Gaining Experience in Finance with Wind Point Partners

Name: Christopher Tsai Year: Sophomore Major: Mechanical Engineering Minor: Entrepreneurship CFS Program: Business Field Studies Employer: Wind Point Partners I am currently working in Wind Point Partners, a middle market private equity firm that has been around since 1984. I had never been exposed to anything finance before so it has been a very interesting learning experience for me. As a…

Addressing the Medical Needs of Refugees on the Path to Becoming a Physician

Name: Stacy Year: Senior Major(s): Biological Sciences Minor(s): Asian American Studies CFS Program: Field Studies in Public Health Employer: Heartland Human Care Services, Inc. Throughout my time at Northwestern, many of my friends have recommended CFS to me; it wasn’t until my penultimate quarter at Northwestern that I was able to participate. This quarter I am interning at a refugee and…