Singing is a foundational musical behavior and singing difficulties have been tied to self-perceptions of unmusicality or tone “deafness” that can inhibit one’s enjoyment of or participation in music activities. This research explores the development of accurate singing through the lifespan and the role of formal and informal musical experiences in singing development. The research has several goals including a) the development of a standardized measure of singing accuracy to aid teachers and researchers in identifying problems (funded by SRME & NAfME), b) exploring relationships between poor pitch singing, musical self-concept, and music participation, c) examining cultural expectations related to gender roles, singing quality and opportunity that can inhibit or enhance singing participation, and d) identifying strategies to help poor pitch singers of various ages overcome their difficulties and feel comfortable engaging in singing and other participatory musical activities.
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Demorest, S. D., Nichols, B. E., & Pfordresher, P. Q. (2018). The effect of focused instruction on young children’s singing accuracy. Psychology of Music, 46, 488-499.