IPS Reports

Opening CANS Status Report

The Opening CANS Status Report allows IPS workers, agency and program administrators to track programĀ  compliance by highlighting IPS cases that did not have a corresponding opening CANS submission in the required 30 day window.

  • To resolve cases showing on this report, a CANS will need to be submitted, or the IPS database will need to be updated as relevant.
  • These can be used to highlight barriers within your agency or team.

CANS Change Report


The CANS Change Report allows agency administrators to review the overall changes in CANS scores between two points in time, broken down by age, gender, case status, provider, and race/ethnicity. This report specifically outlines the percent of usable strengths (strengths items scored a “0” or “1”) and actionable needs (needs items scored a “2” or “3”) of the two most recent CANS completed. Needs items are also further broken down between child needs items, all young child items (0-5 or DD; “Ratings of Children Five Years Old and Younger”), and all older child items (14.5+; “Transition to Adulthood”).

Guiding Questions

The CANS Change Report helps agency administrators answer the following questions:

  • Do the reports reflect the percentage of needs and strengths I would expect to see within the families my agency serves?
  • Are there scoring trends specific to one group within each report?
  • Are needs going down over time and strengths going up?
  • Vice versa? Is there a reflection of our services or simply the population/program?
  • How do the needs and strengths of the families at my agency compare to others?

Submission Report

Submission reports are generally used to track completion of CANS. These reports list all cases with at least one CANS received within a set date range. They also identify the type of CANS received, the date, and the name of the CANS assessor. The report can be organized by family, youth, or assessor depending on the needs of the user. Parameters can be applied to highlight additional information (e.g., CANS that were received in the incorrect order, youth with missing CANS, or CANS that were received with missing information).

Top Needs and Strengths Report

The Top Needs and Strengths Report is based on CANS data received in the previous fiscal quarter. The report displays the most Trauma Experiences, Strengths, Child Needs, and Caregiver Needs based on CANS scores.