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Additive Manufacturing

  1. Patel, A., Webster, S., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. (2024) “Multi-pass Laser Polishing of as-built DED Surfaces”, ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 146(7), 071002,
  2. Liao, S., Xue, T. and Cao, J. (2024) “Deep learning based reconstruction of transient 3D melt pool geometries in laser powder bed fusion from coaxial melt pool images”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 40, pp. 50 – 53,
  3. Chen, F., Kozjek, D., Porter, C. and Cao, J. (2025) “Acceleration of Powder-bed-size Thermal Simulation Considering Scanning-path-scale Through a Pseudo-layer-wise Equivalent Heat Flux Model”, J. Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 134, pp. 394-409,
  4. Carter F.M. III, Portor, C., Kozjek, D., Shimoyoshi K., Fujishima M., Irino, N. and Cao, J. (2024) “Machine Learning Guided Adaptive Laser Power Control for Selective Laser Melting for Pore Reduction”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 73(1), pp. 149-152,
  5. Kozjek, D, Porter, C., Carter, F.M. III, Mogonye, J.E. and Cao, J. (2024) “Data-driven prediction of inter-layer process condition variations in laser powder bed fusion”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 88, 104230,
  6. Webster, S., Jeong, J., Zha, R., Liao, S., Castro, A., Jacquemetton, L., Beckett, D., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2024) “In-situ, Parallel Monitoring of Relative Temperature, Material Emission, and Laser Reflection in Powder-blown Directed Energy Deposition”, JOM,
  7. Samaei, A., Porter, C., Kozjek, D., Mogonye, J.E., Cao, J. and Wagner, G.J. (2024) “Understanding Coaxial Photodiode-based Multispectral Pyrometer Measurements at the Overhang Regions in Laser Powder Bed Fusion for Part Qualification”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 93, 104398,
  8. Karkaria, V.N., Goeckner, A., Zhe, R., Chen, J., Zhang, J., Zhu, Q., Cao, J. Gao, R.X. and Chen, W. (2024) “Towards a Digital Twin Framework in Additive Manufacturing: Machine Learning and Bayesian Optimization for Time Series Process Optimization,” J. Mfg Systems, Vol. 75, pp. 322-332,
  9. Shao, J., Samaei, A., Xue, T., Xie, X., Guo, S., Cao, J., MacDonald, E., Gan, Z. (2023) “Additive friction stir deposition of metallic materials: process, structure and properties”, Materials Design,
  10. Porter, C., Carter, F. M., Kozjek, D., Clark, S. J., Fezzaa, K., Mogonye, J. E., & Cao, J. (2023). “Qualitative analysis of potential pore healing phenomenon in L-PBF using operando high speed X-ray imaging,” Manufacturing Letters
  11. Bernard, A., Kruth, J.P., Cao, J., Lanza, G., Bruschi, S., Merklein, M., Vaneker, T., Schmidt, M., Sutherland, J.W., Donmez, A. and da Silva, E. J. (2023) “Vision on metal additive manufacturing: Developments, challenges and future trends,”, CIRP J. Mfg. Sci. Tech., 47, pp. 18-58,
  12. Choi, J.Y., Xue, T.J., Liao, S. and Cao, J. (2023) “Accelerating Phase-Field Simulation of Three-Dimensional Microstructure Evolution in Laser Powder Bed Fusion with Composable Machine Learning Predictions”, Additive Manufacturing,
  13. Jeong, J., Webster, S, Zha, R., Mogonye, J.E., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2023) “Effects of Laser-Powder Alignment on Clad Dimension and Melt Pool Temperature in Directed Energy Deposition”, to appear ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering
  14. Samantha Webster, S., Moser, N., Fezzaa, K., Sun, T., Ehmann, K., Garboczi, E., Cao., J., (2023) “Pore formation driven by particle impact in laser powder-blown directed energy deposition”, PNAS Nexus, Vol. 2, 1-9,
  15. Kozjek, D., Porter, C., Carter, F. M. III, Mogonye, J.-E., and Cao, J. (2023) “Data-driven prediction of geometry- and toolpath sequence-dependent intra-layer process conditions variations in laser powder bed fusion”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 100, p. 34-46,
  16. Webster, S., Jeong, J., Liao, S. and Cao, J. (2023) “Machine-agnostic Energy Density Model for Laser, Powder-blown Directed Energy Deposition”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 100, p.11-19,
  17. Carter, F.M. III, Kozjek, D., Porter, C., Clark, S.J., Fezzaa, K., Fujishima, M. and Cao, J. (2023) “Melt Pool Instability Detection Using Coaxial Photodiode System Validated by in-situ X-ray Imaging”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 72(1), 205-208.
  18. Liao, S, Jeong, J., Zha, R., Xue, T. and Cao, J. (2023) “Simulation-guided Feedforward-feedback Control of Melt Pool Temperature in Directed Energy Deposition”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 72(1), 157-160.
  19. Cooper, C., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Bennett, J., Cao, J. and Gao, R.X. (2023) “Tensile Strength Prediction in Directed Energy Deposition Through Physics-Informed Machine Learning and Shapley Additive Explanations”, J. Materials Processing Technology., Vol. 315, 117908,
  20. Liao, S., Golgoon, A., Mozaffar, M. and Cao, J. (2023) “Efficient GPU-Accelerated Thermomechanical Solver for Residual Stress Prediction in Additive Manufacturing”, Computational mechanics,
  21. Mozaffar, M., Liao, S., Jeong, J., Xue, T. and Cao, J. (2023) “Differentiable Simulation for Material Thermal Response Design in Additive Manufacturing Processes”, Additive Manufacturing,
  22. Liao, S., Xue, T., Jeong, J., Webster, S., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2023) “Hybrid thermal modeling of additive manufacturing processes using physics-informed neural networks for temperature prediction and parameter identification”, Computational Mechanics,
  23. Kozjek, D., Porter, C., Carter, F.M., Bhattad, P., Brackman, P., Lisovich, A., Mogonye, J.K. and Cao, J. (2023) “Iterative Closest Point-based Data Fusion of Non-synchronized in-situ and ex-situ Data in Laser Powder Bed Fusion”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 66, p.179 – 199,
  24. Xue, T., Gan, Z., Liao, S. and Cao, J. (2022) “Physics-embedded graph network for accelerating phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution in additive manufacturing”, npj Computational Materials,
  25. Jeong, J., Webster, S., Liao, S., Mogonye, J.E., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “Cooling Rate Measurement in Directed Energy Deposition using Photodiode-Based Planck Thermometry (PDPT)”, Additive Manufacturing Letters,
  26. Kafka, O.L., Yu, C., Cheng, P., Wolff, S. J., Bennett, J., Garboczi, E.J., Cao, J., Xiao, X. and Liu, W.K. (2022) “X-ray computed tomography analysis of pore deformation in IN718 made with directed energy deposition via in-situ tensile testing,” J. Solids and Structures, Vol. 256, 11943,
  27. Liao, S., Webster, S., Huang, D., Council, R., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “Simulation-guided Variable Laser Power Design for Melt Pool Depth Control in Directed Energy Deposition”, Additive Manufacturing,
  28. Fang, L., Cheng, L., Glerum, J., Bennett, J., Dunand, D., Cao, J. and Wagner, G. (2022) “Data-driven analysis of process, structure, and properties of additively manufactured Inconel 718 thin walls”, npj Computational Materials, Vol. 8:126,
  29. Bennett, J., Webster, S., Byers, J., Johnson, O., Wolff, S., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “Powder-borne porosity in directed energy deposition”, Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 80, pp. 69-74,
  30. Kozjek, D., Carter, F., Porter, C., Mogonye, J.E., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022), “Data-driven prediction of next-layer melt pool temperatures in laser powder bed fusion based on co-axial high-resolution Planck thermometry measurements”, Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 79, pp.81-90,
  31. Webster, S., Giovannini, M., Shi, Y., Martinez-Prieto, N., Fezzaa, K., Sun, T., Ehmann, K., and Cao, J. (2022) “High-throughput, In-situ Imaging of Multi-layer Powder-blown Directed Energy Deposition with Angled Nozzle”, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.93(2),
  32. Mozaffar, M., Liao, S., Lin, H., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Geometry-Agnostic Data-Driven Thermal Modeling of Additive Manufacturing Processes using Graph Neural Networks”, Additive Manufacturing, 102449,
  33. Xie, X., Bennett, J., Saha, S., Lu, Y., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. and Gan, Z. (2021) “Mechanistic Data-driven Prediction of as-built Mechanical Properties in Metal Additive Manufacturing”, npj Computational Materials, Vol. 7, 86,
  34. Bennett, J., Glerum, J. and Cao, J. (2021) “Relating additively manufactured part tensile properties to thermal metrics”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 70(1),
  35. Lindenmeyer, A., Webster, S., Zaeh, M., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Template-Bayesian Approach for the Evaluation of Melt Pool Shape and Dimension of a DED-Process from In-Situ X-Ray Images”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 70(1),
  36. Bennett, J., Liao, H.G., Buergel, T., Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Towards Bi-metallic Injection Molds by Directed Energy Deposition”, Mfg. Letters, Volume 27, January 2021, Pages 78-81,
  37. Glerum, J., Bennett, J., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Parts Created via Thermal Control after Secondary Treatment Processes”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Volume 291, May 2021, 117047,
  38. Webster, S., Lin, H., Carter, F., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Physical Mechanisms in Hybrid Additive Manufacturing: A Process Design Framework”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Volume 291, May 2021, 117048,
  39. Cheng, P., Liu, W. K., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2020) “Enumeration of Additive Manufacturing Toolpaths Using Hamiltonian Paths”, Mfg. Letters, Vol. 26, 29-32,
  40. Bambach, M., Sizova, I., Szyndler, J., Bennett, J., Hyatt, G., Cao, J., Papke, T., Merklein, M. (2020) “On the Hot Deformation Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V made by Additive Manufacturing”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 288, 116840,
  41. Bennett, J., Garcia, D., Kendrick, M., Hartman, T., Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K.F., You, F., Cao, J. (2019) “Repairing Automotive Dies with Directed Energy Deposition: Industrial Application and Life Cycle Analysis”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141(2),021019,
  42. Gan, Z., Li, H., Woff, S.J., Bennett, J.L., Hyatt, G., Wagner, G.J., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. (2019) “Data-Driven Microstructure and Microhardness Design in Additive Manufacturing Using a Self-Organizing Map,” Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2019, Pages 730-735,
  43. Wolff, S.J., Gan, Z., Lin, S., Bennett, J.L., Yan, W., Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K.F., Wagner, G.J., Liu, W.K., Cao, J., (2019) “Experimentally validated predictions of thermal history and microhardness in laser-deposited Inconel 718 on carbon steel,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 27, p.540-551,
  44. Mozaffar, M., Ndip-Agbor, E., Lin, S., Wagner, G., Ehmann, K., Cao, J. (2019) “Acceleration strategies for explicit finite element analysis of metal powder‑based additive manufacturing processes using graphical processing units”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 64, pp. 879-894,
  45. Wolff, S., Wu, H., Parab, N., Zhao, C., Ehmann, K, Sun, T. and Cao, J. (2019) “In-situ high-speed X-ray imaging of piezo-driven directed energy deposition additive manufacturing”, Scientific Reports, 9:962,
  46. Garcia, D.J., Mozaffar, M., Ren, H., Correa, J. E., Ehmann, K., Cao, J. and You, F. (2019) “Sustainable Manufacturing with Cyber-Physical Discrete Manufacturing Networks: Overview and Modeling Framework”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 141(2), 021013,
  47. Mozaffar, M., Paul, A., Al-Bahrani, R., Wolff, S., Choudhary, A., Agrawal, A., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2018) “Data-Driven Prediction of the High-Dimensional Thermal History in Directed Energy Deposition Processes via Recurrent Neural Networks”, Manufacturing Letter, Vol. 18, pp.35-39,
  48. Pritchet, D., Moser, N., Ehmann, K., Cao, J. and Huang, J. (2018) “Quantifying discretization errors in electrophoretically-guided micro additive manufacturing”, Micromachines, Vol. 9, pp. 447,
  49. Martinez-Prieto, N., Fratta, G., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. F. (2018) “Deposition of variable bead diameter arrays by self-focusing electrohydrodynamic jets,” ASME Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, Vol. 6(3), 031003 (11 pages),
  50. Yan, W.T., Lin, S., Kafka, O.L., Lian, Y.P., Yu, C., Liu, Z.L., Yan, J.H., Wolff, S., Wu, H., Ndip-Agbor, E., Mozaffar, M., Ehmann, K., Cao, J., Wagner, G., Liu, W.K. (2018) “Data-driven multi-scale multi-physics models to derive process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing”, Computational Mechanics
  51. Yan, W., Lin, S., Kafica, O.L., Yu, C., Liu, Z., Lian, Y., Wolff, S., Cao, J., Wagner, G.J., Liu, W.K. (2018) “Modeling process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing”, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, February 12, 2018, pp. 1-11.
  52. Wolff, S. J., Lin, S., Faierson, E. J., Liu, W. K., Wagner, G. L., & Cao, J. (2017). A framework to link localized cooling and properties of directed energy deposition (DED)-Processed Ti-6Al-4V. Acta Materialia, Volume 132, 15 June 2017, Pages 106-117,
  53. Bennett, J.L.*, Wolff, S.J.*, Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K., and J. Cao, (2017) “Thermal effect on clad dimension for laser deposited Inconel 718”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 28(3), pp. 550-557,
  54. Wolff, S., Lee, T., Faierson, E., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2016) “Anisotropic Properties of Directed Energy Deposition (DED)-Processed Ti-6Al-4V”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 24(2), pp.397-405,
  55. Smith, J., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. (2016) “Computational Challenges and Future Research Directions in Additive Manufacturing,” IACM Expression, 38, 2-5.
  56. Smith, J., Xiong, W., Yan, W., Lin, S., Cheng, P., Kafka, O.L., Wagner, G.J., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. (2016) Linking process, structure, property, and performance for metal-based additive manufacturing: computational approaches with experimental support”, Computational Mechanics,
  57. Smith, J., Xiong, W., Cao, J. and Liu, W.K. (2016) “Thermodynamically Consistent Microstructure Prediction of Additively Manufactured Materials”, Computational Mechanics,
  58. Martinez-Prieto, N., Abecassis, M., Xu J., Guo, P., Cao, J., Ehmann, K. (2015) “Design of a Near-Field Electrospinning Setup for Precise Deposition of Nanofibers”, ASME. J. Micro Nano-Manuf. 2015;
  59. Martinez-Prieto N, Abecassis M, Xu J, Guo P, Cao J, Ehmann K. (2015) “Feasibility of Fiber-Deposition Control by Secondary Electric Fields in Near-Field Electrospinning”  J. Micro and Nano-Manuf,Vol. 4(1),

