

Taxi Information To and From Airport:

Taxi recommendation:   Feel free to use Uber or Lyft from the airport.  If you prefer a taxi to a rideshare service, we suggest you call 303Taxi as soon as you arrive at O’Hare: 1-888-225-5303. They will ask you for your name and the airline you are on, will tell you what exit door to go to, and will give you a cab number. Then proceed to the baggage claim terminal and use the exit doors at the right (far) end of the terminal. The cab should be there within 15 minutes or so in the middle lane designated for “arranged rides”.  Their cars are turquoise and white, the number you were given is on the cab and the fare should be about $35.00.

Directions: The Economics Department is located at 2211 Campus Drive in the Kellogg Global Hub.  When you enter the building, turn left and 1410 classroom is the first door on your left.