Working Papers 2007

William P. Rogerson
“Inter-Temporal Cost Allocation and Investment Decisions”

CSIO Working Paper #0084 Abstract Paper

Mark McCabe and Aviv Nevo and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
“The Pricing of Academic Journals”

CSIO Working Paper #0085 Abstract Paper

Konstantinos Hatzitaskos and Aviv Nevo
“Why Does the Average Price Paid Fall During High Demand Periods?”

CSIO Working Paper #0086 Abstract Paper

Liran Einav and Aviv Nevo
“Empirical Models of Imperfect Competition: A Discussion?”

CSIO Working Paper #0087 Abstract Paper

Yossi Spiegel
“Licensing interim R&D knowledge”

CSIO Working Paper #0088 Abstract Paper

Reiko Aoki and Yossi Spiegel
“Pre-Grant Patent Publication and Cumulative Innovation”

CSIO Working Paper #0089 Abstract Paper

Aviv Nevo and Federico Rossi
“An Approach for Extending Dynamic Structural Models to Multi-Product Firms”

CSIO Working Paper #0090 Abstract Paper

Igal Hendel, Aviv Nevo and François Ortalo-Magné
“The Relative Performance of Real Estate Marketing Platforms: MLS versus”

CSIO Working Paper #0091 Abstract Paper

Peter Eso, Volker Nocke and Lucy White
“Competition for Scarce Resources”

CSIO Working Paper #0092 Abstract Paper

Alberto Salvo, Cristian Huse, Sergio Goldbaum and Fernanda Lima
“Is Arbitrage Tying the Price of Ethanol to that of Gasoline? Evidence from the Uptake of Flexible-Fuel Technology”

CSIO Working Paper #0093 Abstract Paper

Posted In: 2007, Working Papers