This year we have one student working in the field of Econometrics on the academic job market. Isaac Loh studies identification and estimation in non-parametric instrumental variable (IV) models when both the regressor and the instrument are discrete random variables. His main result shows that even when the instrument is binary, the model is most often point identified via a set of polynomial equations that in turn lead to an estimator. You can find his job market paper here. Additional information can be found on his website: Isaac Loh
Graduate Students
Student on the Market
This year we have one student working in the field of Econometrics on the academic job market. Max Tabord-Meehan studies how to optimally stratify in randomized controlled experiments using stratification trees in order to obtain estimators of average treatment effects with small variance. You can find here job market paper here. Additional information can be found on her website: Max Tabord-Meehan
Students on the job market
This year we have two students working in the field of econometrics on the academic job market.
Sofya Budanova is a theoretical econometrician with interests in mixture models. She mainly works on estimation and inference in mixture models with an unknown number of mixtures using penalization methods. You can find her job market paper here.
Sergey Gitlin is a theoretical econometrician with interests in high dimensional models. He mainly works in developing regression methods that allow for a large number of regressors while delivering valid asymptotic confidence intervals for the coefficients of interest. You can find his job market paper here.
Student on the Job Market
Students on the Job Market
This year we have one student working in the field of Econometrics on the academic job market. Shruti Sinha works on identification and estimation of one to one matching models. You can find here job market paper here. Additional information can be found on her website: Shruti Sinha
Econometrics Reading Group – Fall 2014
The students of the Center for Econometrics hold a weekly reading group each quarter where students and faculty meet to present and discuss books and papers in the field. This quarter we are covering a variety of different papers. The schedule is as follows.
10/22/2014 | Yi Sun |
10/29/2014 | Sergey Gitlin |
11/5/2014 | Vishal Kamat |
11/12/2014 | Max Tabord-Meehan |
11/19/2014 | Jordan Norris |
11/26/2014 | Yuta Toyama |
12/3/2014 | Paul Mohnen |
12/10/2014 | Eric Mbakop |
For additional questions about the reading group, contact Vishal Kamat.