Interactions Workshop : 2023

Interactions: Bringing Together Econometrics and Applied Microeconomics

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Center Title

The Eighth Annual Workshop
September 22-23, 2023
Department of Economics
Northwestern University
Kellogg Global Hub, Room 1410

Conference Organizer
Ivan Canay, Northwestern University
Elisa Jácome, Northwestern University
Silvia Vannutelli , Northwestern University

Conference Assistant
Kayla Johnson, Northwestern University



Adapting to Misspecification
Liyang Sun, CEMFI
Discussant: Xu Cheng, University of Pennsylvania
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Wage Differentials and the Price of Workplace Flexibility
Neil Thakral, Brown University
Discussant: Stéphane Bonhomme, University of Chicago
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Examiner Designs with Multiple Treatments: Conviction, Incarceration, and Policy Effects
Sam Norris, University of British Columbia
Discussant: Alex Torgovitsky, University of Chicago
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Labor Market Dynamics and Teacher Spatial Sorting
Tim Ederer, University of Chicago – BFI
Discussant: Chao Fu, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Revisiting the Analysis of Matched-Pair and Stratified Experiments in the Presence of Attrition
Yuehao Bai, University of Southern California
Discussant: Tristan Reed, World Bank
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Quantifying the Role of Firms in Intergenerational Mobility
Caue Dobbin, CEMFI
Presentation Slides

Optimal Urban Transportation Policy: Evidence from Chicago
Milena Almagro, University of Chicago – Booth
Discussant: Panle Barwick, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Partially Linear Models under Data Combination
Christophe Gaillac, University of Oxford
Discussant: Marc Henry, Pennsylvania State University
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

What’s in a question? Harnessing the information value of item response data to better capture and represent learning
Jesse Bruhn, Brown University
Discussant: Michael Dinerstein, University of Chicago
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

Social Interactions with Endogenous Group Formation
Xiaoting Sun, Simon Fraser University
Discussant: Angelo Mele, Johns Hopkins University
Presentation Slides
Discussion Slides

A block of hotel rooms has been reserved from Thursday, September 21st to Saturday, September 23rd at the Hilton Orrington in downtown Evanston. Please reach out to the hotel or email Kayla Johnson to make your reservation.

The hotel will be help in the Kellogg Global Hub, room 1410. Directions from the Hilton Orrington to the Global Hub can be found here. Room 1410 is located on the first floor of the building, right around the corner of the first set of elevators.

Graduate students and other faculty are welcome to participate in the conference but registration is required in order to have a proper head count. Please register here.