AI-enabled & AI-accelerated

  1. Hu, F., Niezgoda, S., Xue, T. and Cao, J. “JAX-CPFEM: Efficient GPU-computing Simulation for Differentiable Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method”, to appear npj Computational Materials.
  2. Liao, S., Xue, T. and Cao, J. (2024) “Deep learning based reconstruction of transient 3D melt pool geometries in laser powder bed fusion from coaxial melt pool images”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 40, pp. 50 – 53,
  3. Duan, S., Kozjek, D., Mehr, E., Anders, M. and Cao, J. (2024) “Forming Force Prediction in Double-sided Incremental Forming via GNN-based Transfer Learning”, Mfg. Processes, Vol. 120, pp. 867-877,
  4. Li, Y., Mojumder, S., Lu, Y., Amin, A.A., Guo, J., Xie, X., Chen, W., Wagner, G.J., Cao, J. and Liu, W.K. (2024) “Statistical Parameterized Physics-based Machine Learning Digital Shadow Models for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 87, 104214,
  5. Carter F.M. III, Portor, C., Kozjek, D., Shimoyoshi K., Fujishima M., Irino, N. and Cao, J. (2024) “Machine Learning Guided Adaptive Laser Power Control for Selective Laser Melting for Pore Reduction”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 73(1), pp. 149-152,
  6. Kozjek, D, Porter, C., Carter, F.M. III, Mogonye, J.E. and Cao, J. (2024) “Data-driven prediction of inter-layer process condition variations in laser powder bed fusion”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 88, 104230,
  7. Cao, J., Bambach, M., Merklein, M., Mozaffar, M. and Xue, T. (2024) “Artificial Intelligence in Metal Forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol.73(2), pp. 561 – 587,
  8. Choi, J.Y., Xue, T.J., Liao, S. and Cao, J. (2023) “Accelerating Phase-Field Simulation of Three-Dimensional Microstructure Evolution in Laser Powder Bed Fusion with Composable Machine Learning Predictions”, Additive Manufacturing,
  9. Cooper, C., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Bennett, J., Cao, J. and Gao, R.X. (2023) “Tensile Strength Prediction in Directed Energy Deposition Through Physics-Informed Machine Learning and Shapley Additive Explanations”, J. Materials Processing Technology., Vol. 315, 117908,
  10. Carter, F.M. III, Kozjek, D., Porter, C., Clark, S.J., Fezzaa, K., Fujishima, M. and Cao, J. (2023) “Melt Pool Instability Detection Using Coaxial Photodiode System Validated by in-situ X-ray Imaging”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 72(1), 205-208.
  11. Kozjek, D., Porter, C., Carter, F. M. III, Mogonye, J.-E., and Cao, J. (2023) “Data-driven prediction of geometry- and toolpath sequence-dependent intra-layer process conditions variations in laser powder bed fusion”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 100, p. 34-46,
  12. Xue, T., Liao, S., Gan, Z.T., Park, C., Xie, X., Liu, W.K. and Cao, J. (2023) “JAX-FEM: A differentiable GPU-accelerated 3D finite element solver for automatic inverse design and mechanistic data science”, Computer Physics Communication, Vol. 291, 108802,
  13. Mozaffar, M., Liao, S., Jeong, J., Xue, T. and Cao, J. (2023) “Differentiable Simulation for Material Thermal Response Design in Additive Manufacturing Processes”, Additive Manufacturing,
  14. Liao, S., Xue, T., Jeong, J., Webster, S., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2023) “Hybrid thermal modeling of additive manufacturing processes using physics-informed neural networks for temperature prediction and parameter identification”, Computational Mechanics,
  15. Xue, T., Gan, Z., Liao, S. and Cao, J. (2022) “Physics-embedded graph network for accelerating phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution in additive manufacturing”, npj Computational Materials,
  16. Fang, L., Cheng, L., Glerum, J., Bennett, J., Dunand, D., Cao, J. and Wagner, G. (2022) “Data-driven analysis of process, structure, and properties of additively manufactured Inconel 718 thin walls”, npj Computational Materials, Vol. 8:126,
  17. Mozaffar, M., Liao, S.H., Xie, X.Y., Saha, S., Park, C., Cao, J. Liu, W.K. and Gan, Z. (2022) “Mechanistic Artificial Intelligence (Mechanistic-AI) for Modeling, Design, and Control of Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Current State and Perspectives”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 302,
  18. Jiang, Z.L., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “Prediction of forming temperature in electrically-assisted double-sided incremental forming using a neural network”, J. Materials Processing Technology,
  19. Mozaffar, M., Liao, S., Lin, H., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Geometry-Agnostic Data-Driven Thermal Modeling of Additive Manufacturing Processes using Graph Neural Networks”, Additive Manufacturing, 102449,
  20. Xie, X., Bennett, J., Saha, S., Lu, Y., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. and Gan, Z. (2021) “Mechanistic Data-driven Prediction of as-built Mechanical Properties in Metal Additive Manufacturing”, npj Computational Materials, Vol. 7, 86,
  21. Gorji, M.B., Mozaffar, M., Heidenreich, J. N., Cao, J. and Mohr, D. (2020) “On the potential of Recurrent Neural Networks for modeling path dependent plasticity”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 143, 103972,
  22. Mozaffar, M., Bostanabad, R., Chen, W., Ehmann, K., Cao, J., and Bessa, M.A. (2019) “Deep learning predicts path-dependent plasticity”, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), December 16, 2019,
  23. Gan, Z., Li, H., Woff, S.J., Bennett, J.L., Hyatt, G., Wagner, G.J., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. (2019) “Data-Driven Microstructure and Microhardness Design in Additive Manufacturing Using a Self-Organizing Map,” Engineering, Vol. 5(4), pp. 730-735,
  24. Mozaffar, M., Paul, A., Al-Bahrani, R., Wolff, S., Choudhary, A., Agrawal, A., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2018) “Data-Driven Prediction of the High-Dimensional Thermal History in Directed Energy Deposition Processes via Recurrent Neural Networks”, Manufacturing Letter, Vol. 18, pp.35-39,
  25. Yan, W.T., Lin, S., Kafka, O.L., Lian, Y.P., Yu, C., Liu, Z.L., Yan, J.H., Wolff, S., Wu, H., Ndip-Agbor, E., Mozaffar, M., Ehmann, K., Cao, J., Wagner, G., Liu, W.K. (2018) “Data-driven multi-scale multi-physics models to derive process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing”, Computational Mechanics,
  26. Mozaffar, M., Paul, A., Al-Bahrani, R., Wolff, S., Choudhary, A., Agrawal, A., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2018) “Data-Driven Prediction of the High-Dimensional Thermal History in Directed Energy Deposition Processes via Recurrent Neural Networks”, Manufacturing Letter, Vol. 18, pp.35-39,
  27. Viswanathan, V., Kinsey, B.L., and Cao, J., (2003) “Experimental Implementation of Neural Network Springback Control for Sheet Metal Forming”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 125 (2), April, pp.141-147.
  28. Cao, J., Kinsey, B. and Solla, S. (2000) “Consistent and Minimal Springback Using a Stepped Binder Force Trajectory and Neural Network Control”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,122, pp.113-118, January.
  29. Ruffini, R. and Cao, J. (1998) “Using Neural Network for Springback Minimization in a Channel Forming Process”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol. 107, Section 5, pp. 65-73.

