Working Papers 2003

Shane Greenstein and Michael Mazzeo
“Differentiation Strategy and Market Deregulation:
Local Telecommunication Entry in the Late 1990s ”

CSIO Working Paper #0032 Abstract Paper

Craig Peters
Evaluating the Performance of Merger Simulation:
Evidence from the U.S. Airline Industry

CSIO Working Paper #0033 Abstract Paper

Chris Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein
How did Location Affect Adoption of the Commercial Internet?
Global Village, Urban Density and Industry Composition

CSIO Working Paper #0034 Abstract Paper

Nadav Levy
The Boundary of the Firm in a Model of Trade Within a Hierarchy

CSIO Working Paper #0035 Abstract Paper

Ken Hendricks, Robert Porter and Guofu Tan
Bidding Rings and the Winner’s Curse: The Case of Federal Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Auctions

CSIO Working Paper #0036 Abstract Paper

Leemore Dafny
Entry Deterrence in Hospital Procedure Markets: A Simple Model of Learning-by-Doing

CSIO Working Paper #0037 Abstract Paper

David Gilo and Yossi Spiegel
Partial cross ownership and tacit collusion

CSIO Working Paper #0038 Abstract Paper

Michael D. Whinston
Lectures on Antitrust Economics: Chapter 1: Introduction

CSIO Working Paper #0039 Paper

Michael D. Whinston
Lectures on Antitrust Economics: Chapter 2: Price Fixing

CSIO Working Paper #0040 Paper

Michael D. Whinston
Lectures on Antitrust Economics: Chapter 3: Horizontal Mergers

CSIO Working Paper #0041 Paper

Bruce Hay and Kathryn E. Spier
Manufacturer Liability for Harms Caused by Consumers to Others

CSIO Working Paper #0042 Abstract Paper

Michael Faulkender and Mitchell A. Petersen
“Does the Source of Capital Affect Capital Structure?”

CSIO Working Paper #0054 Abstract Paper

Igal Hendel and Aviv Nevo
“The Post-Promotion Dip Puzzle:What Do the Data Have to Say?”

CSIO Working Paper #0057 Abstract Paper

Igal Hendel and Aviv Nevo
“Inter-temporal Substitution and Storable Products”

CSIO Working Paper #0058 Abstract Paper

Posted In: 2003, Working Papers