CSEME Sponsored Dissertations 1990-Present
Berglin, Jacob
“Behind the Beautiful Music is a Person”: The Intersections of Race and Social Class on the Path to Careers in Music Education
Weidner, Brian
Musical Independence in the Large Ensemble Classroom
Bannerman, Julie
Singing in School Culture: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Secondary Choral Program
Healy, Daniel
The Influence of Technical Proficiency on Clarinet and iPad Improvisation Achievement
Thompson, Jason
The Role of Rap Music Composition in the Experience of Incarceration for African American Youth
Gallo, Donna J.
Professional Development Quality in American Music Education: An Analysis of the 2011-2012 Schools and Staffing Survey
Lansinger Ankney, Kimberly
Master Jazz Teachers’ Noticing and Responses to Students During Improvisation Activities
Jones, Sara
An Exploration of Band Students’ Experiences With Informal Learning
Shaw, Julia
“The Music I Was Meant To Sing”: Adolescent Choral Students’ Perceptions of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Niknafs, Nasim
The Use of Improvisation by K-8 General Music Teachers in Illinois: A Mixed Methods Study
Webb, Richard
Construction of Musical Understandings: An Exploration of Peer Tutoring in the School Orchestra Program
Elpus, Kenneth
Justifying Music Education: Econometric Analyses of Issues in Music Education Policy
Kelly-McHale, Jacqueline
The Relationship Between Children’s Musical Identities and Music Teacher Beliefs and Practices in an Elementary General Music Classroom
Tobias, Evan
Crossfading and plugging in: Secondary students’ engagement and learning In a songwriting and technology class
Carter, Bruce
A qualitative examination of undergraduate music students’ compositional identity
Fitzpatrick, Kate
A mixed methods portrait of urban instrumental music teaching
Jacoby, Marc
iShed: Interactive software for the training of novice jazz improvisers
Peters, Valerie
Collaborative knowledge building of ethnic musical communities in an urban high school: An ethnographic case study
Dorfman, Jay
Learning music with technology: The influence of learning style, prior experiences, and two learning conditions on success with a music technology task
Sindberg, Laura
Comprehensive musicianship through performance (CMP) in the lived experience of students
Dobbs, Teryl
Discourse in the band room: How talk shapes teaching, learning, and community
Haston, Warren
Comparison of a visual and an aural approach to beginning wind instrument instruction
Leon-Guerrero, Amanda
An examination of the self-regulation strategies used by adolescent instrumental musicians while practicing
Smith, Janice
Music compositions of upper elementary students created under various conditions of structure
Kang, Grace
Conceptual and empirical evidence for a model of applied music instruction based on cognitive apprenticeship
Lau, Wai-Tong
The historical and musical frameworks for developing a curriculum to teach Chinese music literacy
Strand, Katherine
Nurturing young composers: Exploring the relationship between instruction and transfer in 9- to 12-year-old students
Peterson, Eila
The creative dimension of the music listening experience
Larsen, Catherine
Complex silences: Exploring the relationship between teacher change and staff development in the arts
Kaschub, Michele
Sixth-grade student’s descriptions of their individual and collaborative music composition processes and products initiated from prompted and unprompted task structures
Dura, Marian
The kinesthetic dimension of the music listening experience
Fodor, David
Critical moments of change: A study of the social and musical interactions of precollegiate jazz combos
Berg, Margaret
Social construction of musical experience in two high school chamber music ensembles
Williams, David
Listening while performing: Music listening processes as revealed through verbal reports of wind instrumentalists during rehearsal
Younker, Betty Anne
Thought processes and strategies of eight, eleven, and fourteen-year-old students while engaged in music composition
Bolanis, Susan
Children’s responses to live musical performance by an ensemble without, and then with, pedagogical training
Daignault, Louis
Children’s creative musical thinking within the context of a computer-supported improvisational approach to composition
Lapidaki, Eleni
Consistency of tempo judgments as a measure of time experience in music listening
Tahir, Ramona Mohd
Musical experience from an Islamic perspective: Implications for music education in Malaysia
Hickey, Maud
Qualitative and quantitative relationships between children’s creative musical thinking processes and products
Rodriguez, Carlos Xavier
Children’s perception, production, and description of musical expression.
Amuah, Isaac
Memory for music and its relationship to aspects of musical behavior and environmental and personal factors
Dunn, Robert
Perceptual modalities in music listening among third-grade students (Kinesthetic, Visual, Auditory)
Woodford, Paul
Development of a theory of transfer in musical thinking and learning based on John Dewey’s conception of reflective thinking
Bundra, Judy
A study of music listening processes through the verbal reports of school-aged children
Zerull, David
The role of musical imagination in the musical listening experience
L’Hommedieu, Randi
The management of selected educational process variables by master studio teachers in music performance
Wright, Jeffrey
Belief systems and their influence on musical experience
Johnson, Scott Robert
A description of selected aspects of musical experience from the students’ perspective within the context of a secondary orchestra rehearsal: A qualitative case study
Richmond, John W.
Equal opportunity for aesthetic development: The arts, the schools, and the law.