Composites Forming

Composites forming 

  1. Subramaniam, S., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. (2024) “Multiphysics Analysis and Verification of Jet Flight in Electrohydrodynamic Printing for Near-Field Electrospinning Applications”, J. Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing,
  2. Bisram, M., Ahmed, J., Hood, A and Cao, J. (2023) “A novel method for creation of complex microstructure cells through artificial molecular dynamics simulations”, Composites Science and Technology, 109849,
  3. Gao, J., Mojumder, S., Zhang, W., Li, H., Suarez, D., He, C., Cao, J. and Liu, W.K. (2022) “Concurrent n-scale modeling for non-orthogonal woven composite”, Computational Mechanics,
  4. Rout, S., Bisram, M. and Cao, J. (2022) ‘Methods for Numerical Simulation of Knit Based Morphable Structures: KnitMorphs”, Scientific Reports, 12:6630,
  5. Bruschi, S., Cao, J., Merklein, M. and Yanagimoto, J. (2021) “Forming of Metal-based Composites Parts”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 70(2),
  6. Liang, B., Zhang, W.Z., Fenner, J.S., Gao, J.Y., Shi, Y., Zeng, D., Su, X.M., Liu, W.K., Cao, J. (2019) “Multi-scale modeling of mechanical behavior of cured woven textile composites accounting for the influence of yarn angle variation”, Composites Part A, Vol. 124,
  7. Zhang, W.*, Bostanabad, R.*, Liang, B., Su, X., Zeng, D., Bessa, M.A., Wang, Y., Chen, W., and Cao, J. (2019) “A Numerical Bayesian-Calibrated Characterization Method for Multiscale Prepreg Preforming Simulations with Tension-Shear Coupling”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 170, pp. 15-24,
  8. Bostanabad, R. Liang, B., Gao, J., Liu, W. K., Cao, J. Zeng, D., Su, X., Xu, H., Li, Y. and Chen, W. (2018) “Uncertainty quantification in multiscale simulation of woven fiber composites”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 338 (15), pp. 506-532,
  9. Zhang W, Ma X, Lu J, Zhang Z, Wang Q, Su X, Zeng D, Mirdamadi M, Cao J, (2018) Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling of the Interaction Between Carbon Fiber Composite Prepregs During a Preforming Process. ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 2018;
  10. Zhang, W., Ren, H., Liang, B., Zeng, D., Su, X., Dahl, J., and Cao, J. (2017). A non-orthogonal material model of woven composites in the preforming process. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology.
  11. Lee, W., Um, M.K., Boisse, P. and Cao, J. (2010) “Numerical study on thermo-stamping of woven fabric composites based on double-dome stretch forming”, International Journal of Material Forming, Vol. 3(2), 1217-1227.
  12. Sargent, J., Chen, J., Sherwood, J., Cao, J., Boisse, P., Willem, A., Vanclooster, K.,  Lomov, S.V., Khan, M., Mabrouki, T., Fetfatsidis, K., Jauffrès, D. (2010) “Benchmark study on finite element models for simulating the thermostamping of woven-fabric reinforced composites”, International Journal of Material Forming, Vol. 3(1), 683-686,
  13. Lee, W., Um, M.K., Boisse, P. and Cao, J. (2009) “Numerical study on thermo-stamping of woven fabric composites based on double-dome stretch forming”, International Journal of Material Forming,Vol 3(2), pp. 1217-1227, DOI: 10.1007/s12289-009-0668-5.
  14. Cao, J., Akkerman, R., Boisse, P., Chen, J.,Cheng, H.S., de Graaf, e.F., Gorczyca, J.L., Hivet, G., Launay, J., Lee, W., Liu, L., Lomov, S.V., de Luycker, E., Morestin, F., Padvoiskis, J., Peng, J. Sherwood, X.Q., Stoilova, T., Tao, X.M., Verpoest, I., Willems, A., Yu, T.X., and Zhu, B. (2008) “Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of Woven Fabrics: Experimental Methods and Benchmark Results”, Composites: Part A, pp.1037-1053.
  15. Boisse, P., Hamila, N., Helenon, F., Hagege, B. and Cao, J. (2008) “Different Approaches for Woven Composite Reinforcement Forming Simulation”, International Journal of Material Forming, Vol.1, pp.21-29.
  16. Hang Shawn Cheng, Jian Cao, Numpon Mahayotsanun (2006) “Experimental Study on Behavior of Woven Composites in Thermo-stamping under Nonlinear Temperature Trajectories”, International Journal of Forming Processes, Vol.8, pp.1-12.
  17. Xue, P., Cao, J. and Chen, J. (2005) “Integrated micro/macro mechanical model of woven fabric composites under large deformation”, Composite Structures, Vol. 70, pp.69-80.
  18. Peng, X.Q. and Cao, J. (2005) “A continuum mechanics based non-orthogonal constitutive model for woven composites”, Composites: Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 36(6), pp. 859-874.
  19. Peng, X.Q., Cao, J., Chen, J., Xue, P., Luisser, D.S. and. Liu, L. (2004) “Experimental and numerical analysis on normalization of picture frame tests for composite materials”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 64, pp.11-21.
  20. Cao, J., Xue, P., Peng, X.Q. and Krishnan, N (2003) “An approach in modeling the temperature effect in thermo-forming of woven composites”, Composite Structures, Vol. 61(4), pp.413-420.
  21. Xue, P., Peng, X.Q. and Cao, J. (2003) “A non-orthogonal constitutive model for characterizing woven composites11:19 AM 3/18/2010”, Composites: Part A, Vol 34/2, pp. 183-193.
  22. Peng, X.Q. and Cao, J (2002) “A dual homogenization and Finite Element approach for material characterization of textile composites “, Composites Part B, 33 (1), pp 45-56.
  23. Chen, J., Lussier, D.S., Cao, J. and Peng, X.Q. (2001) “The relationship between materials characterization methods and material models for stamping of woven fabric/thermoplastic composites”, International Journal of Forming Processes, Vol. 4(3), pp. 269-294.


