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Date Topic Presenter Learnings* Notes**
2/23/2024 Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Courtney Reamer

2.2 CDS standards & development

2.3 Five rights of CDS

2.4 Legal, regulatory, ethical issues with CDS.

Fallon et al. Addressing Alert Fatigue by Replacing a Burdensome Interruptive Alert with Passive Clinical Decision Support. ACI 2024
3/22/2024 Vocabularies, Terminologies, and Nomenclatures Courtney Reamer

1.1.13 Development of data standards

1.1.14 vocabularies, terminologies, nomenclatures (LOINC, SNOMED, etc.)

Yasir Tarabichi et al. The Cosmos Collaborative: A Vendor-Facilitated Electronic Health Record Data Aggregation Platform. ACI 2021
4/26/2024 Population-wide Parkinson’s disease registries: why and how? Allan Wu 1.2.1 Primary domains of health care: public health informatics; 1.25 Policy and regulatory frameworks; 3.26 Clinical registries Parkinson’s disease population-wide registries in the United States: Current and future opportunities


Consensus-Based Recommendations for Establishing Statewide Parkinson’s Disease Registries

5/24/2024 The Resident Informaticist Program – A Novel Clinical Informatics Training Program Allan Wu 1.1.1 The discipline of informatics
1.1.3 Core clinical informatics literature (e.g., foundational literature, principle journals, critical analysis of literature, use of evidence to inform practice)
The UCLA Health Resident Informaticist Program – A Novel Clinical Informatics Training Program
6/28/2024 Telehealth: benefits and barriers (BP monitoring example) Courtney Reamer

3.16 Clinical information systems functionality
3.19 Clinical communication channels & best practices
3.31 Regulated medical devices integrated into systems
3.33 Telehealth workflows & resources

Telehealth Benefits and Barriers

Telehealth with Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring Compared to Standard Care for Postpartum Hypertension