Speakers confirmed

The Center for Econometrics at Northwestern University will sponsor a conference on Inverse Problems in Econometrics on Friday-Saturday, October 2-3 2015. The conference will consist of approximately 15 presentations of 45 minutes each. Some of the topics that will be included are:

  1. Identification, estimation, and testing of semi- and nonparametric instrumental variables models.
  2. Identification, estimation, and testing of semi- and nonparametric models with random coefficients.
  3. Semi- and nonparametric errors-in-variables models
  4. The role of shape restrictions in identification and estimation.


  • Xiaohong Chen (Yale)
  • Jean-Pierre Florens (TSE)
  • Joachim Freyberger (UW-Madison)
  • Eric Gautier (TSE)
  • Stefan Hoderlein (Boston College)
  • Yuichi Kitamura (Yale)
  • Sokbae Lee (Seoul National)
  • Jean-Michel Loubes (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)
  • Enno Mammen (Heidelberg University)
  • Whitney Newey (MIT)
  • Susanne Schennach (Brown)
  • Vladimir Spokoiny (Weierstrass Institute and Humboldt University)
  • Alex Torgovitsky (Northwestern)
  • Ingrid Van Keilegom (Université catholique de Louvain)
Posted In: Conferences, News