  1. Martinez-Prieto, N., Abecassis, M., Xu J., Guo, P., Cao, J., Ehmann, K. (2015) “Design of a Near-Field Electrospinning Setup for Precise Deposition of Nanofibers”, ASME. J. Micro Nano-Manuf. 2015;
  2. Martinez-Prieto N, Abecassis M, Xu J, Guo P, Cao J, Ehmann K. (2015) “Feasibility of Fiber-Deposition Control by Secondary Electric Fields in Near-Field Electrospinning”  J. Micro and Nano-Manuf,Vol. 4(1),

Cyber-physical Systems & Digital Twins

  1. Mohapatra, P.*, Aravind, V.*, Bisram, M., Lee, Y.J., Jeong, H., Jinkins, K., Gardner, R., Streamer, J., Bowers, B., Cavuoto, L., Banks, A., Xu, S., Rogers, J., Cao, J., Zhu, Q., and Guo, P. (2024) “Wearable Network for Multi-Level Physical Fatigue Prediction in Manufacturing Workers”, PNAS Nexus, Vol. 3, pp. 421,
  2. Li, Y., Mojumder, S., Lu, Y., Amin, A.A., Guo, J., Xie, X., Chen, W., Wagner, G.J., Cao, J. and Liu, W.K. (2024) “Statistical Parameterized Physics-based Machine Learning Digital Shadow Models for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process”, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 87, 104214,
  3. Suarez, D., Chen, F., Kang, P., Forbes, B., Gao, M., Ineza O., Benton, K., Dewberry, N., Jaiswall, C., Gokaraju, B., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2024) “On the feasibility of an integrated English wheel system”, J. Mfg Systems, Vol. 74, pp. 665-675,
  4. Huang, D., Suarez, D., Kang, P., Ehmann, K., Cao. J. (2023) “Robot forming: automated English wheel as an avenue for flexibility and repeatability”, Manufacturing letters,
  5. Daehn, G., Cao, J., Lewandowski, J., Schmitz, T. and Sankar, J. (2023) “Introducing NSF’s HAMMER Engineering Research Center: Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing Moving from Evolution to Revolution [HAMMER]”, JOM, 75, pages971–974 Published online March 2023,
  6. Tosello, G., Bissacco, G., Cao, J. and Axinte, D. (2023) “Modeling and simulation of surface generation in manufacturing”, to appear CIRP Annals, Vol. 72(2),
  7. Liao, S, Jeong, J., Zha, R., Xue, T. and Cao, J. (2023) “Simulation-guided Feedforward-feedback Control of Melt Pool Temperature in Directed Energy Deposition”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 72(1), 157-160.
  8. Kozjek, D., Porter, C., Carter, F.M., Bhattad, P., Brackman, P., Lisovich, A., Mogonye, J.K. and Cao, J. (2023) “Iterative Closest Point-based Data Fusion of Non-synchronized in-situ and ex-situ Data in Laser Powder Bed Fusion”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 66, p.179 – 199,
  9. Liao, S., Webster, S., Huang, D., Council, R., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “Simulation-guided Variable Laser Power Design for Melt Pool Depth Control in Directed Energy Deposition”, Additive Manufacturing,
  10. Xie, J., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “MetaFEM: A Generic FEM Solver by Meta-expressions”, Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 394, 114907,
  11. Garcia, D.J., Mozaffar, M., Ren, H., Correa, J. E., Ehmann, K., Cao, J. and You, F. (2019) “Sustainable Manufacturing with Cyber-Physical Discrete Manufacturing Networks: Overview and Modeling Framework”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 141(2), 021013,
  12. Ndip-Agbor, E. E., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. (2018) “Towards smart manufacturing process selection in Cyber-Physical Systems”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 17, pp. 1-5,

Failure Criteria


  1. Kinsey, B., Krishnan, N., and Cao, J. (2004) “A Methodology to Reduce and Quantify Wrinkling in Tailor Welded Blank Forming”, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 21 (1/2/3), pp. 154 -168.
  2. Kinsey, B.L. and Cao, J (2003) “An analytical model for Tailor Welded Blank forming”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,May, Vol. 125(2), pp.344-351.
  3. Yao, H. and Cao, J. (2002) “Prediction of forming limit curves using an anisotropic yield function with prestrain induced backstress”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol.18/8, pp.1013-1038.
  4. Yao, H and Cao, J. (2001) “Assessment of corner failure depths in the deep drawing of 3D panels using simplified 2D numerical and analytical model”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,123 (2), pp.248-257.
  5. Kinsey, B.L., Viswanathan, V., and Cao, J. (2001) “Forming of aluminum tailor welded blanks”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol. 110, Section 5, pp. 673-679.
  6. Cao, J., Yao, H., Karafillis, A. and Boyce, M.C. (2000) “Prediction of localized thinning in sheet metal using a general anisotropic yield criterion”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 16/9, pp.1105-1129.
  7. Yao, H., Kinsey, B. and Cao, J. (1999) “Rapid design of corner restraining force in deep drawn rectangular parts”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 40, No.1, pp.113-131.
  8. Yao, H., Kinsey, B. and Cao, J. (1999) “A simplified 2-D model for predicting 3-D corner failure in a square part”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol. 108, Section 5, pp. 958-966.


  1. Lu, H., Cheng, H.S., Cao, J. and Liu, W.K. (2005) “Adaptive enrichment meshfree simulation and experiment on buckling and post-buckling analysis in sheet metal forming,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 194, pp.2569-2590.
  2. Cheng, H., Cao, J., Yao, H., Liu, S.D., and Kinsey, B.L. (2004) “Wrinkling Behavior of Laminated Steel Sheets”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.151/1-3 pp. 133-140.
  3. Lu, H., Li, S. Simkins, D.C., Liu, W.K. and Cao, J. (2004) “Reproducing Kernel Element Method, Part III: Generalized Enrichment and Applications”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp.989 – 1011.
  4. Liu, W. K., Han, W., Lu, H., Li, S., and Cao, J. (2004) “Reproducing Kernel Element Method, Part I Theoretical Formulation”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 193, pp.933 – 951.
  5. Cao, J., Wang, X., and Mills, F. A. (2002) “Characterization of sheet buckling phenomenon subjected to controlled boundary constraints”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,August, 2002, Vol. 124, pp.493-501.
  6. Wang, X. and Cao, J. (2001) “Wrinkling limit in tube bending”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol.123, pp.430 – 435.
  7. Wang, X., Cao, J. and Li, M. (2001) “Wrinkling analysis in shrink flanging”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 123, pp.426-432.
  8. Wang, X. and Cao, J. (2000) “On the prediction of side-wall wrinkling in sheet metal forming processes”, International Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol. 42/12, pp.2369-2394.
  9. Wang, X. and Cao, J. (2000) “An analytical model for predicting flange wrinkling in deep drawing”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 2/2, pp.100-107. Also appeared in Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME,26, 1998, pp.25-30.
  10. Cao, J. (1999) “Prediction of plastic wrinkling using energy method”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.66, pp.646-652.
  11. Wang, X. and Cao, J. (1999) “Stress-based prediction for the straight side-wall wrinkling in deep drawing processes”, Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME,27, pp.55-60.
  12. Cao, J. and Wang, X. (1999) “An analytical model for plate wrinkling under tri-axial loading and its application”, International Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp.617-633.
  13. Cao, J. and Boyce, M. (1997) “Wrinkling behavior of rectangular plates under lateral constraints”, International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 34 (2), Section 5, pp.153-176.

Soft-Coil Analysis

  1. Li, S.P. and Cao, J. (2004) “A hybrid approach for quantifying the winding process and material effects on sheet coil deformation”, ASME Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology, Vol. 126(3), pp.303-313.
  2. Li, S.P. and Cao, J. (2002) “A study on the stress distribution in coil wrapping and its effect on the final coil deformation”, Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 30, pp.95-102.

