Instructor: Brenna Argall
Monday: humanoid robots, medical robots, service robots, DARPA robotics challenge.
Wednesday: personal robots, social robots.
Discussion Questions:
- What are the physical challenges of robotics? For medicine? For DARPA challenge?
- Why build humanoid robots (versus other forms)?
- What are the differences and similarities between learning in robotics and machine learning (from Week 6).
- What kinds of learning are most appropriate for robotics? (Supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement?)
- What are some of the opportunities for robots in society?
- What are some of the opportunities for robots in the home?
Readings and Media:
- DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals: What We Learned on Day 1 (with video), Evan Ackerman and Erico Guizzo, IEEE Spectrum, June 2015.
- [skim] Robot Pills, Dario and Menciassi, Scientific American, August 2010.
- Robots Learning from Experience (with video), ICT Results, August 2010.
- A Robot in Every Home, Bill Gates, Scientific American, January 2007.
- Cynthia Breazeal, The rise of personal robots, Ted Talk, December 2010.