Natalia Lazzati, University of California Santa Cruz, will visit the Center for Econometrics from April 18 to April 22. She will give a seminar as part of the Econometrics Workshop Series on April 19. The title of her talk is “A revealed preference theory of monotone choice and strategic complementarity.” Natalia will sit in 3247 during her visit.

Federico Bugni, Duke University, will visit the Center for Econometrics from April 25 to April 29. He will give a seminar as part of the Econometrics Workshop Series on April 26. The title of his talk is TBA. Federico will sit in 3247 during his visit.

Bruce Hansen, University of Wisconsin Madison, will visit the
Center for Econometrics from May 16 to May 20. He will give a seminar as part of the Econometrics Workshop Series on May 17. The title of his talk is TBA. Bruce will sit in 3247 during his visit.