Incremental Forming

  1. Vazquez-Armendariz, J., Olivas-Alanis, L.H., Mahan, T., Rodriguez, C.A., Groeber, M., Niezgoda, S., Morris, J.M., Emam, H., Skoracki, R., Cao, J., Ripley, B., Iaquinto, J., Daehn, G. and Dean, D. (2023) “Workflow for Robotic Point-of-Care Manufacturing of Personalized Maxillofacial Graft Fixation Hardware”. Integr Mater Manuf Innov., Vol.12, 92-104,
  2. Huang, D., Suarez, D., Kang, P., Ehmann, K., Cao. J. (2023) “Robot forming: automated English wheel as an avenue for flexibility and repeatability”, Manufacturing letters,
  3. Leem, D., Liao, S., Bhandari, S., Wang, Z., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “A toolpath strategy for double-sided incremental forming of corrugated structures”, Materials Processing Technology,
  4. Moser, N., Leem, D., Ehmann, K and Cao, J (2021) “A High-Fidelity Finite Element Model for Quantifying the Stress Triaxiality and Lode Angle Parameter in Double-Sided Incremental Forming”, Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 295, 117152,
  5. Jiang, Z.L., Liao, S., Slocum, A.H., Leem, D., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2022) “Toolpath planning for manufacturing of complex parts through incremental sheet forming”,  ASME Open Journal of Engineering,
  6. Jiang, Z.L., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2022) “Prediction of forming temperature in electrically-assisted double-sided incremental forming using a neural network”, J. Materials Processing Technology,
  7. Moser, N., Leem, D., Ehmann, K and Cao, J (2021) “A High-Fidelity Finite Element Model for Quantifying the Stress Triaxiality and Lode Angle Parameter in Double-Sided Incremental Forming”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 295, 117152,
  8. Liao, S., Zeng, Q., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2020) “Parameter identification and non-parametric calibration of the Tri-pyramid Robot”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 25(5), pp. 2309-2317,
  9. Shi, Y. Zhang, W.Z., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. F. (2019) “Experimental study of water jet incremental micro-forming with supporting dies”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 268, pp. 117-131,
  10. Shi, Y., Zhang, W., Cao, J., Ehmann, K.F. (2019) “An Experimental and Numerical Study of Dieless Water Jet Incremental Microforming”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141(4),041008,
  11. Zhang, H., Ren, H., Chen, J. and Cao, J. (2019) “Global-cumulative incremental hole-flanging by tools with complementary-shape cross section”, Int. J. Materials Forming, vol. 12, pp.899-906,
  12. Ren, H., Xie, J., Liao, S., Leem, D., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2019) “In-situ springback compensation in incremental sheet forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 68(1), pp. 317-320,
  13. Ndip-Agbor, E. E., Cheng, P., Moser, N., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2019) “Prediction of Rigid Body Motion in Multi-Pass Single Point Incremental Forming”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 269, pp. 117-127,
  14. Zhang, X., He, T., Miwa, H., Nanbu, T., Murakami, R., Liu, S., Cao, J. and Wang, Q. J. (2019) “A new approach for analyzing the temperature rise and heat partition at the interface of coated tool tip-sheet incremental forming systems”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 129, 1172–1183,
  15. Ren, H., Li, F., Moser, N., Leem, D., Li, T., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2018) “General contact force control algorithm in double-sided incremental forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 67(1), pp. 381-384,
  16. Zhang, H., Zhang, Z.X., Ren, H.Q., Cao, J. and Chen J. (2018) “Deformation mechanics and failure mode in stretch and shrink flanging by double-sided incremental forming”, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 144, 216-222,
  17. Duflou, J.R., Habraken A.M., Cao, J., Malhotra, R., Bambach M., Adams D., Vanhove, H., Mohammadi A. and Jeswiet J. (2018) “Single point of incremental forming: state-of-the-art and prospects”, Int. J. of Material Forming, Vol. 11(6), pp. 743-773,
  18. Ndip-Agbor, E. E., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2018) “Automated flexible forming strategy for geometries with multiple features in double-sided incremental forming”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 140(3), 0310041,
  19. Cao, T., Lu, B., Cao, J. and Chen, J. (2017) “Experimental investigations on the forming mechanism of a new incremental stretch-flanging strategy with a featured tool”, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 92(5-8), pp.2953-2964,
  20. Valoppi, B., Egea, A.J.S., Zhang, Z.X., Rojas, H.A.G., Ghiotti, A., Bruschi, S. and Cao, J. (2016) A Hybrid Mixed Double-Sided Incremental Forming Method for Forming Ti6Al4V Alloy”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 66 (1),
  21. Xu, D.K., Lu, B., Cao, T.T., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Long, H. and Cao, J. (2016) “Enhancement of Process Capabilities in Electrically-assisted Double Sided Incremental Forming”, Materials and Design, Vol. 92, pp. 268-280,
  22. Davarpanah, M.A., Zhang, Z.X., Bansal, S., Cao, J. and Malhotra, R. (2016) “Preliminary Investigations on Double Sided Incremental Forming of Thermoplastics”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 8, pp.21-26,
  23. Moser, N., Pritchet, D., Ren, H.Q., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2016) “An efficient and general finite element model for double-sided incremental forming”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 138, September, 091007 (10 pages),
  24. Zeng, Q., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2016) Design of General Kinematrotropic Mechanisms”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 38, pp.67-81,
  25. Moser, N., Zhang, Z.X., Ren, H., Zhang, H., Shi, Y., Ndip-Agbor, E. E., Lu, B., Chen, J., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2016) Effective Forming Strategy for Double-Sided Incremental Forming Considering In-plane Curvature and Tool Direction”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 66 (1),
  26. Zeng, Q., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2016) “Design of General Kinematrotropic Mechanisms”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 38, pp.67-81,
  27. Zeng, Q., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2016) “Tri-pyramid Robot: Stiffness Modeling of a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Manipulator”, Robotica, Vol. 34(2), pp. 383-402.
  28. Zhang, Z., Ren, H., Xu, R., Moser, N., Smith, J., Ndip-Agbor, E., Malhotra, R., Xia, Z.C., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2015) A Mixed Double-Sided Incremental Forming Toolpath Strategy for Improved Geometric Accuracy”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.137(5), 051007 (7 pages),
  29. Cao, T.T., Lu, B., Xu, D.K., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Long, H. and Cao, J. (2015) An efficient method for thickness prediction in multi-pass incremental sheet forming”, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 77(1-4), pp. 469-483.,
  30. Lu, B., Fang, Y., Xu, D.K., Chen, J., Ai, S., Long, H., Ou, H. and Cao, J (2015) Investigation of material deformation mechanism in double side incremental sheet forming”, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.93, pp.37-48,
  31. Ndip-Agbor, E.E., Smith, J., Ren H., Jiang, Z., Moser, N., Chen, W. Xia, Z.C. and Cao, J. (2015) Optimization of Relative Tool Position in Accumulative Double Sided Incremental Forming using Finite Element Analysis and Model Bias Correction”, Int. J. Material Forming,
  32. Moser, N., Ndip-agbor, E., Ren, H., Zhang, Z., Ehmann, K., & Cao, J. (2015). Challenges and Process Strategies Concerning Multi-Pass Double Sided Incremental Forming. Key Engineering Materials, 651-653, 1122–1127.
  33. Lu, B., Chen, J., Ou, H. and Cao, J. (2013) “Feature-Based Tool Path Generation Approach for Incremental Sheet Forming Process”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 213(7), pp. 1221-1233,
  34. Smith, J. L., Malhotra, R., Liu, W.K. and Cao, J. (2013) “Deformation Mechanics in Single Point and Accumulative Double-Sided Incremental Forming”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 69 (5-8), pp 1185-1201,
  35. Xu, D.K; Wu, W.C., Malhotra, R., Chen, J., Lu, B. and Cao, J. (2013) “Mechanism Investigation for the Influence of Tool Rotation and Laser Surface Texturing (LST) on Formability in Single Point Incremental Forming”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 73, pp. 37-46,
  36. Beltran, M., Malhotra, R., Nelson, A.J., Bhattacharya, A., Reddy, N.V., and Cao, J. (2013) “Experimental study of failure modes and scaling effects in micro-incremental forming”, ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-manufacturing, Vol 1(3)
  37. Xu, R., Shi, X.T., Xu, D.K, Malhotra, R. and Cao, J. (2013) “A preliminary study on the fatigue behavior of sheet metal parts formed with accumulative-double-sided incremental forming”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 2(1), pp. 8-11,
  38. Agrawal, A., Ziegert, J., Smith, S., Woody, B. and Cao, J. (2012) “Study of Dimensional Repeatability and Fatigue Life for Deformation Machining Bending Mode”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 134(6),
  39. Xu, D.K., Malhotra, R., Cao, J., Reddy, N.V. and Chen, J. (2012) “Analytical Prediction of Stepped Feature Generation in Multi-pass Single Point Incremental Forming”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol.14(4), pp.487-494,
  40. Dittrich, M.A., Gutowski, T.G., Cao. J, Roth, J.T., Xia, Z.C., Kiridena, V., Ren, F., Henning, F. (2012) “Exergy Analysis of Incremental Sheet Forming”, Production Engineering Research & Development, Vol. 6, pp. 69–177.
  41. Malhotra, R., Xue, L, Belytschko, T., Cao, J. (2012) “Prediction and Analysis of Fracture in Single Point Incremental Forming using a Damage based Material Model”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 212, pp. 1573-1590.
  42. Malhotra, R., Cao, J., Beltran, M., Xu, D., Magargee, J., Kiridena, V., Xia, Z.C. (2012) “Accumulative-DSIF Strategy for Enhancing Process Capabilities in Incremental Forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol.61/1.
  43. Malhotra, R., Cao, J., Ren, F., Kiridena, V., Xia, Z.Cedric. and Reddy, N.V. (2011) ”Improvement of geometric accuracy in Incremental Forming by using a Squeezing Toolpath With Two Forming Tools”,  ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 133(6), 061019,
  44. Bhattacharya, A., Maneesh, K., Reddy, N.V. and Cao, J. (2011) “Formability and surface finish studies in single point incremental forming”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 133(6), 061020,
  45. Malhotra, R., Bhattacharya, A., Kumar, A., Reddy, N.V. and Cao, J. (2011) “A New Methodology for Multi-Pass Single Point Incremental Forming with Mixed Toolpaths”, CIRP Annals, Vol.60/1.
  46. Malhotra, R., Reddy, N.V. and Cao, J. (2010) “Automatic Spiral Toolpath Generation for Single Point Incremental Forming”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing and Science Engineering, Vol. 132(6), 061003,

