Hello! My name is Cassie (pronouns: she/they). I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics at Northwestern University. Most of my research focuses on psycholinguistic investigations of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic phenomena. I’m also interested in sociolinguistics and how social information impacts sentence processing and comprehension.
My dissertation work is supported by an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (BCS-2438973; award link here). In this ongoing work, I study how gender information in biased nouns and adjectives in English impacts language processing and how this gender information interacts with other contextual cues. I have also done work with pronouns, such as investigating the processing of singular they reflexives in both referential and bound contexts, as well as investigating sociolinguistic perceptions of y’all. Check out my research page for more information about these projects.
Before coming to Northwestern, I obtained my BA in Linguistics and History from the College of William and Mary.