Primary Investigators

Terri J. Sabol’s research focuses on the individual and environmental factors that lead to healthy child development, with a particular emphasis on schools and families. She applies developmental theory, psychological measurement and advanced quantitative methods to pressing social policy issues that affect low-income children and families. In particular, she focuses on two key policy areas: (1) assessing and improving early childhood education; and (2) increasing families’ human capital, including parent education, employment, and income. The broad goal of her research is to generate dynamic theories of change, measure complex social processes, and analyze data with advanced statistical techniques to produce innovative, functional scholarship aimed at improving the lives of children living with economic hardship.
Prior to entering graduate school, Terri Sabol was a first-grade teacher in Chicago through the Teach for America program. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Development Science from the University of Virginia and was postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University’s Institute for Policy Research. She is currently a Faculty Associate for the Institute for Policy Research. She is also the director the Development, Early Education, and Policy (DEEP) lab.

Andrea Kinghorn Busby is a doctoral student in human development and social policy. She has an undergraduate degree and research experience in family science. Her research interests center on the intersection of home and school environments and their impacts on children’s development, especially among families from low-income, immigrant, or ethnic-minority backgrounds. She worked for two years as a middle school math teacher and for two years as a Spanish-speaking representative with immigrant families prior to returning to graduate school.
Synergetx Software Designers

Luke Weisensee & Pat Weisensee

Northwestern University Research Team
Kenn Dela Cruz
Alison Rosengren
Emily Ross
Daniel Ross
Will Schneider
Marisa Sclafani