Laser Micromachining

Direct ablation

  1. Wu, H., Zou, P., Yan, W., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K.F. (2020) “Micro wave patterns by vibrating-lens assisted laser machining”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 277, 116424,
  2. Shi, Y., Jiang, Z., Cao, J., & Ehmann, K. F. (2020). “Texturing of Metallic Surfaces for Superhydrophobicity by Water Jet Guided Laser Micro-Machining,” Applied Surface Science, Vol.500, 144286,
  3. Wolff, S.J., Gan, Z., Lin, S., Bennett, J.L., Yan, W., Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K.F., Wagner, G.J., Liu, W.K., Cao, J., (2019) “Experimentally validated predictions of thermal history and microhardness in laser-deposited Inconel 718 on carbon steel,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 27, p.540-551,
  4. Bennett, J.L.*, Wolff, S.J.*, Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K., and J. Cao, (2017) “Thermal effect on clad dimension for laser deposited Inconel 718”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 28(3), pp. 550-557,
  5. Xing, Y.Q., Deng, J.X., Wang, X.S., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2016) “Experimental Assessment of Laser Textured Cutting Tools in Dry Cutting of Aluminum Alloys,” ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 138(7):071006-071006-10,
  6. Saxena, I., Malhotra, R., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2015) “High-speed Fabrication of Micro-channels using Line-based Laser Induced Plasma Micro-machining (L-LIPMM)”, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 2015, Vol. 3.
  7. Saxena, I., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2015) “High Throughput Microfabrication using Laser Induced Plasma in Saline Aqueous Medium”, Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 217, March, pp. 77–87,
  8. Aktürk, D.Z., Liu, P., Cao, J., Wang, Q.J., Xia, Z.C., Talwar, R., Grzina, D., and Merklein, M. (2015) “Friction Anisotropy of Aluminum 6111-T4 Sheet with Flat and Laser-Textured D2 Tooling”, Tribology International, Vol. 81, pp. 333-340,
  9. Saxena, I., Wolff, S. and Cao, J. (2015) “Unidirectional magnetic field assisted Laser Induced Plasma Micro-Machining”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 3, pp.1-4.
  10. Xu, D.K; Wu, W.C., Malhotra, R., Chen, J., Lu, B. and Cao, J. (2013) “Mechanism Investigation for the Influence of Tool Rotation and Laser Surface Texturing (LST) on Formability in Single Point Incremental Forming”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 73, pp. 37-46,
  11. Davis, T. and Cao, J (2010) “Effect of Laser Pulse Overlap on Machined Depth”, Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 38, pp. 291-298.

Laser-induced plasma micromachining (LIPMM)

  1. Bhandari, S., Kang, P., Jeong, J., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. (2022) “Cavitation bubble removal by surfactants in Laser-Induced Plasma Micromachining”, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 32, pp. 96-99,
  2. Xie, J., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2020) “Simulation of Ultrashort Laser Pulse Absorption at the Water-Metal Interface in Laser-Induced Plasma Micro-Machining (LIPMM)”, to appear ASME J. of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing,
  3. Saxena, I, Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2014) “Laser-induced plasma in aqueous media: numerical simulation and experimental validation of spatial and temporal profiles”, Applied Optics, Vol. 53(35), pp. 8283-8294,
  4. Malhotra, R., Saxena, I., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2013) “Laser-induced Plasma Micro-machining (LIPMM) for Enhanced Productivity and Flexibility in Laser-based Micro-machining Processes”, CIRP Annals, Vol.62/1,

Material Characterization


  1. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Wang, C., Sanchez Egea, A. J., Li, J., Liu, C. Wang, Z., Zhang, T., Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2020) “Bio-inspired Functional Surface Fabricated by Electrically Assisted Micro-Embossing of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy”, Materials, Vol. 13, pp.412, doi:10.3390/ma13020412,
  2. Jiang, Z., Zeng, Q., Anderoglu, O., Maloy, S., Odette, G.R., Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2019) “Characterization of 14YWT Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Structural Materials under electrically-assisted tension”, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 745, pp. 484-494,
  3. Moradi, M., Ng., M.-K., Lee, T., Cao, J. and Picard, Y.N. (2017) “Interface characterization of Al-Cu microlaminates fabricated by electrically assisted roll bonding”, J. Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, Vol. 5(3), 031001,
  4. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Shan, De.B., Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2017) “Effects of specimen and grain size on electrically-induced softening behavior in uniaxial micro-tension of AZ31 magnesium alloy: Experiment and modeling”, Materials and Design, Vol. 217, pp.134-132,
  5. Sánchez Egea, A.J., González Rojas, H.A., Celentano, D.J., Perió, J.J. and Cao, J. (2017) “Thermomechanical analysis of an electrically assisted wire drawing process”, ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 139(11), No. 111017,
  6. Lee, T.Y., Magargee, J., Ng, M.K. and Cao, J. (2017) “Constitutive analysis of electrically-assisted tensile deformation of CP-Ti based on non-uniform thermal expansion, plastic softening and dynamic strain aging”, J. Plasticity, Vol. 94, pp.44-56,
  7. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Shan, D. Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2016) “Modeling of thermal and mechanical behavior of a magnesium alloy AZ31 during electrically-assisted micro-tension”, Int. J. Plasticity, Vol. 85, pp.230-257,
  8. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Jiang, Z.L., Zhu, W.L., Shan, D.B., Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2016) Size Effects on Flow Stress Behavior during Electrically-assisted Micro-tension in a Magnesium Alloy AZ31”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 659, pp. 215-224,
  9. Xu, D.K., Lu, B., Cao, T.T., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Long, H. and Cao, J. (2016) “Enhancement of Process Capabilities in Electrically-assisted Double-Sided Incremental Forming”, Materials and Design, Vol. 92, pp. 268-280,
  10. Nguyen-Tran, H.D., Oh, H.S., Hong, S.T., Han, H.N., Cao, J., Ahn, S.H. and Chun, D.M. (2015) “A review of electrically-assisted manufacturing”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, 2(4), pp. 365–376,
  11. Ng, M.K., Li, L.Y., Fan, Z.Y., Gao, R.X., Smith, E.S. III, Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2015) “Joining sheet metals by electrically-assisted roll bonding”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 65(1), pp. 273-276,
  12. Fan, Z., Zou, X., Gao, R.X., Ng, M.K., Cao, J. and Smith, E.F. (2015) “Embedded Capacitive Pressure Sensing for Electrically Assisted Microrolling”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Focused Section on Mechatronics for Intelligent Manufacturing, 20, No. 3, pp.1005-1014. DOI:10.1109/TMECH.2014.2365512
  13. Ng, M-K, Fan, Z., Gao, R.X., Smith, E.F., Cao (2014) “Characterization of electrically-assisted micro-rolling for surface texturing using embedded sensor”, CIRP Annals, Vol.63/1, pp. 269-272,
  14. Magargee, J., Fan, R. and Cao, J. (2013) “Analysis and Observations of Current Density Sensitivity and Thermally Activated Mechanical Behavior in Electrically-Assisted Deformation”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 135, 061022 (8 pages),
  15. Fan, R., Magargee, J., Hu, P. and Cao, J. (2013) “Influence of Grain Size and Grain Boundaries on the Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of 70/30 Brass under Electrically-Assisted Deformation”, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol.574(1), pp.218-225,
  16. Magargee, J., Morestin, F., and Cao, J. (2013) “Characterization of Flow Stress for Commercially Pure Titanium Subjected to Electrically-Assisted Deformation”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technologies, Vol.135(4),

 Constitutive modeling

  1. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Shan, De.B., Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2017) “Effects of specimen and grain size on electrically-induced softening behavior in uniaxial micro-tension of AZ31 magnesium alloy: Experiment and modeling”, Materials and Design, Vol. 217, pp.134-132,
  2. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Shan, D. Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2016) “Modeling of thermal and mechanical behavior of a magnesium alloy AZ31 during electrically-assisted micro-tension”, Int. J. Plasticity, Vol. 85, pp.230-257,
  3. Peng, X.Q. and Cao, J. (2005) “A Continuum Mechanics Based Non-orthogonal Constitutive Model for Woven Composites”, Composites: Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol. 36(6), pp. 859-874.
  4. Xue, P., Peng, X.Q. and Cao, J. (2003) “A Non-orthogonal Constitutive Model for Characterizing Woven Composite”, Composites: Part A, Vol. 34/2, pp. 183 – 193.

