“From visits downtown to Chicago to games around campus, it was an incredible two weeks for making friends and having fun. One thing I loved was going with some friends every few days to our favorite bookstore in Evanston (Bookends and Beginnings!) and getting new material to add to our bookshelves, then grabbing some boba right after to continue the good feelings. I also had a really fun time sprinting back from Navy Pier in the rain- yes it ruined my shoes but the experience of thirty high schoolers frantically sprinting down a street sloshing in the puddles will never be forgotten!” –CPP Student, Summer ‘24

“I enjoyed the class, and also the freedom to explore the Northwestern campus and Chicago at my own pace with others in the group.” –CPP Student, Summer ‘24

“I enjoyed the freedom in which I had to truly experience what college is like in terms of simply deciding when to do laundry or going to Evanston to try deep-dish pizza.” –CPP Student, Summer ‘24

“Exploring downtown Evanston was one of my favorite memories I have with the course. Anytime me and my friends were bored we would all sign out and head into downtown Evanston to look at the new shops and new places to eat. One of my favorite memories from being up there is buying matching Chicago shorts with my friend who was from Russia. Earlier in the day I saw the pair of shorts and I knew I needed to buy a pair for the volleyball game which was happening later and right as I got back he realized he needed a pair of shorts too. He wanted a different color but they did not have it in his size so we ended up getting the exact same pair of shorts. We played volleyball matching with our Chicago shorts and our team eventually ended up winning the event against the staff. Honestly one of my favorite memories.” –Andrew G., Summer ‘24 CPP

“I enjoyed being able to explore and use the Chicago Public Transit systems.” –CPP Student, Summer ‘24

“One of my favorite places to eat in downtown Evanston is a breakfast location called Ovo Frito. My friends and I got up early on weekends to walk over and enjoy some of their tasty waffles, avocado toast, and specialty eggs.” –Kerra L., Summer ‘24 CPP

“Northwestern has a very pretty campus so my friends and I really enjoyed walking along the lake. There was a beach right near the field house that was our favorite with a great sunset.” –Mason P., Summer ’24 CPP

“My favorite place to eat was Peppercorns Kitchen, near downtown Evanston. We were talking about how we were craving some good Asian food, and a TA recommended Peppercorns to us. It’s a Chinese restaurant serving Sichuan food, and my friends and I especially enjoyed the fried rice. It’s a good restaurant to try out because it’s within walking distance from campus, especially if you’re in need of some good Asian dishes!” –Yejie C., Summer ‘24 CPP

“I was a rising senior at the time and was taking the SAT the next month so I had my hands full with studying but I took the opportunity to explore the campus by simply picking a new spot to study at every day. Deering Library, which I hear is fantastic, was unfortunately closed at the time but University Library is a pretty nice spot, Garret Library (the one near the seminary) was a bit more antique and quaint and I personally loved it and found it enchanting: They had a really old style of lamps, absolutely no one there, a basement which felt like an alchemist’s hidden library and also kinda creepy! There’s so many nice outdoor spots as well, most are near the Frat houses and the Seminary but I’d always recommend taking a stroll before curfew (the RAs are gonna hate me for this one haha), you might get a chance to see some fire flies and the campus has a completely atmosphere at night. Also, CHECK OUT THE COMMUNITY EVENTS ON THE CALENDAR!! I cannot stress this enough. I went to Sunrise Yoga and Latin Dance and had a blast, everyone was so welcoming and you actually get to interact with real students! The Dearborn Observatory also has showcases which are cool as well. Take advantage of your access to Northwestern resources and activities guys!” –Ved J., Summer ‘24 CPP

“The beaches were such a highlight to my experience. Me and my friends went almost every day to swim, tan, play volleyball, or just hang out. The private Northwestern beach and the Evanston beaches are both so nice. On the Fourth of July, we watched the fireworks from the infamous painted rocks. Doordashing pizza to the beach at 9 after swimming and playing volleyball was definitely a night to remember.” –Mia, Summer ‘24 CPP
“My favorite campus location was the 5th floor of the library tower that is closest to Lake Michigan. After class every day, I would walk to the library along the lake. I found a table with a view of Lake Michigan from the window next to it. It was very comfortable and enjoyable for me to read and do assignments there. I felt a moment of Zen there.” –Haosi G., Summer ‘24 CPP

