”
CSIO Working Paper #0045 (with Kathryn E. Spier)

Meghan Busse
“Career Concerns, Inaction, and Market Inefficiency: Evidence from Utility Regulation”
CSIO Working Paper #0109 (with Severin Borenstein and Ryan Kellogg)

“Pain at the Pump: The Effect of Gasoline Prices on New and Used Automobile Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0110 (with Christopher Knittel and Florian Zettelmeyer)

“Who is Exposed to Gas Prices? How Gasoline Prices Affect Automobile Manufacturers and Dealerships”
CSIO Working Paper #0115 (with Christopher Knittel and Florian Zettelmeyer)

“Repairing the Damage: The Effect of Price Expectations on Auto-Repair Price Quotes”
CSIO Working Paper #0126 (with Ayelet Israeli and Florian Zettelmeyer)

– C –

Giacomo Calzolari
“On the Optimality of Privacy in Sequential Contracting”
CSIO Working Paper #0053 (with Alessandro Pavan)

Cory S. Capps
“The Silent Majority Fallacy of the Elzinga-Hogarty Criteria: A Critique and New Approach to Analyzing Hospital Mergers”
CSIO Working Paper #0017  (joint with David Dranove, Shane Greenstein and Mark Satterthwaite)

“Antitrust Policy and Hospital Mergers: Recommendation for a New Approach”
CSIO Working Paper #0029  (joint with David Dranove, Shane Greenstein and Mark Satterthwaite)

Dennis W. Carlton 
“Product Variety and Demand Uncertainty”
CSIO Working Paper #0066 (with James D. Dana, Jr.)

Yeon-Koo Che 
“Strategic Judgment Proofing”
CSIO Working Paper #0081  (with Kathryn E. Spier)

– D –

James D. Dana, Jr.
“Revenue Sharing and Vertical Control In the Video Rental Market”
CSIO Working Paper #0006  (joint with Kathryn E. Spier)

“Entry and Entry Deterrence in a Duopoly Market”
CSIO Working Paper #0021  (joint with Kathryn E. Spier)

“Competition in Price and Availability when Availability is Unobservable”
CSIO Working Paper #0022

“Product Variety and Demand Uncertainty”
CSIO Working Paper #0066 (with Dennis W. Carlton)

“Buyer Groups as Strategic Commitments”
CSIO Working Paper #0067

“When is Price Discrimination Profitable?”
CSIO Working Paper #0072 (with Eric T. Anderson)

Leemore Dafny
“Entry Deterrence in Hospital Procedure Markets: A Simple Model of Learning-by-Doing”
CSIO Working Paper #0037

“Narrow Networks on the Health Insurance Exchanges: What Do They Look Like and How Do They Affect Pricing? A Case Study of Texas”
CSIO Working Paper #0136 (with Igal Hendel and Nathan Wilson)

Peter M. DeMarzo
“Contracting and Enforcement with a Self-Regulatory Organization”
CSIO Working Paper #0023  (joint with Michael J. Fishman and Kathleen M. Hagerty)

Javier Donna
“The Illiquidity of Water Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0124 (with José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez)

“Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0125 (with José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez)

Tom Downes
“Universal Access and Local Internet Markets in the United States”
CSIO Working Paper #0018 (with Shane Greenstein)

“Understanding Why Universal Service Obligations May Be Unnecessary: The Private Development of Local Internet Access Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0082 (with Shane Greenstein)

David Dranove
“A Theory of Utilization Review”
CSIO Working Paper #0013  (joint with Kathryn E. Spier)

“The Silent Majority Fallacy of the Elzinga-Hogarty Criteria: A Critique and New Approach to Analyzing Hospital Mergers”
CSIO Working Paper #0017  (joint with Cory S. Capps, Shane Greenstein and Mark Satterthwaite)

“Antitrust Policy and Hospital Mergers: Recommendation for a New Approach”
CSIO Working Paper #0029  (joint with Cory S. Capps, Shane Greenstein and Mark Satterthwaite)

Jean-Pierre Dube
“Product Differentiation and Mergers in the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry”
CSIO Working Paper #0015

Pierre Dubois
“Do Prices and Attributes Explain International Differences in Food Purchases?”
CSIO Working Paper #0120 (with Rachel Griffith and Aviv Nevo)

Paolo Dudine
“Storable good monopoly: the role of commitment”
CSIO Working Paper #0060 (with Igal Hendel and Alessandro Lizzeri)

– E –

Liran Einav
“Empirical Models of Imperfect Competition: A Discussion”
CSIO Working Paper #0087 (with Aviv Nevo)

“Not-so-classical measurement errors: a validation study of Homescan”
CSIO Working Paper #0098 (with Ephraim Leibtag and Aviv Nevo)

Peter Eso
“Competition for Scarce Resources”
CSIO Working Paper #0092 (with Volker Nocke and Lucy White)

José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez
“The Illiquidity of Water Markets”
CSIO Working Paper #0124 (with Javier Donna)

“Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions”
CSIO Working Paper #0125 (with Javier Donna)

Posted In: Authors, Working Papers