Experimental characterization 

  1. Mozaffar, M., Bostanabad, R., Chen, W., Ehmann, K., Cao, J., and Bessa, M.A. (2019) “Deep learning predicts path-dependent plasticity”, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), December 16, 2019,
  2. Wang, X, Sánchez Egea, A.J., Xu, J., Meng, X., Wang, Z., Shan, D., Guo, B., Cao, J. (2019) “Current-induced ductility enhancement of a magnesium alloy AZ31 in uniaxial micro-tension below 373 K”, Materials, Vol. 12(1), 111,
  3. Zhang, W., Ma, X., Lu, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, Q. J., Su, X., Zeng, D., Mirdamadi, M. and Cao, J. (2018) “Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of the interaction between carbon fiber composite prepregs during a preforming process”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.140(8), 081003,
  4. Smith, J., Xiong, W., Yan, W., Lin, S., Cheng, P., Kafka, O.L., Wagner, G.J., Cao, J., Liu, W.K. (2016) “Linking process, structure, property, and performance for metal-based additive manufacturing: computational approaches with experimental support”, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 57(4), pp. 583 – 610,
  5. Wang, X.W., Xu, J., Shan, De.B., Guo, B. and Cao, J. (2017) “Effects of specimen and grain size on electrically-induced softening behavior in uniaxial micro-tension of AZ31 magnesium alloy: Experiment and modeling”, Materials and Design, Vol. 217, pp.134-132,
  6. Huang, J., Yuan, Y., Liu, H. and Cao, J. (2016) “Mechanical Behavior Characterization of Magnesium Alloy Sheets at Warm Temperature”, J. Mechanics, Vol. 32(4), pp.391-399,
  7. Jacob Smith, John A. Moore, Jian Cao, Wing Kam Liu, A General Anisotropic Yield Criterion for Damage-Prone Materials with Sensitivity to Shear Loading”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
  8. Jacob Smith, Wing Kam Liu and Jian Cao, A General Anisotropic Yield Criterion for Pressure-Dependent Materials”, International Journal of Plasticity, (2015),
  9. Wang, X., Yao, Y., Ulmer, M., Vaynman, S., Graham, M. E., Liu, T., Cao, J., (2015) Characterization of deformation of magnetostrictive coating on glass substrates, Smart materials and structures,
  10. Yao, Y., Wang, X., Cao, J. and Ulmer, M. (2015) Stress manipulated coating for fabricating light weight X-ray telescope mirrors”, Optics Express, 23(22), 28605-18.
  11. Li, Z.F., Ding, W., Cao, J., Ye, L.Y. and Chen, J. (2015) In Situ TEM Observation on Martensitic Transformation during Tensile Deformation of SUS304 Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel”, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.), Vol. 28(3), pp.302-306,
  12. Xiao, Y.Z., Chen, J., Zhu, X.H. and Cao, J. (2013) “Modified Maximum Mechanical Dissipation Principle for Rate-Independent Metal Plasticity”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.80(6),

Metal Forming


  1. Daehn, G., Cao, J., Lewandowski, J., Schmitz, T. and Sankar, J. (2023) “Introducing NSF’s HAMMER Engineering Research Center: Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing Moving from Evolution to Revolution [HAMMER]”, JOM, 75, pages971–974 Published online March 2023,
  2. Bruschi, S., Cao, J., Merklein, M. and Yanagimoto, J. (2021) “Forming of Metal-based Composites Parts”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 70(2),
  3. Cao, J. and Banu, M. (2020) “Opportunities and Challenges in Metal Forming for Lightweighting: Review and Future Work”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 142, 110813,

Tooling Design

  1. Daehn, G., Cao, J., Lewandowski, J., Schmitz, T. and Sankar, J. (2023) “Introducing NSF’s HAMMER Engineering Research Center: Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing Moving from Evolution to Revolution [HAMMER]”, JOM, 75, pages971–974 Published online March 2023,
  2. Vazquez-Armendariz, J., Olivas-Alanis, L.H., Mahan, T., Rodriguez, C.A., Groeber, M., Niezgoda, S., Morris, J.M., Emam, H., Skoracki, R., Cao, J., Ripley, B., Iaquinto, J., Daehn, G. and Dean, D. (2023) “Workflow for Robotic Point-of-Care Manufacturing of Personalized Maxillofacial Graft Fixation Hardware”. Integr Mater Manuf Innov., Vol.12, 92-104,
  3. Cao, J., Brinksmeier, E., Fu, M.W., Gao, R.X., Liang, B., Merklein, M., Schmidt, M., Yanagimoto, J. (2019) “Manufacturing of advanced smart tooling for metal forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 68(2), pp.605-628,
  4. Aktürk, D.Z., Liu, P., Cao, J., Wang, Q.J., Xia, Z.C., Talwar, R., Grzina, D., and Merklein, M. (2015) Friction Anisotropy of Aluminum 6111-T4 Sheet with Flat and Laser-Textured D2 Tooling”, Tribology International, Vol. 81, pp. 333-340, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2014.09.001.
  5. Huang, Y., Cao, J., Smith, S., Woody, B., Ziegert, J. and Li, M. (2008) “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Forming Limits in Incremental Forming of a Conical Cup”, Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 38, pp. 389-396.
  6. Cao, J., Cheng, S.H., Wang, H.P., and Wang, C.T. (2007) “Buckling of Sheet Metals in Contact with Tool Surfaces “, CIRP Annals, Vol. 56/1.
  7. Cao, J., Krishnan, N., Wang, Z., Lu, H., Liu, W.K., Swanson, A. (2004) “Microforming –Experimental investigation of the extrusion process for micropins and its numerical simulation using RKEM”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, pp. 642-652.]
  8. Cao, J., Li, Shunping, Xia, Z.C. and Tang, S.C. (2001) “Analysis of an axisymmetric deep drawn part forming using less forming steps”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 117/1-2, pp 193-200.
  9. Lee, C.H. and Cao, J. (2001) “Shell element formulation of multi-step inverse analysis for the design of axisymmetric deep drawing process”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.50, pp.681-706.;2-M
  10. Kinsey, B. Liu, Z.H. and Cao, J. (2000) “A novel forming technology for tailor welded blanks”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 99, pp.145-153.
  11. Kinsey, B., Liu, Zhihong, and Cao, J. (1999) “New apparatus and method for forming tailor welded blanks”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol. 108, Section 5, pp. 653-660.

Process design and control

  1. Bennett, J., Liao, H.G., Buergel, T., Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Towards Bi-metallic Injection Molds by Directed Energy Deposition”, Mfg. Letters,
  2. Webster, S., Lin, H., Carter, F., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Physical Mechanisms in Hybrid Additive Manufacturing: A Process Design Framework”, J. Materials Processing Technology,
  3. Li, F., Zeng, Q., Cao, J., Ehmann, K.F., Li, T. (2019) “A calibration method for overconstrained spatial translational parallel manipulators”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 57, 241-254,
  4. Wang, X., You, Y., Liu, T.C., Liu, C., Ulmer, M. and Cao, J. (2016) “Deformation of rectangular thin glass plate coated with magnetostrictive material”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 25(8), 085038,
  5. Smith, J., Liu, W. K., Cao, J.  (2015) “A General Anisotropic Yield Criterion for Pressure-Dependent Materials,” International Journal of Plasticity
  6. Wang, Z.J, Jin, X.Q., Liu, S.B., Keer, L.M., Cao, J. and Wang, Q. (2013) “A New Fast Method for Solving Contact Plasticity and Its Application in Analyzing Elasto-plastic Partial Slip”, Mechanics of Materials, 60 (2013) pp. 18–35,
  7. Xiao, Y., Chen, J. and Cao, J. (2012) “A Generalized Thermodynamic Approach for Modeling Nonlinear Hardening Behaviors”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol.38, pp.102-122,
  8. Xu, D.K., Chen, J., Tang, Y.C., Cao, J. (2012) “Topology Optimization of Die Weight Reduction for High-Strength Sheet Metal Stamping”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 59(1), pp. 73–82,
  9. Yang, Mei, Dong, X.H., Zhou, R. and Cao, J. (2010) “Crystal plasticity-based forming limit prediction for FCC materials under non-proportional strain-path”, Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 527, 6607–6613.
  10. Zhou, R., Cao, J., Xia, Z.C., Wang, Q. and Alali, I. (2009) “Experimental Analysis of Die Wear in Sheet Metal Forming”, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing,2(1), pp. 465-471.
  11. Cao, J., Zhou, R, Wang, Q., Xia, Z.C. (2009) “Strip-on-cylinder test apparatus for die wear characterization”, CIRP Annals,58/1.
  12. Cao, J., Lee, W. Cheng, H.S., Wang, H. and Chung, K. (2009) “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Combined Isotropic-kinematic Hardening Behavior”, International Journal of Plasticity. 25, pp. 942-972.
  13. Chen, W.W., Wang, Q., Wang, F., Keer, L.M., and Cao, J. (2008) “Three-Dimensional Repeated Elasto-Plastic Point Contact, Rolling and Siding,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, March, Vol.75. (previously No.2 on Page 2).
  14. Chen, W.W., Liu, Y., Chen, W., Cao, J., Xia, C., and Wang, Q., (2007) “Analysis of Elasto-Plastic Contact with Nominally Flat Surfaces: Average Gap, Contact Area Ratio and Plastic Volume”, Tribology Letters, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 27-38.
  15. Buranathiti, T., Cao, J., Chen, W., Xia, Z.C. (2006) “A Weighted Three-Point-Based Methodology for Variance Estimation”, Engineering Optimization, Vol. 38(5), 557 – 576.
  16. Buranathiti, T., Cao, J., Baghdasaryan, L, Chen, W., Xia, Z.C. (2006) “Approaches for model validation in simulating sheet metal flanging processes”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 128, 588-597.
  17. Shangwu X., Liu, W.K., Cao, J., Li, C.S., Rodrigues, J.M.C. and Martins, P.A.F. (2005) “Simulation of bulk metal forming processes using the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 83, pp. 574-587.
  18. Chen, W., Baghdasaryan, L, Buranathiti, T., Cao, J. (2004) “Model validation via uncertainty propagation and data transformations”, AIAA, 42(7), pp.1406-1415.
  19. Krishnan, N. and Cao, J. (2003) “Estimation of optimal blank holder force trajectories in segmented binders using an ARMA model”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 125(4), 763-771.
  20. Shangwu, X., Liu, W.K., Cao, J., Rodrigues J.M.C. and Martins, P.A.F. (2003) “On the utilisation of the reproducing kernel particle method for the numerical simulation of plane strain rolling”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 43(1), pp.89-102.
  21. Kinsey, B. and Cao, J. (2001) “Enhancement of sheet metal formability via local adaptive controllers”, Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, Vol. XXIX, pp. 81-88.
  22. Cao, J., Kinsey, B.L., Yao, H., Viswanathan V. and Song, N. (2001) “Next generation stamping dies – flexibility and controllability”, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.17/1-2, pp.49-56.
  23. Cao, J. and Boyce, M. (1997), “A predictive tool for delaying wrinkling and tearing failure in cup forming”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 119, October, pp.354-365.
  24. Sunseri, M., Cao, J, Karafillis, A.P. and Boyce, M. (1996), “Accommodation of springback error in channel forming using active binder force control: Numerical simulation and experiments”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 118, July, pp.426-435.
  25. Jalkh, P., Cao, J., Hardt, D. and Boyce, M. C. (1993), “Optimal forming of Al 2008-T4 conical cups using force trajectory control”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol.102, Sec. 5, pp.416-427.
  26. Cao, J. and Boyce, M. (1993), “Draw bead penetration as a control element of material flow”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, 102, Sec 5, pp.694-702.