“For my favorite place to eat: please try Soban Korea!!! Just search it on google maps and it will appear. I (as well as two of my friends) rank it as the best Korean food we had in Evanston. You will love the Japchai. For favorite spots on Campus: Kellogg and the Mudd library. I had to finish my John Locke essay during the program and found those places best for me to concentrate. I ended up spending 8 hours in Mudd library that Saturday finishing it without feeling bored or tired, largely because the space allowed me to focus while providing me some food and drinks in the vending machine if I wanted to take a break. As a person that cannot focus in dorms, I really adored the libraries and study spaces on campus that you can simply access with your wildcard.” –Boqian W., Summer ‘24 CPP

“I woke up at 5 AM every day to watch the sunrise by the Lakefill.” –Chloe W., Summer ‘24 CPP

“Every morning at 7:20 AM I would leave to run, either with friends or on my own to get a solid 4 miles in. My route took me down to the waterfront with the rocks and the beach and I would run along there for roughly 4 miles each morning. That spot is one of my favorite spots on campus, as I am sure it is for many others. The breeze from the lake paired with the shine from the rising sun reflecting off of the lake was truly a sight and I recommend walking or running along there in the mornings if you have a chance.” –Will R., Summer ‘24 CPP

“On the first Saturday, my friend Sophia and I visited the downtown Art Institute of Chicago to appreciate some beautiful exhibits from different countries and periods. Over there, I saw a lot of Chinese porcelains, elegant details, and vivid drawings, and left some impressive minds about them. It’s great to see how Chinese items are displayed in Chicago and how cultural exchange works through these artifacts. Meanwhile, I drew a lot of sketches with the articrafts I like especially some Ancient Chinese Dress with vivid colors, which were praised by a museum administrator. After appreciating the magnificent Art Institute of Chicago, we hung out at the Volare to have a delicious dinner with Italian food, which confirms my guess that Chicago as a big city has many good restaurants that won’t disappoint you.” –Siying W., Summer ‘24 CPP

“My friends and I had a very Ferris Bueller’s Day Off kind of weekend! Just like the movie we visited the Art Institute, the Bean, and went to a Cubs game! I highly recommend the Art Institute because of the famous art, interesting exhibits, and the discounted student tickets. The Cubs game was such a special memory I shared with my friends because it was so fun to watch the Cubs win at Wrigley Field! The food in the city was amazing and there is an unlimited amount of cute coffee shops or casual restaurants wherever you are. We went to a lunch spot called Grant Park Bistro and went shopping on Michigan Ave.” –Molly M., Summer ‘24 CPP

“In nearly 10 bowls over two weeks, Pono Ono combined my favorite food, poke, with an aesthetic setting. There are so many choices for poke, and the bowls are so fulfilling after a run at school. I could write a list of food places, but if I can only mention a few, it would definitely be Pono Ono, Trattoria Demi, and Patisserie Coralie. In a short two weeks, I couldn’t try everything, but this town certainly broke the stereotype of being a suburb with its many excellent food options. While preparing for the SAT, I went to Colectivo, which put me in focused mode for over three hours. For those looking for a place to write, that space let my ideas flow. Despite walking nearly 20k steps every day, the second most frequent place I visited was the Sports Pavilion, right after the Technological Institute. Coming from China, where the culture of working out for a healthy body has only become popular in recent years, I was amazed to see so many people exercising at all hours. I love running, so I always chose the spot on the second floor. I would definitely recommend running around campus in the morning to enjoy the breeze. Last but not least, the beaches are a must-visit. The sunsets and chitchats with my friends on the rocks are my favorite memories. It’s a natural delicacy, and sitting there talking about future goals with a wonderful group of people, I always learned something new from different cultures and areas of knowledge. As for Chicago, I only went twice, but as a city girl, walking around Michigan Avenue and observing the architecture was relaxing. There are some really interesting-shaped buildings by the river, and I enjoyed just observing the city while reading about how it was planned. The nine hours in Chicago led us to Navy Pier, which offers a different view from downtown. It felt like a new Chicago with more edgy and modern buildings on that side. It was definitely an Instagram-worthy location, with multiple cute posts from there and Millennium Park.” –Hsinyu W., Summer ‘24 CPP