Metal-die interface

  1. Cao, J., Brinksmeier, E., Fu, M.W., Gao, R.X., Liang, B., Merklein, M., Schmidt, M., Yanagimoto, J. (2019) “Manufacturing of advanced smart tooling for metal forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 68(2), pp.605-628,
  2. Cao, J., Cheng, S.H., Wang, H.P., and Wang, C.T. (2007) “Buckling of Sheet Metals in Contact with Tool Surfaces “, CIRP Annals, Vol. 56/1.
  3. Bennett, J., Liao, H.G., Buergel, T., Hyatt, G., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2021) “Towards Bi-metallic Injection Molds by Directed Energy Deposition”, Mfg. Letters,
  4. Xu, D.K., Chen, J., Tang, Y.C., Cao, J. (2012) “Topology Optimization of Die Weight Reduction for High-Strength Sheet Metal Stamping”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 59(1), pp. 73–82,
  5. Zhou, R., Cao, J., Xia, Z.C., Wang, Q. and Alali, I. (2009) “Experimental Analysis of Die Wear in Sheet Metal Forming”, SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing,2(1), pp. 465-471.
  6. Buranathiti, T., Cao, J., Baghdasaryan, L, Chen, W., Xia, Z.C. (2006) “Approaches for model validation in simulating sheet metal flanging processes”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 128, 588-597.
  7. Shangwu X., Liu, W.K., Cao, J., Li, C.S., Rodrigues, J.M.C. and Martins, P.A.F. (2005) “Simulation of bulk metal forming processes using the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method”, Computers & Structures, Vol. 83, pp. 574-587.
  8. Kinsey, B. and Cao, J. (2001) “Enhancement of sheet metal formability via local adaptive controllers”, Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, Vol. XXIX, pp. 81-88.


  1. Sah, S., Mahayotsanun, N., Peshkin, M., Cao, J. and Gao, R.X. (2016) “Pressure and Draw-in Maps for Stamping Process Monitoring”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 138(9), 091005 (15 pages),
  2. Zou, X., Fan, Z., Gao, R.X., Ng, M.K. and Cao, J. (2015) “An Integrative Approach to Spatial Mapping of Pressure Distribution in Microrolling”, CIRP J. Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 9, pp. 107-115,
  3. Fan, Z., Zou, X., Gao, R.X., Ng, M.K., Cao, J. and Smith, E.F. (2015) Embedded Capacitive Pressure Sensing for Electrically Assisted Microrolling”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Focused Section on Mechatronics for Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.1005-1014.
  4. Fan, Z., Ng, M.K., Gao, R.X., Cao, J. and Smith, E.F. III (2012) “Real-Time Monitoring of Pressure Distribution in Microrolling through Embedded Capacitive Sensing”, CIRP Annals, Vol.61/1, 367–370,
  5. Mahayotsanun, N., Sahb, S., Cao, J., Peshkin, M., Gao, R. X. and Wang, C.T. (2009) “Tooling-integrated sensing systems for stamping process monitoring”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 49, pp. 634–644.

Springback Prediction Control

  1. Ren, H., Xie, J., Liao, S., Leem, D., Ehmann, K. and Cao, J. (2019) “In-situ springback compensation in incremental sheet forming”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 68(1), pp. 317-320,
  2. Huang, Y., Mahayotsanun, N., Cao, J., Lee, W., Wang, H.P. and Xu, S. (2010) “A Framework for Predicting Subtle Surface Distortion in Sheet Metal Flanging”, Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 38.
  3. Cheng, H.S., Cao, J. and Xia, Z.C. (2007) “An Accelerated Springback Compensation Method”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 49, pp.267-279.
  4. Buranathiti, T., Cao, J. (2004) “An Effective Analytical Model for Springback Prediction in Straight Flanging Processes”, International Journal of Materials & Product Technology, 21 (1/2/3), pp.137 – 153.
  5. Viswanathan, V., Kinsey, B.L., and Cao, J., (2003) “Experimental implementation of neural network springback control for sheet metal forming”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 125 (2), April, pp.141-147.
  6. Liu, G., Lin, Z.Q., Cao, J. and Bao, Y.X. (2002) “Eliminating springback error in U-shaped part forming by variable blankholder force”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, v 11, n 1, February, 2002, p 64-70.
  7. Song, N., Qian, D., Cao, J., Liu, W., Viswanathan, V. and Li, S.F. (2001) “Effective models for prediction of springback in flanging”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol.123, pp.456-461, October.
  8. Cao, J., Kinsey, B. and Solla, S. (2000) “Consistent and minimal springback using a stepped binder force trajectory and neural network control”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,122, pp.113-118.
  9. Ruffini, R. and Cao, J. (1998) “Using neural network for springback minimization in a channel forming process”, Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, Vol. 107, Section 5, pp. 65-73.
  10. Taylor, L., Cao, J., Karafillis, A.P., and Boyce, M.C. (1995) “Numerical simulations of sheet metal forming”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 50, pp. 168-179.



  1. Shi, Y. Zhang, W.Z., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. F. (2019) “Experimental study of water jet incremental micro-forming with supporting dies”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 268, pp. 117-131,
  2. Shi, Y., Cao, J. and Ehmann, K. F. (2018) “Response of high-pressure micro water jets to static and dynamic nonuniform electric fields”, J. Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, Vol.6(2), p.021006,
  3. Lee, T.Y., Magargee, J., Ng, M.K. and Cao, J. (2017) “Constitutive analysis of electrically-assisted tensile deformation of CP-Ti based on non-uniform thermal expansion, plastic softening and dynamic strain aging”, Int. J. Plasticity, Vol. 94, pp.44-56,
  4. Moradi, M., Ng, M.K., Cao, J. and Picard, Y.N., (2017) Interface Characterization of Al/Cu micro-laminates Fabricated Electrically-assisted Roll Bonding , Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 5(3), 031001,
  5. Ng, M.K., Li, L.Y., Fan, Z.Y., Gao, R.X., Smith, E.S. III, Ehmann, K.F. and Cao, J. (2015) “Joining sheet metals by electrically-assisted roll bonding”, CIRP Annals, Vol. 65(1), pp. 273-276,
  6. Zhou, R., Cao, J, Ehmann, K., Xu, C., (2011), “An investigation on deformation-based micro surface texturing”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 133(6),
  7. Li, H., Dong X., Shen, Y., Zhou, R., Diehl, A., Hagenah, H., Engel, U., Merklein, M., Cao, J. (2011) “Analysis of Microbending of CuZn37 Brass Foils Based on Strain Gradient Hardening Model”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212, 653–661.
  8. Magargee, J., Cao, J., Zhou, R., McHugh, M. and Brink, D. (2011) “Characterization of Tensile and Compressive Behavior of Microscale Sheet Metals Using a Transparent Micro-wedge Device”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 133(6),
  9. Parasiz, S. A., Kinsey, B., Mahayotsanun, N. and Cao, J. (2011) “Effect of Specimen Size and Grain Size on Deformation in Microextrusion”, SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 13, pp.153-159,
  10. Cao, J., Dohda, K., Zhou, R., Makino, T., Futamura, M., (2010) “An Investigation on Bump Formation in Forming of Micro Dimples”, Steel Research International, 81, No. 9:1160-1165, 81: n/a.
  11. Zhang, H., Makino, T., Dohda, K. and Cao, J. (2009) “Production of Small Pin by Micro/Meso-Scale Rotary Forming”, Materials Science Forum, 614, pp. 105-110.
  12. Parasiz, S., Kinsey, B., Krishnan, N., Cao, J. and Li, M. (2007) “Investigation of Deformation Size Effects during Microextrusion”, ASME Journal Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129, Issue 4, pp. 690-697.
  13. Mori, L., Krishnan, N., Cao, J. and Espinosa, H. (2007) “Study of the Size Effects and Friction Conditions in Micro-extrusion: Part II—Size Effect in Dynamic Friction for Brass-steel Pairs”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, Issue 4, pp. 677-689.
  14. Onyancha, R., Kinsey, B.L., Krishnan, N., and Cao, J. (2007) “Development of an Accurate Process Model for Microscale Forward Extrusion”, Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 35, pp. 121-128.
  15. Krishnan, N., Cao, J. and Dohda K. (2007) “Study of the Size Effect on Friction Conditions in Micro-extrusion: Part 1 – Micro-Extrusion Experiments and Analysis”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, Issue 4, pp. 669-676.